Wild River Air Rifle (Grants Pass,OR) - USARB Report Outdoors October 28, 2015


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Wild River Air Rifle (Grants Pass,OR) - USARB Report Outdoors October 28, 2015

The turnout was excellent, and our last outdoor match of the season blessed us with very favorable conditions. However, not all our scores were reflective of them. The “Against All Odds” award goes to Mike (Boomer) Aber for showing up just 2 days after a knee replacement. & A special thanks goes to Frank for the pastries. They were most welcome on a damp, chilly day.

Shooter Ser. Class Equipment Tgt. 1 Tgt. 2 Tgt. 3 Total

Ron Silveira II LV Thomas BR custom .177 250 9x 248 12x 248 11x 746 32x

Chris Lovitt I HV Feinwerkbau P70FT .177 248 10x 248 11x 248 7x 744 28x

Dick Strever II HV Thomas BR custom .177 247 10x 247 8x 248 12x 742 30x

Tom Santos II HV Feinwerkbau P70FT .177 247 9x 248 10x 244 7x 739 26x

Mike Aber II LV Air Arms EV-2 .177 246 6x 247 8x 246 8x 739 22x

Steve Ware II LV R.A.W. BM500 .177 246 10x 244 11x 245 9x 735 30x

Tony Farcello I HV Feinwerkbau P70FT .177 237 4x 242 7x 240 5x 719 16x

Frank Kodl I LV Air Arms S400MPR .177 243 6x 231 1x 238 1x 712 8x

Next tournament will be Indoors November11, beginning at 9:00 am.

Steve Ware, Match Director
Great shooting by all! And it apears the Thomas' have found their way to Grants Pass.

And Mike: Holy Crap! I had both knees replaced (3 months apart) 7 years ago and had to take a month off after each. And we shoot Indoors! You guys are definitely tougher than us Easterners. Although, last spring Chris Sloan showed up just 2 weeks after Hip Replacement and did great. Maybe it's just me being nothing but a big whimp.

Again, great shooting.

Dave Shattuck
Dave seen it go both ways. Some super quick recovery others quite drawn out. Likely has to do with how much/type damage & how long it was present before the replacement.
Congrats Ron 250 with LV

Great shooting All!

Mike Good luck with the. Knee recovery!

Another shoot with everyone over 700!


Thanks David,

I have had both hips replaced and now both knees replaced, next year I'll have my shoulders replaced. For me the hip replacements were not as painful. Had the left knee done on June 22 and went to our match on June 24th. I guess I'll be the new 6 million dollar man... I have an immune disorder that grows bone spurs in every joint where the ligaments attach to the bone known as DISH. I really don't heal quickly; I simply refuse to let the affliction interfere with my enjoyment of the game. Shooting well in the match just made the effort sweeter.

It's tough shooting against Ron and Dick but someone has to be in the wings nipping at their heels.
