Wilbur how about some help..



Gary Walters says that he does not know how to place the Seymour Match results into the NBRSA website..can you help...?

Eddie in Texas
I am not speaking for Wilbur! However I did see a shoot report Roy from N.C. posted from his recent shoot (last month or so) on the report form Wilbur had put together. Check the NBRSA site and I think it will lead you to it.
Regional directors have the information

Each regional director has the instructions to add content to the website. Please give them a call. Match results and regional specific items would be welcome as the site was designed with that in mind. All for one instead of one for all....if you will.

Future plans for general member access will be presented at the BOD meeting.
I get it

On the NBRSA website click on the Region you want to see results in. These will have to be entered by the Regional Director. Don
posting results

Don: Roy Darnell from NC posted the SE Reginal UL and Sporter on NBRSA.org. Go to SE region and follow from there. I saw an item on this forum a few weeks ago that Wilbur layed out a reporting tool but I didnot see it as I went thru recent pages. I am sure Roy Darnell will tell you how he did it. He is on the member list. Wilbur is probably at nationals. Jim C.