Hi Friends,
As most of you have heard, Dad passed away Saturday evening. I'm still at a loss for words and have not yet adjusted to a world without him.
Over the past year, he's battled multiple life threatening conditions. And let me assure you, he met those challenges with courage and a measure of hope that he would be well enough to shoot again.
Like a good son, I assumed the role of caretaker. Over the past year, that commitment which began as burden, grew into a great blessing in my life. Our bond grew stronger and our relationship closer as his time grew shorter.
I want you to know as a community at large and as individuals that you meant the world to my father. Like many of you, his quest for improved accuracy and precision led him to benchrest, but what he found was much more. He found people eager to help. He found as many of you have found, amazing people unique in many ways, but all share a common thread in being competitive benchrest shooters.
I really can't find the words to do the man justice, nor tell you how much you meant to him, but I can easily say you meant the world to him. He loved this community, and he loved the sport.
Our family continues to covet your prayers.
God Bless You and please help celebrate Wilbur's life with memories of him on this thread.
Funeral Service information are as follows:
Visitation is 6-8pm EST, July 7 (tomorrow):
Vaughn Funeral Home
150 New Lake Rd
Spring City, TN 37381
Funeral Service at 1pm EST, July 8 (Thursday):
Smith Cemetery
200 Meadows Rd
Powells Crossroads, TN 37392
Local Florists (for those who can't make it to the visitation)
Village Flower & Gift Shoppe
141 Clinton Ave
Spring City, TN 37381
Rhea Floral & Gift Shoppe
249 Main St.
Dayton, TN 37321
Dayton Flower Box
1548 Market St
Dayton, TN 37321
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