Why the Kenworth bolt handles ?

but its that last bit of craftmansship that defines an EXCEPTIONAL piece and that 1 % of craftsman. Every one can build something, only a small percentage can build it right, but only a very very few cand do all of it and make it a work of of exceptional quality and beauty. Keep putting those beautifull rifles together butch.
How would that bolt handle compare to a joy stick on a jet fighter?
OK, I'm on a roll this morning..... I'll try to make an attempt at political correctness, make EVER'body happy. (This is one of my stronger suits ya' know...)

The Europeans got it right years ago when they came up with the butterknife bolt handle. Real shooters realized that tiny decorative handles were for city boys, interior decorators and the like. They also realized that lumpy corrugated bolt knobs would abrade the skin off even the most manly-man's hands in a day of rough shooting.

Hence the butterknife, a finely contoured and polished wing of material BIG ENOUGH to be usable, SMOOTH ENOUGH not to hurt and yet AESTHETIC ENOUGH for ...... those who care about that sort of thing.

Me bein' a bit of a girlie-man, I've re-contoured a few of my uglier hannles. Grinder and belt sander.

it's an option

It certainly keep's the action symmetrical, which is the name of the game.
I think yer makin it up.

I have heard of the saying that "He couldn't hit the broad side of a barn" but I didn't know people actually took that as a challenge

har har har

That's the end -- the side is barely showing...
Thanks for the replies and different points of views.
I'll try one when I get a chance.