Who's Going to Seymour?



Thought I'd beat Doug P. to the question! LOL:cool:

Well, who is going to Seymour 14th & 15th - Texas State UNL/HV?

Brad Calhoun
Ronnie Cheek refers to the Houston shooters as "Swamp People". Some of us Swamp People will be attending and will bring an ample supply of H20 to keep hydrated in that north Texas dry climate.
Lip balm will be necessary to keep our lips from cracking and bleeding. Probably should bring a good supply of skin lotion as well.

I think I'll limp up that way myself.
Dan Batko

"Where are we going and why am I in this basket?"
Cecil Tucker, Sir Huckeba, Conry and myself will be there. Don't know about the Gass Man.

Tim, you silver tongue devil, you're gonna make the GC Director have a hangover again!

Dr. Tim

Tried sending you a couple of personal emails but they were returned. Wanted to tell you that I will not be making the trip to Seymour this go around. I have a large construction project going here for the city of Dallas and am having the most part of my steel for the job delivered and will have to be at the site with my superintendant and the steel erector to make sure it is delivered and ready to go next week so I am already having the blues about not going but I have 4.5 million reasons to be here in Dallas. Hope to make the next Seymour shoot for the Hvy and LV in June...

This is like a Jackie last minute situation come up. Hope you all have a great shoot and enjoy the food at Ranger Creek Ranch...........