Who makes this tool ?

one of the guys shooting next to me had a nice little tool that trimmed the neck length of his cases from the shoulder to the mouth of the of the cases, it was also adjustable. Who out ther makes this tool? ,he took off early and i did not get a chance to ask him. Gabe
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Bill Gammon has what I believe to be the originals created by a fellow shooter previously from Canada, whom unfortunately is no longer with us. I have one as well. They've been around for awhile.
Way I heard it, Gary Sinclair made them. Lord knows who made the first. For a while you could get the from Sinclair International, but no more.

Wouldn't be hard to make whatever you want. It's very like a meplat trimmer.
Way I heard it, Gary Sinclair made them. Lord knows who made the first. For a while you could get the from Sinclair International, but no more.

Wouldn't be hard to make whatever you want. It's very like a meplat trimmer.

Homer Strickland was the first, ( I believe). he's the fella I was referring to above. Seems to me Gammon had "some" at a match at Holton. As I recall, Homer and Bill thought highly of one another.
Almost right on, Joe Maisto.
And he had them 12-15 years ago.

But Homer was a displaced Texan who ended up in the oil fields of Alaska.

I appreciate your humor Fran. No matter. Homer was a great person to know. They were copied
( like everything else ) by others. Skip had another version.
I have one of the Possum Hollow tools that stays in my range kit. They are a bit of a pain to adjust, but I only had to do it once. For light trimming, it is handy. One thing that you may find interesting is that it is the same diameter as a double ended case deburring/chamfering tool, and a power adapter for one of those can be used to drive it. A better option is to use a case holder with a cordless drill, and spin the case, that way all of the neck operations can be done in sequence, while the case is in the holder.
one of the guys shooting next to me had a nice little tool that trimmed the neck length of his cases from the shoulder to the mouth of the of the cases, it was also adjustable. Who out ther makes this tool? ,he took off early and i did not get a chance to ask him. Gabe


Was it one of these?

"The Little Crow Gunworks “World’s Finest Trimmer is available for $69.95 from various vendors including Creedmoor Sports. WFTs index off the shoulder, not the base. The case fits tightly into a steel bearing which has been machined to a specific caliber. This decouples the stationary case from the spinning cutting blade and body, giving you a smooth, exact cut each time. While the WFT makes a nice, square cut, we do recommend chamfering inside and outside after the brass is trimmed to length. WFT creator is Dale Hegstrom."


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Don't Know Where You Heard That But:

Way I heard it, Gary Sinclair made them. Lord knows who made the first. For a while you could get the from Sinclair International, but no more.

Wouldn't be hard to make whatever you want. It's very like a meplat trimmer.

I made the one Gary and Lou Murdica are using and I am not making them for sale.
I've had one for a long time. I thought I bought it from Sinclair.
Unfortunately Homer Strickland is no longer with us. After his wife passed away he moved to Arkansas. He was a fine fine and we miss him.
Homer was making them in 1996 or so. I got my first and last in 1998 when I spent 10 days with Homer & Gail in Alaska, on the first of 2 trips to his and Gail place. I have never met 2 finer people. I got the last of them when Homer passed away and now they, and Homer, and Gail, are gone. PMA Tool makes a copy of them now, the cutter is a bit bigger to accomadate more caliburs. How do I know? PMA got the last of Homer mini-trimmers with my blessing as I did not have the whatever to do it. If someone was making them before Homer, OK, so be it.
Case trimmer

Charles , first one I saw, was owned by Fletcher Williams. I may be mistaken, but I thought he said Fred Sinclair made his. I have one, I won in a drawing, made of SS. don't know who made it.