Which action/setup should I go with?

Basically, the reason guns are glued together is to save money......the right guy can make a screwed together gun shoot just as good but it costs more. Were I to hazard a guess I'd suggest 150-200.00 more for a competitive screwed together setup.

well....I could bed it myself....that's not really a big deal considering it'll be a single shot and solid bottom action. Pillars I can/will get done when the stock is done and just have Bill do it when it's inlett'd
Having a glue-in does not prevent removal of the trigger. Custom actions that are made for benchrest use generally have trigger brackets, that are attached with vertical Allen head screws, which are reached by removing the trigger guard. Before actions had these brackets, stocks were drilled with holes that lined up with the trigger pins of Remington style triggers, to allow removal and replacement of triggers. The idea that gluing in one of the current crop of benchrest actions, or for that matter a Remington, or one of the clones, does not allow removal of the trigger is simply incorrect. I have one with the bracket, and two with holes in their stocks. I prefer glue in bedding, and it is far and away the most common system used for short range benchrest.

In recent years, the advent of better adhesives, notably JB Weld has made glue joint failures uncommon. One of the reasons that Stiller hard anodizes his aluminum actions is that it gives a stronger glue joint. This is not to say that a good job cannot be done with plain aluminum. Knowledgeable gunsmiths do so all the time.
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glue in's

The thought that we glue in benchrest actions to save money is totally absurd!!!

We glue in benchrest actions because they shoot better and are trouble free, unlike pillar bedding, which can be troublesome.

As Boyd said the trigger is removable on a glue in. At least they have been removable on all the actions that I've ever looked at. Everything that could possibly require servicing on an action is servicable on a glue in without removing the action from the stock.

As far as I can see there is no downside, and plenty of upside to a glue in for a competition rifle --- Hunting rifles are a diferent story.
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well....i guess I'll start saving and work on deciding between a Marsh, Bat, and Stiller Cobra...

what do you guys think about 3 lug actions as opposed to 2 lug?
They both shoot well. Oh, BTW if you saw the match report from Visalia, Walt shot one of the Marsh actions, and column bullets...won both aggs. and the 2 gun. He is simply amazing.
Borden is a top action for sure. Like said before the stiller cant be bought new. They just dont make them anymore. I wish they would. If i were in the new action Market i would look pretty close at the new Marsh. The equipment they are made on is simply amazing from what i understand. State of the art to say the least!! lee
Contact info on the Marsh action please. After reading the above posts, I'd like to learn more. thanks Kenny
You can E-mail Dr. Marsh at this address. health@drwilliammarsh.com
GSRswapandslow just about all actions that have ben recommended to you will do the job. I myself own most of the actions mentioned. me personally if i wher to get one more action,witch i plan on doing soon it will be the march action. I had the chance to inspect one personaly,and all i can say is what a work of art. If you do get a march action yes you might cry once, but it will be happy tears. :)