Whether For or Against NBRSA Varmint for Score, Contact Your Region Director

jackie schmidt

New member
NBRSA members. Remember, the NBRSA is NOT a Democracy. We are a Republic, in that we elect a Board of Directors to oversee the running of the Sanctioning Body.

In the Gulf Coast Region, we have two meetings to discuss upcoming agenda items that may be presented at The Board of Directors Meeting. Our Region Director will take the advice of the Members present, but do keep in mind, he is not bound by that, no more than your Government Representatives are bound to vote the way their constituents would want them too.

But, it is up to each individule NBRSA Member to let his Director know how he feels about any issue.That is, if you care one way or the other. Many do not.

We have a very important issue that will be up for final vote by the BOD this September. That being, will the NBRSA institute Varmint for Score as a permanent Sanctioned Discipline.

If you feel like this would be a good move, let your voice be heard. If you feel like this is a bad idea, let your voice be heard. If you don't care, then don't complain about the outcome.

I have talked to enough Shooters to know that at this time, the membership is split fairly even on this. So, what it will come down to is what each Director feels is best for the future of the NBRSA. They are our voice, so if you wish to be heard, let them hear from you..........jackie
Gentlemen ...

If you love VFS, and you've gone out and purchased new components or rifles to allow you to shoot it, remember, there's always the IBS that a club can move to! [IBS also shoots Group] You have options. :)
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IBS Group Matches


Other than the IBS nationals how many "group matches" does the IBS put on nationwide?

I said also, in case there's a little interest in that format, but I'm interested in VFS and it appears a lot of others are too. And, as you know, Austin is providing ONE a Month [12 registered VFS matches per year] for those interested. We're committed. Not a token one or two for the season. Offering one or two doesn't send much of a message to the BOD. Yes, I know, some local BODs aren't willing to give up more range time to matches and that's unfortunate. However, the more a club can do it, the louder the message sent. Again, IBS is still an option.
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VFS is a good venue. It is fun to shoot and a club can hold a match without getting out the moving backers.
I commend Tomball, Austin, New Braunfels, and San Angelo for holding matches this year. The Gulf Coast region has made a good effort to promote VFS. I would very much like to see it continue.

333 Smitty: as you can see from the IBS link, not counting the Dunham's Bay winter matches, there are eleven IBS group matches plus the Nationals. Most of those are in our ancestral home of PA-NY. The IBS Score discipline covers a large area of the country while the group program is more regional. Compare the PA-NY group schedule to, say the NBRSA SE or some other regions, and you will see that the IBS group program is alive and well. The IBS group schedule has sometimes been overshadowed by a super successful Score program with multiple shoots to choose from on most weekends.

Jeff Stover
IBS President
In my view it would be a very big mistake if the NBRSA did not legitimize VFS.

For the record... Yes, Lou... as of today I am a member of the NBRSA and will be for at least one year depending on the VFS vote at the Nats.

Dick Wright