where to get .17-.22 scoring plugs?

Just keep in mind when ordering that the .223 is used when scoring both .177 and .22 cal shooting, so that's the one to buy.
I recommend

A plug with a magnifier from either ARA or IR 50/50. Both ate alike. and the magnifier makes all the difference.

Scoring Plugs/Gauges

The custom brass .177/.224 gauges endorsed by USARB are precision machined by Michael Aber, and are available for purchase from me upon request at cost of $15 each plus $5 for shipping. Contact me at email: michaelaber@xxxxxxx.com. These custom gauges have proven to be significantly more effective for scoring .177 caliber holes


The solid brass scoring plugs are made to a tolerance of... 0.224" +0 -0.0005" on the scoring ring and the insertion probe is 0.179" +0, -0.001

Mike Aber
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i don't understand? if you knew all this, why did you ask where to get one ? and these are your only 2 posts in 11 years ?
The custom brass gauges endorsed by USARB are precision machined by Michael Aber, and are available for purchase from him upon request at cost of $15 each plus $5 for shipping. To contact Mike, you should email: michaelaber@xxxxxxx.com. These custom gauges have proven to be significantly more effective a tool for scoring .177 caliber holes, than other gauges better suited to scoring .20 and .22 caliber holes, which are available from Hughes Precision and Champion's Choice.
OK, i guess the board was slow again to give an answer. :)
if you were to search some of the airgun forums this has been discussed on a cpl of them.
and here is one of my answers on one.
i have been checking with other makers of the scoring plugs and most of them say the same thing
they do NOT meet the specifications on the Rimfire and Air Rifle Benchrest Federation page ? http://www.wrabf.com/Scoring Guide.htm
but one maker does say they meet the specifications
Hughes Precision products says this plug is .190 insertion spindle/shank and a .224 visual flange TARGET SCORING GAUGE .22 (.223/5.56) Caliber.
and i did not know Mike was selling his brass ones, i have both his and Hughes
I didn't know it. I had to email the board. I posted the answer here because it's obviously not widely know to posters here. Or anywhere else for that matter. Makes me wonder about the viability of this sport...
Quote Originally Posted by BSJ View Post
I didn't know it. I had to email the board. I posted the answer here because it's obviously not widely know to posters here. Or anywhere else for that matter. Makes me wonder about the viability of this sport...

The plug program is prominently shown on the home page of the USARB. The sport is quite viable. https://www.usairriflebenchrest.com

Steve W.