Where is alinwa?

I sent him a message from here about a week ago to check on him but got no reply.

I know he has a channel on youtube but haven't checked that out to see if he's there.

Hope all is well. :) -Al
He got into a hissing contest with Joel back on 06-20-2020 and quit. That was the last we've heard from him. You can look it up.

I think that discussions on this forum are much less lively and interesting in general without him. On the other had, it seems his arguments with a variety of folks (including me) had become more and more heated and were often a couple of grains over maximum.

Divorce can be a hard thing. I'm sorry it came to that.
I don’t miss him.
He spewed bad information more than once. He magnified this what I call bad or false information and countered any remarks to the opposite with multitudes of posts. More than once it was easier to just let him rant and let the multitude decide what was right for them. And I told him more than once his attempt at down home baby talk wasn’t convincing me of anything. And if he comes back, I’ll tell him again even though I figure he is reading this anyway. Incidentally, he was booted off of another forum, as well.
I hope he comes back. I don't agree with everything he has to say but I'm not offended. Al is Al and he has a right to be here.

AL, a colorful character

He is.

Miss his replies and comments. Yes he is loud and boisterous but I am sure whatever he spoke of was never in a matter that would bring harm to one.

I for one am grateful for some testing he had done with the PPC and heavies. I asked him a question personally and a short time later he replied to me " guess what I am doing?"

In regards to where is Al, he has not even posted anything on his Youtube channel since about the start of Covid.

I consider Al a friend.

Me too. Al is passionate about the things we talk about and is extremely knowledgeable. I know some people were offended when he disagreed with them, loudly. Sometimes his opinion might have been splitting hairs but he isn't one to back down.
I didn't always agree with his assessments but He was spot on about many things. I guess he just rubbed some people the wrong way.

I had the privilidge to meet the late, great Tred Barta not long before his death. His fishing and bow hunting exploits were legendary and his show, "The Best and Worst of Tred Barta" was one of my favorites. In real life, many people disliked Tred intensely. He could certainly be brusque, but his worst quality was his honesty. He just wasn't one to soft pedal or use white lies.

I'm old enough to let others have their passion and not get offended by unintentional or imagined sleights. People are entitled to their opinion, at least in my world.
You can be sure that there was real provocation. I have gotten along with Al just fine. But you do not want to insult someone when you are standing in his house.

OK..... I've heard thru my sources that my name had been invoked on BRC. So I came and read for a bit.

BOYD, to be crystal clear, I'm not "kicked off the forum" by The Sir Snidely Thee Whiplash as your post seems to imply.




I don’t miss him.
He spewed bad information more than once. He magnified this what I call bad or false information and countered any remarks to the opposite with multitudes of posts. More than once it was easier to just let him rant and let the multitude decide what was right for them. And I told him more than once his attempt at down home baby talk wasn’t convincing me of anything. And if he comes back, I’ll tell him again even though I figure he is reading this anyway. Incidentally, he was booted off of another forum, as well.

And yes, this is specifically WHY I moved on :)

Franny represents a faction, a group of conformists amongst whom I fit like a trapezoid amongst circles.





Him and his ilk.

I come from a place that enjoys discussion, a place where "agreement" is considered to be seditiously dangerous and it's been pointed out to me for years that the preponderance of folks in this world would rawther be muzzled and happy and all in the same bubble...

I just left the bubble as muzzled ain't my style.



(I replied to franny's post specifically to save it, to save for posterity his first, instinctual gut reply)
He is.

Miss his replies and comments. Yes he is loud and boisterous but I am sure whatever he spoke of was never in a matter that would bring harm to one.

I for one am grateful for some testing he had done with the PPC and heavies. I asked him a question personally and a short time later he replied to me " guess what I am doing?"

In regards to where is Al, he has not even posted anything on his Youtube channel since about the start of Covid.


Tx for the kind words Calvin.....

I went into the youtube thang fully intending to document the next yrs worth of matches "warts, feathers and all" as I said in my vid to you. And then the sheeple shut the entire world down so I've got 5 rifles languishing (and just started putting together a sixth, I bought that 6X scope off fleabay which Nyhus talks about in another post..... YIPPEEE!!!!) and I shifted my focus to building my range. It is officially the most awesomest project EVER in my history :) :)

And I've DONE me some projects....

I've knocked out hundreds of trees (FIREWOOD anyone?? I've got 30 cords of free wood setting on the ground. I've managed to give away 15-20 cord but the rest is just rotting) and built The Target Frames From Hell out of scrap logs and sticks from a foot to some 3ft diameter.... I've got swingers and dingers and bells and rubberized backstops, stacks of backs and racks out to 650yds. Something like 140ft of hanging conveyor belting from the pit up behind me (GREAT target backing!!) ..... My big vertical swinger is up, wired/plumbed/CAT6'd for my Oehler 43's ...... I've worked the bugs out of the camera readouts (watch in real time, any yardage) .......I'm naming the range either "The Gates Of Hell" or "The Hickup 45, Rifle Edition"

Anyways, I'm FINE..... I'm KILLING IT ...... and I'm Enjoying Every Day (as per always)

thanks for caring


ooops, ppss

I'll see's ya' back on the youtube one'a these days, as time permits, I've got a hunnerd things going. Couple projects we've been chronicling are the new Bartlein barrels, including some wikkid monster 30's in the newest 8" twist for the biggy hawnkers, bigger 338's (again tighter twists than ever before) and .375's..... (((7.5 twist 50 cals ennybuddy???))) ......

3 of my kids have youtube channels and a couple have offered their help for editing. I've got cool new mics and panning setups......


just ain't enough TIME in the world!!
Wow you been busy Al...

Looking forward to watching your escapades and seeing what you have cooked up.

