Whatever happened to...

Bill Collaros

Shoot to Thrill
Whatever happened to a couple of guys that were right into this game most of us met at the 2011 WRABF World Champs Larry (The Real LD) Durham and Wayne (Whacky) Burns both were very generous with their gear and knowledge wondered why i don't see their names anymore ?
Good to hear from LD privately, i now know he is still playing with Air Guns and is ok, so i got my answer, good to hear from you mate.
Yep got that from LD, this was not meant to be political or go back over old wars, just wanted to know where they were, all good.
Pretty sure those fellows don't post because of an error in judgement on my part. I genuinely apologize - thought I was sayin' something constructive but was unaware (still am) of whatever caused the problem.

BTW - if I need to quit posting...just say so and I'll just try to keep it clean around here. AND...keep in mind that I'm not beyond error (there was a time that I thought so). Doesn't really matter that I run things...if they are being run wrong. This is a public forum that tries to be informative!!!!

You have no need to apologize. One of the individuals believes he is a larger than life character, certainly larger than the game we play. He was and is a typical internet bully, who when challenged resorts to arrogant, argumentative behavior and if that doesn't work, he plays the sympathy card accusing everyone else of picking on him and tries to become the victim. You had to ban a rimfire gunsmith for very similar actions. Sooner or later, you would have had to ban this one, too.

I bear responsibility in the original thread that you were compelled to delete. The tread linked above was this individual's attempt to give his side of the story. The woman and others, who knew what really happened chose not to share their opinions, at least not on a public forum. Maybe the truth was somewhere in between, only because none of us really can tell what is in the heart of others.

As for your latest post, start by deleting my account. It is only a matter of time before some other halfwit takes a shot at me and you already know how I will react.
That's what I'm trying to say - there's no halfwits involved....just folks with air rifles.

"there's no halfwits involved....just folks with air rifles."

As you wish, it is your forum but we will need to agree to disagree. As long as you ban both parties, it will be worthwhile.
The rest of the story.....

Whatever happened to a couple of guys that were right into this game most of us met at the 2011 WRABF World Champs Larry (The Real LD) Durham and Wayne (Whacky) Burns both were very generous with their gear and knowledge wondered why i don't see their names anymore ?

Nobody ever answered regarding Wacky Wayne Burns. He is in Ashland, Oregon, and doesn't shoot benchrest anymore. He is a field target fanatic and has weekly matches at his home 17 lane field target course. He recently hosted the Oregon State Field Target Championships on his course, and shot the top score. He posts on the yellow field target forum.

Gary Palmer