Tim you can send money to anyone anywhere who has a paypal account set up.
You can call it services, or even just living expenses if you wish. They dont know and have no way to find out.
But they would if it came down to a fraud situation wouldn't they? If I couldn't utilize their (PayPal) protection in a transaction, then no need to use them. I remember someone trying to start a similar service called GunPal a few years back but have heard anything else about it. My mother was a postmaster in a small town and one of two employees in the Post Office. The other was the rural carrier. She saw scams and fraud on a daily basis back in the 70s & 80s. I can only image it has gotten worst. I have been burned twice on internet transactions. Thankfully only a few hundred bucks lost. Thanks to all you honest guys out there in the internet gunworld. Somewhere in the back of my mind I am thinking, "Ok, I am crook. Don't I really what to try and rip off some guys that is likely very good at long range shooting and have him pissed off me?" I sure the heck wouldn't.... Tim