What is the best score fired in 600 yard F class competition?

I was present when the 200-16x was shot at Memphis, TN. He ended up beating me for the day due to X-count as we both shot a 597/600. He had 34 X's and I had 32.

I have not seen a better score and I have never shot better than a 199.

That X-ring is SMALL.

Thank you

I shot a new rifle in F class at Desert Sportsman's in Las Vegas yesterday and had a 194 - 8X, One of the other shooter's with more advanced equipment said that he did not think anyone had totally cleaned the target with X's. Yes, that X ring is small! Very small indeed.

Thank you, I can keep trying.

Same to you. Hope you are finding everything well! Enjoyed meeting and shooting with you and hope to shoot with you again soon..I've been shooting mainly F-Class lately, but Dad has finally gotten his stuff together, and is making it tough to beat him! Last five target agg, he shot a .21XX agg...Hope to see you'll again soon ,and have a Happy Holiday yourself...

I'm shooting a 6 Dasher, again, finally:0) I've spent to better part of this past year trying to shoot a 284 Shehane and straight 284, only to come back to the Dasher. The big cal's jsut upset everything some much with recoil, they are proving very hard for alot of people to shoot, including myself...

I've shot 600 F class at Riverbend a number of times but they tack it onto a 600 prone hi-power competition and use the 1 moa (6 inch) X ring. I've shot 200-20X relays on a couple of occasions using that target.
I've shot 600 F class at Riverbend a number of times but they tack it onto a 600 prone hi-power competition and use the 1 moa (6 inch) X ring. I've shot 200-20X relays on a couple of occasions using that target.

That's now not counted for NRA use, you would be better off as Any/Any with a sling and get the scores to count. You should get them to order repair centers for F-Class the next time they ordr Targets, best price I've found is from American Target Company, and low shipping.
As Asa Yam has stated there is not a "F-Tactical" in NRA Rules.......but there are both Open and F/TR National Records, in both High Power Rules & Fullbore Rules. That does some times make it confusing about which Record is what to some.

The High Power F-Class Open 600 yd. Record was set 4/12/09 by Gary Childs with a 200-16X

The High Power F-Class F/TR 600 yd. Record was set 3/7/09 by NIKOLAS TAYLOR with a 200-12X

There is no 20 shot 600 yd. Course in Fullbore, only 15 shot, and that is held jointly at 149-7X in Open Class and a 149-8X in F/TR.
I am new to F class shot one match, we shoot 2 relays at 17 rounds each 2 sighters each relay total 300 points and 30x possible, so are most f class match only 20 rounds I was reading scores of 200 and x amount of xs so i assume most shoot 20 rounds?

Check out the NRA Rulebook under Course of Fire, we shoot 15 rds. per Match, with 3 matches for agg., ie, 450-45X, we have the choice of 15 or 20 at our Mid-Range distance undert High Power Rules.

The Matches you mention should be Unlimited Sighters for the First Match, then each Match after should only have 2 each, and I think it should be X 3 with 15 rds. like Peru......I think it's also covered in the Rule book.

Rule book can be found here, the whole thing is High Power and covers F-Class, what you are asking about is Section 22.7 Courses of Fire. Down load it and enjoy the reading. If your not shooting under High Power Rules then it must be Fullbore, the link is below for it also.


http://www.nrahq.org/compete/rules/fullbore_10.pdfhappy shooting.
Yesterday at Camp Butner at 600, Jeff Rorer shot a 200/14 FTR and Nik Taylor shot a 200/16 F Open. Today Nik shot a 200/17 FO. I think that's two new records. Kent Reeve Shot a 200/18 with a Match Rifle (sling). His two 10's were within an inch of the X ring. I took home 3 wooden dollars for first sighter shot X's with a Palma gun and that's all I'm sayin' about my performance.

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I shot in the 05 Nationals at Oak Ridge, but it was 3 targets @15 shot ea. ... I tied for the open class win with a 450 33X but was creedmored and only won the senior... I did however shoot one target that was a 150 14X, only 2007 & 2009 seem to show up on NRAs records...
Have a good one...Tater...
As Asa Yam has stated there is not a "F-Tactical" in NRA Rules.......but there are both Open and F/TR National Records, in both High Power Rules & Fullbore Rules. That does some times make it confusing about which Record is what to some.

The High Power F-Class Open 600 yd. Record was set 4/12/09 by Gary Childs with a 200-16X

The High Power F-Class F/TR 600 yd. Record was set 3/7/09 by NIKOLAS TAYLOR with a 200-12X

There is no 20 shot 600 yd. Course in Fullbore, only 15 shot, and that is held jointly at 149-7X in Open Class and a 149-8X in F/TR.

The 600 yard 15 shot Fullbore record for F-TR is 149-9X