I find it interesting that evidently in the East, daisy wheels are still popular, while at Visalia (CA) they have pretty much gone the way of the dinosaur. I would agree that the free flow of information, has done a lot.
For the newbie: When someone refers to an agg., that is short for aggregate, which is the way that our sport refers to an average of group size.
Typically,in short range benchrest, it would consist involve adding up the measurements of five groups, and dividing by five, except that at 200 yards the additional step is taken of dividing the average of groups by two, so that it can be averaged with the 100 yard agg. to get a grand agg. For instance if the average group at 200 was .500 then the agg would be .2500. Agregates are always given to four places, and groups to three.
It seems to me that there are two recent factors that have changed from years past, scopes that are more reliable, and more attention is being payed to charge weight consistency. As far as flags go, my friend Rick Graham has sold a bunch, and I get good reports from everyone that I know that uses them. Very well thought out, and a high quality build.