what happened around here?


I am curious?

I have been out of the competition loop for about 10-12 years now, I am getting back into it, this was my go to place. I never changed my sign info, just dissapeared for that amount of time, it seems like all the life is gone. The long range page used to be full and new posts every day. its like a ghost town in there now. What happened to all the life that used to be here?
It became a political site frequented by a few that knew everything and expounded on their virtues. It got boring.And I’ll not answer those who disagree.
It became a political site frequented by a few that knew everything and expounded on their virtues. It got boring.And I’ll not answer those who disagree.

That is the impression I got too. Seemed like a lot of guys aged out, and those who really knew what they were talking about and were willing to be helpful got tired of a few guys who (some still) just blabber on and try to stir a pot.

I only stop in now and then because I posted interest in a specific few old BR rifles (Superiors) and hope people google them and find this thread, contact me.

Otherwise I go to AS, and part of that is I don't compete. I only hope to gather nuggets and crumbs from guys who are really good at competition. I appreciate the wisdom that was once here.