What Grand Parents have in common with their Grand Kids?

The great thing about having grandkids is you can spoil them and it's not your problem.

The great thing about grandkids is;

everything :)

I was told all my life "grandkids are even better".... and while raising our 8 yardapes I said "impossible! Absolutely cannot be true cuz NOTHING is better than kids!!"

I was wrong.

Good Kids of Good Kids is like bestest squared. Makes it hard to breathe sometimes.
My youngest daughter is pretty quiet...a bit stoic, actually. When she says something, it's meaningful to her. My late wife and I were playing with their oldest child who was about 18 months at the time. She said quietly: "You guys being grand parents lets me see you for the people you really are."
My Daughter & 2 grandkids are visiting this week. It's a special time. I went to the local Donut shop this morning & brought home a box & they have been on a "sugar high", but it's all good !!!
Cool Whip

You can train the little ones to be like baby birds in the nest. Get a can of Cool Whip and have them open up and give them a squirt of Cool Whip. They train really quickly.

They were over yesterday. The first time theyve all been over at the same time since covid. Thank God things are getting back to normal. Doug
I read somewhere (long ago in pre-internet days) that grandkids are more genetically similar to their grandparents and likely to share the same interests.
How this works I do not know but I have observed this in real life.

* doggie *