What causes vertical stringing?



What causes vertical stringing? My groups walk up to a maximum and then back down. Then the stringing repeats back up and down again. This happens regardless of ammo, including Ely Tenex. Some ammo is worse than others, but they all have the same up and down routine. I have had others shoot my rifle and they same thing occurs. This is a new, high quality rifle, that everyone who owns one says it is the best sporter .22 they have owned. I am pulling my hair out after an $800 purchase. I only expect 1/2" groups at 50 yards with this rifle, but these strings sometimes build to 3 inches! Help my figure this out, especially if you have ever experienced the same thing.
P.S. I have checked evrything clean and tight, of course.
Different wind angles, right vs. left, speed changes, vertical in the wind itself which can be up or down, mirage, bad bullets, out of tune, rest problems, parallax, the trigger nut, bedding, bad ignition, dirty barrel, light changes, thermals, basically 22's are Murphy's favorite step child!

Now, combine several of these at one time and, well, you know....
What kind of rifle? What scope/rings. If It's a factory rig your barrel is probably hitting the stock somewhere, and also the bedding probably isn't right for the action. Somewhere in testing ammo you should a have ran across something that caused it to improve, if the stock, barrel and bedding had been correct.
You can also put a sporter weight rifle out of whack by mounting a big ole honking scope to the top of the action, especially if the bedding isn't perfect.
Good luck, post some info pertaining the the rifle and maybe someone will pitch in.
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You said cleaning, i have seen 22's need cleaning after only 10 rounds. If that's not it i'd go with Kent on the bbl rubbing somewhere.
Most of my vertical stringing problems have been due to lack of proper tuning.
That's "per se" and there are as many tuning methods around as people on this forum. I've personally settled on the Von Ahren's system as the best that I've tried.
A quick search found the answer someone asked about what rifle and scope.
From the "High end scopes" thread.

I am starting on a .22 benchrest journey this weekend with my first shoot (50 and 100 yards). I have an $800 Winchester 52B and a $70 36X 44mm scope (1/8 MOA click). In my 500 rounds of practice shooting since purchasing the rifle I have not detected anything associated with the "cheap" scope that I recognize might be hurting my shooting scores.
That's "per se" and there are as many tuning methods around as people on this forum. I've personally settled on the Von Ahren's system as the best that I've tried.

aH -"PER sa" tuning with a mechanical bbl tuner, as per say tuning with tuning screws in the fore end like the 40X tunes. Ken i think you missed the 3" of vertical or either that Von tuner has "swag" out the bass, lol. jack C