What bore guide



As you blokes using in the new Turbo actions?,I have Pro shot rods but need a Bore guide.

Regards Chris.
How about 2500X Bore Guides?

The new Turbo is just like the old Turbo so any guide for a Turbo will work. KSS (Killough) sells nice Turbo guides for different size rods.

I too have a question. I have one of the new Stiller (SPF) 2500X actions and the Turbo guide is too loose and the bolt stop does not line up. What bore guide will fit the new 2500X? Is there an existing one or does a new guide need to be produced?
Bill: For the short time I had my 2500X action in hand my Turbo guide seemed to fit just fine. Mine came from KSS and is black in color. When the rifle comes back, soon I hope, I'll get the opportunity to try it again. Stiller said that the Turbo guide was appropriate....bob
The Sinclair guide for a Swindlehurst fits my 2500X perfectly. I wish I could take credit for finding it, but Richard Gorham told me it fit.
Bob & Jim,

That's good to know. Hopefully my MWerks Turbo and/or Swindlehurst guides will fit my 2500X.

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Bill: For the short time I had my 2500X action in hand my Turbo guide seemed to fit just fine. Mine came from KSS and is black in color. When the rifle comes back, soon I hope, I'll get the opportunity to try it again. Stiller said that the Turbo guide was appropriate....bob

Bob, I have 3 Turbo bore guides (2 that Flash provided and a Mwerks) and none of them are a good fit. Oh, they will go into the action (because they are smaller in diameter) but being smaller they wiggle around in there too much and the bolt stop slots of the Turbo guides don't engage the bolt stop of the 2500X. I was at Gordon's shop on Sat. and showed him the problem. I had to guide the jag into the chamber by hand as the loose fit allowed the jag to hit the edge of the chamber. Not good. He told me not to use it. The 2500X needs a bore guide that is bigger in diameter than the Turbo guide and one that allows for engagement of the bolt stop. I don't see how any Turbo guide will work. They hit the back of the 2500Xs loading ramp and just flop around in there. Any bore guide that allows for a proper fit in the 2500X will be too big for a Turbo. I told Dan Killough about this problem.

I see where Oklahoma Jim says the Swindlehurst bore guide works perfectly. I would need one for a small diameter rod (Dewey 20 cal.). The 2500X will be a big seller, we need some good bore guides for it.
I sent an email to Jerry Stiller asking about the proper bore guide to use. If I get an answer I'll forward. I also suggested he could give us the answer in this thread.
Landy, I know the MWerks turbo guide is not a good fit. Let us know if the Swindlehurst MWerks guides fit well.

Thanks Bill,

I'll let you guys know when I know, but it may be a while before I find out. I decided to play the "Barrel Lottery" with this build and over the last year I patiently waited for 4 different barrels to be shipped. The smith and stocker have everything but I don't know where I am on the list for completion.

Talked to Jeff at Mwerks about the 2500's and he's waiting for dimensions. Somebody wants to five him a nudge, it couldn't hurt.
I was told the same thing Jim, but you'll find that the bolt raceway of the Stiller is larger than the Turbo. My Turbo bore guides are tight in my Turbo but in the Stiller there is too much movement as they are undersized. I can't see how any Turbo guide would be different. I did get an email back from SPF and was told that they had heard that Lucas has made some up for the 2500X. They did not tell me that any other guide would fit; not that there necessarily isn't one, they just may not know it.
I was told the same thing Jim, but you'll find that the bolt raceway of the Stiller is larger than the Turbo. My Turbo bore guides are tight in my Turbo but in the Stiller there is too much movement as they are undersized. I can't see how any Turbo guide would be different. I did get an email back from SPF and was told that they had heard that Lucas has made some up for the 2500X. They did not tell me that any other guide would fit; not that there necessarily isn't one, they just may not know it.

Back when I was shooting metallic silhouette, I purchased two bore guides for a Annie 54 & 64 actions. Both were undersized in diameter and sloppy fits. I since make my own guides for personal use, using Delrin, but do not sell them.

One option you have is to ask Gordon to make a proper fitting bore guide for your 2500X action, for use with your .20 caliber cleaning rod. Should be fairly simple task, if he has some round Delrin material handy in the correct diameter.

Second option is only a temporary fix. If your existing Turbo bore guide is quite a bit undersize, you could wrap some electricians tape around it, in two locations, to center the existing guide better in the bolt raceway. A new hole could be milled/drilled for the bolt stop, if it will not interfere with the existing one for use in your Turbo action. Now that many 2500X actions have been sold, a proper fitting commercial bore guide should be available soon. John
Thanks for your suggestions John. I'm not sure that Gordon has any round delrin material. I know he can make one if necessary. I was just hoping/wondering whether there was an existing bore guide that would fit (and there might be). Maybe it's the Swindlehurst, I just know it's not the Turbo. I'll be able to make due until such time that we either learn for sure what existing bore guide may fit or until a dedicated guide is produced. It'll get sorted out.
A 40X based guide will work if the diameter is near 0.700 The hole is 0.703. None of the center lockup actions guides will have a groove to grab the bolt stop though. I used a 40X guide and put a groove to match the stop myself. Without the groove it still works fine.
A 40X based guide will work if the diameter is near 0.700 The hole is 0.703. None of the center lockup actions guides will have a groove to grab the bolt stop though. I used a 40X guide and put a groove to match the stop myself. Without the groove it still works fine.

Thanks, that answers it. I'm sure soon we'll have dedicated MWerks and other guides for the 2500X.
If you are looking for a bore guide you might try Eric Sinclair at Possum Hollow Products. He has moved to Florida. He will work with you and make what you want. Just another option. He has made several bore guides for me and is reasonable on pricing.
