What are you guys using for resizing lube?


New member
I've been using Hornady One Shot and have had success with it but it can be a PITA sometimes to get it all off.

Is there a better option out there I'm not aware of?

I've used the standard RCBS lube in the past too with some success but still wondering.
I use One Shot for full length resizing when needed.

I use 91% isopropyl alcohol on a clean rag to remove the One Shot from the resized case.

A trick I learned, a few years back when needing to resize a number of cases, is to dump the cleaned unsized case in a plactic shopping bag. Spray the One Shot into the bag and then close the top of the bag and roll the cases around in the bag. I get great full coverage and use less of the stuff with no over spray.

BTW I also use Imperial to do a few cases or necks only and still use the alcohol to clean up.
Thanks for all the feedback!

Never even thought to use motor oil. Plenty of that sitting around.

With the Imperial Sizing Wax, do you use the stuff made by Redding or Imperial Lubricants? Or does it not matter?
I use Hornady One Shot, but I've never been concerned about any residue. I size everything, the prime and load one at a time with a Casemaster. I never notice any problem with the cases and my scores don't seem to show any problem. You might wipe them with a paper towel as you load them.

powdered graphite for neck sizing, and usually Imperial for full length worth. But am always experimenting.
RCBS Case Lube 2...

which, in addition to being an excellent lube, is the only water soluble case lube I know of. You can wipe the loaded rounds down with a damp rag, or simply wash them and rinse them in the sink - as I do.
mhb - Mike
I stuck a case in the die with One Shot, threw it away. I like Imperial, but my new favorite is Hornady Unique. Large tub for a few bucks, cleans up easily.
I use RCBS case lube 2 too. As the other poster said, it is water soluble, and in a pinch, you can clean the final film off with a trace of spit.

Imperial cleans off pretty well, but there is a petroleum component that stays on the case if you just wipe it. It does come off with alcohol. I've also sized a few cases, comparing Imperial against RCBS, with the same die setting, and they are sized more with the RCBS. In that sense, it is a "better" lube, but of course, all you have to do is reset the die. Consistency is what is most important. YMMV
I use RCBS case lube 2 too. As the other poster said, it is water soluble, and in a pinch, you can clean the final film off with a trace of spit.

Imperial cleans off pretty well, but there is a petroleum component that stays on the case if you just wipe it. It does come off with alcohol. I've also sized a few cases, comparing Imperial against RCBS, with the same die setting, and they are sized more with the RCBS. In that sense, it is a "better" lube, but of course, all you have to do is reset the die. Consistency is what is most important. YMMV

"Better" in what way?

Thicker isn't automatically better.

I think die wax is "better" because I feel better about my asbility to control the thickness and thereby the sizing effect case-to-case.

OK, I'll share my 'trick' when using die wax;

Take some volatile liquid and wipe the bottom of the can clean,

Now wrap a 3" hunk of masking tape around your finger.... inside out,

use the resultant hunk of double-sticky to stick the die wax down,

play with WHERE you stick it until you're happy, efficient,

your shoulders and back will thank you,

your neck will thank you

and me


I use Imperial. Liked it so much, I bought 6 big cans. Ought to last this year anyways.
When I run out, I'm going to try Bag Balm in the square green can. As far as spray's
go, how can you possibly keep it out of the case