Went to a State Fair today----

beaver at large

I dont know about you guys but I think that those posts have prooved the following: No animal can hide on a picture, from the scrutiny of members of this forum.

Not only has a bull been spotted on the picture but a very well concealed camel has been seen there also. In addition to that I am 100% sure that even though totally hidden
a beaver at large is lurking there somewhere.
Photo's are definitely Bench Rest Related. Deep Fried Twinkies are food, and food is Bench Rest related.
buncha dirty old men i say.

I think most of us are perverts! ;)

This reminds me of a motel story...

A rather conservative gentleman checked into a motel... when he got his room key he inquired, "Is the porn channel disabled?" The old girl behind the desk replied, "No, it's regular porn you sick bastard!"
By simple definition if most of us think a certain way, it's not perversion, it's normal.

BTW Dennis, I think that on THIS channel you have to spell (euphemize) that joke using "pr0n" and "b@$t_rd"

I'm not sure whether or not picking on "disabled" by inference is pc, it's kindofa' touchy one.....

I think most of us are perverts! ;)

This reminds me of a motel story...

A rather conservative gentleman checked into a motel... when he got his room key he inquired, "Is the porn channel disabled?" The old girl behind the desk replied, "No, it's regular porn you sick bastard!"

no, i am not a golfer, but living in the desert i am surrounded by them. to that end, the very famous Sammy Sneed once said:

"If you are not thinking about p***y all the time, you're not trying hard enough..."