Weikert 100/200 Yd IBS Nationals


Thanks to the Weikert crew for doing a fantastic job under some trying circumstances. It was great seeing a lot of friends again.
Rick Hudak won it it was his 4th shoot ever. A 500- 37X..... Jim

Congratulations, Rick - 37X is pretty tall cotton, and at the Nationals no less - when you next look in a mirror, pat that guy on the back! :cool::D
Thank you for the info, Jim.:) Keep 'em ON the X! RG
Congratulations Rick and Jim

Congratulations to all the winners.

Jim I know this was a very meaningful and special win for you, I'm really happy for you.

Mr. Hudak, very fine shooting sir, congratulations.

The grand agg was not posted when we left, but you can follow the 200 yard results and figure it out.


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Congratulations to all the winners.

Jim I know this was a very meaningful and special win for you, I'm really happy for you.

Mr. Hudak, very fine shooting sir, congratulations.

The grand agg was not posted when we left, but you can follow the 200 yard results and figure it out.

Thanks for the kind words Todd. The great feeling of the 100 yard win turned to sht after my brother texting me the crummy news about my mom a few hours after the agg was over. It was difficult not to pack it up and head back to Massachusetts Saturday night. I want to thank you and each and everyone who kept checking with me and asking me about her condition and how I was doing. I can't thank you guy's enough.
At the time of the shoot

I heard that the webmaster was on vacation in the West. That may be part if the timing issue. I got the mailed results from the club last week.

Well Greg that is what I heard also that Jane was out in Montana, but the VT states have been posted since and so has a shoot in VA. It sounds to me like it 's a Weikert thing. Maybe they have not yet sent the results to Jane.

I would agree with you.
Well Greg that is what I heard also that Jane was out in Montana, but the VT states have been posted since and so has a shoot in VA. It sounds to me like it 's a Weikert thing. Maybe they have not yet sent the results to Jane. Grand Agg results VFS: 1st place, Rick Hudak 500-37x, 2nd Jim Paganelli 500-33X, 3rd Jim Cline 500-30x, 4th Steve Eller 500-30x, 5th Richard Sissel 500-28x, 6th John Cascarino 500-28X, 7th Randy Jarvais 500-27x, 8th Dave Short 500-26x, 9th Steve Hill 500-25x, 10th Hillary Martinez 500-24x. Hunter class: 1st Dean Breeden 496-19x, 2nd Orland Bunker 495-16x, 3rd Peter Hills 494-19x, 4th KL Miller 493-20x, 5th Randy Jarvais 490-18x, 6th Glenn Olenick 480-07x. 2 Gun 1st Dean Breeden 995-51x, 2nd Orland Bunker 993-39x, 3rd Randy Jarvais 990-45x.

Thanks Jim & congratulations on some great shooting!

Congratulations, Rick - 37X is pretty tall cotton, and at the Nationals no less - when you next look in a mirror, pat that guy on the back! :cool::D
Thank you for the info, Jim.:) Keep 'em ON the X! RG

Thank you RG for the congrats. Your bullets, a Goodling rifle and a generous helping of luck were there at Weikert..
Thanks for the kind words Todd. The great feeling of the 100 yard win turned to sht after my brother texting me the crummy news about my mom a few hours after the agg was over. It was difficult not to pack it up and head back to Massachusetts Saturday night. I want to thank you and each and everyone who kept checking with me and asking me about her condition and how I was doing. I can't thank you guy's enough.

Hey Jim just found this forum today. Hope all is well with you and yours. Look forward to shooting with you again. Maybe see you at “the Bud”.
Hey Jim just found this forum today. Hope all is well with you and yours. Look forward to shooting with you again. Maybe see you at “the Bud”.

Thanks Rick. I look forward to shooting against you also. You really smoked everyone at 200. That was some good shooting. It was a well run match. Mark Trutt and crew did an exceptional job. The only negative thing that I would say was there were no prizes to be given away. Last years 100/200 Nationals in Johnstown, NY every single competitor got something, same with the 200/300 Nationals in Orangeburg, SC. Everyone who I talked to about it said the same thing. If it wasn't for Dave Short stepping up and giving away 4 chamber jobs on Saturday, there wouldn't have been one single prize. If it was a group Nationals, it would of been a different story.
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Thanks Rick. I look forward to shooting against you also. You really smoked everyone at 200. That was some good shooting. It was a well run match. Mark Trutt and crew did an exceptional job. The only negative thing that I would say was there were no prizes to be given away. Last years 100/200 Nationals in Johnstown, NY every single competitor got something, same with the 200/300 Nationals in Orangeburg, SC. Everyone who I talked to about it said the same thing. If it wasn't for Dave Short stepping up and giving away 4 chamber jobs on Saturday, there wouldn't have been one single prize. If it was a group Nationals, it would of been a different story.

Nothing wrong with prizes. I’d even kick in some extra $ for same! Either way I had a great time and can’t wait to try it again.
Just maybe they should take a lesson from Williamsport....... they had about 60,000.00 worth of prizes for the world open. The best part, one guy handled it. Thanks, Andy...... Jim
Just maybe they should take a lesson from Williamsport....... they had about 60,000.00 worth of prizes for the world open. The best part, one guy handled it. Thanks, Andy...... Jim

Well Jim the general consensus of the shooters was that Weikert is a group range and that we're score shooters and we're just second rate. A group shooter I know just told me days ago that when he was at Weikert he won an agg and not much later he got a letter from the Weikert range with a check inside for winning that agg. Hell, the IBS president doesn't live all that far away and he was a no show. Just shows you what kind of support we have. No wonder why this sport is going down the toilet.
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