Weighing Bullets

thank you for (not) answering the question.

your continued support and positive attitude are a fine addition to the site.

CMAIER.......... the math don`t always agree with what the target tells you...... there is a lot more that enters into the truth..... than arithmetic....... you keep figuring.... I`ll read the target...........
bill larson
Back when I was making my own bullets, I'd test my culls. At 100 yards, a full grain or more was undetectable on target.since then, most bullet makers have started using Charlie Hoods cores rather than squirting their own..myself included at that time. From what little experience I had with them, I'd say his cores would be hard to improve upon in terms of weight. Nevertheless, at short range, I think there are much more important things to worry about but many still judge a bullet by how consistently they weigh. No doubt, if we think it matters then it likely does.
i visited the state home in ionia and there were a bunch of old guys weighing bullets. I'm not sure if that is what drove them there or if it started after they got there. All i know is i don't want to be housed there.
that's priceless francis!