Weaver XR Series


G Vanlier
Just a headsup for anyone that owns one of these scopes, in Dec I sent my XR back to Weaver because it looked like it had fluid trapped between the lenses and I looked through 3 others at a match in Nov., all had this issue. A couple of days ago I hadn't heard from Weaver and figured it was time to call for a status update. I was surprised that Weaver wanted to keep my scope and offered me $825.00 to buy it back, because they are having problems with them, and are working on a new design, but do not have a date when they will be available! I was getting ready to accept the money, when I asked if they would be willing to send my scope back to me, until the new ones are available and they agreed to do that. So if you have one and it needs service for the spots in the lense and its still works hold off sending it in.
They told me they would notify me when the new ones are available, and then I can send it back and get the new model. This was the XR 46 model. Yes Dusty it does appear they were in a hurry to get these to market.
I've heard it was just internal lubricant from the erector tube dripping on a lens inside. They are taking care of anyone having the issue. No ETA on fix...
I got a brand new scope (XR series) and it was bad right out of the box. The paralex can't be adjusted beyond 200 yards (it's set on 500 yards to get it for 200). I only had it one day, put it on the gun and found the problem. I called weaver and they told me to send it in and they would look at it, but I had to pay the shipping.

They have now stopped making you send $15.00 check for return shipping. I would suppose that if the have these two problems perhaps thats why the guy said they are doing a re design on it. Whatever the problem is and the fact that they offered to buy mine back shows that they are taking care of the problem and the customer, and I appreciate that.
I was thinking about one of those, but another Leupold 45 X 45 competition will be delivered on Monday.
Glad this thread was started as I was going to try one too. Guess its another Leupold for me too. Glad to hear they're doing right by the OP.
Weaver XR Scope

Same situation as OP, I contacted Weaver last week and they cut me a check for the full amount I paid for the scope.
Well mine just returned on saturday, and it is in the same condition as when I sent it and I looked at three other s at the shoot in Las Vegas in October and all three had the liquid spots in the lense's! 2 of the scopes were on T. Debacco's guns and I don't remember the other guys name. My neighbor bought one for his new 30BR last month and his has the spots also. I don,t know what their fix will be, but they have not found a solution yet. Keith, when I come down in March you can take a look through it, and I am sure you will be convinced that there is indeed a problem! why else would they offer to buy it back in lieu of sending me a new one?
XRs at Killough Have been Checked for defects.

I posted the text of an e-mail exchange I just had with Dan Killough in another thread on these scopes. I will repeat it here:

Here is my letter:
As your records will show, I just ordered one of the new Weaver Side focus scopes. I am concerned because I just read of an on-going issue with oil spots on the inside of the lenses of these scopes, with most being returned. Are you aware of this issue? Do you know if the ones you are now shipping are ones where Weaver has fixed the problem? Here is a link to a thread on Benchrest Central discussing the problem:

Here is the reply:
Yes, I am aware of the problem, and we have checked these to ensure they are good.

Dan Killough
5999 US 83
Winters, Tx 79567
I posted the text of an e-mail exchange I just had with Dan Killough in another thread on these scopes. I will repeat it here:

Here is my letter:
As your records will show, I just ordered one of the new Weaver Side focus scopes. I am concerned because I just read of an on-going issue with oil spots on the inside of the lenses of these scopes, with most being returned. Are you aware of this issue? Do you know if the ones you are now shipping are ones where Weaver has fixed the problem? Here is a link to a thread on Benchrest Central discussing the problem:

Here is the reply:
Yes, I am aware of the problem, and we have checked these to ensure they are good.

Dan Killough
5999 US 83
Winters, Tx 79567
Tell me if I'm wrong, but I assume that he just looked thru the scopes that he had and they all looked clear, but what I'm assuming is that everybody who bought one looked thru their and said the same thing, but it seems to me that the problem started a to show up after some use. Does that make any sense?
Tell me if I'm wrong, but I assume that he just looked thru the scopes that he had and they all looked clear, but what I'm assuming is that everybody who bought one looked thru their and said the same thing, but it seems to me that the problem started a to show up after some use. Does that make any sense?

You may be correct. I will just trust Dan Killough to stand by what he sells. I will let you all know how it goes, when I try out the scope. Has anyone who bought from Dan been stuck with a defective scope? I doubt it. A small volume business like Killough Shooting Sports could not survive if there was a history of unhappy customers.

I took a lot greater risk when I bought a used Hawke Sidewinder 30 through an ad in RFC. I thought it was made in England. After buying it, I found it is made in my least favorite dictatorship, Communist China, a country not famous for quality control. I have not tried it yet and to be honest, I am scared.
You may be correct. I will just trust Dan Killough to stand by what he sells. I will let you all know how it goes, when I try out the scope. Has anyone who bought from Dan been stuck with a defective scope? I doubt it. A small volume business like Killough Shooting Sports could not survive if there was a history of unhappy customers.

I took a lot greater risk when I bought a used Hawke Sidewinder 30 through an ad in RFC. I thought it was made in England. After buying it, I found it is made in my least favorite dictatorship, Communist China, a country not famous for quality control. I have not tried it yet and to be honest, I am scared.

What makes Dan Killough different from anybody else that sells this scope? Sure he will stand by it, and so will Lester Bruno and whoever else sells these defective scopes. I'm sure that every one of the distributors that sell these scopes had defective ones. After all it's not any of the distributors fault, it's Weaver fault for not thoroughly testing them before they released them to the general public. Weaver knows about the problems, and they have stepped up and are taking action to correct any and all problems associated with this scope.
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No Slight Intended

What makes Dan Killough different from anybody else that sells this scope? Sure he will stand by it, and so will Lester Bruno and whoever else sells these defective scopes. I'm sure that every one of the distributors that sell these scopes had defective ones. After all it's not any of the distributors fault, it's Weaver fault for not thoroughly testing them before they released them to the general public. Weaver knows about the problems, and they have stepped up and are taking action to correct any and all problems associated with this scope.

This is my first experience with Dan Killough. I always assume any business is honest and reliable unless experience proves otherwise. Now Dan has promised to send me a scope without the oil leak issue. I will take him at his word.

I did not mean to demean any other supplier. I have no experience with Bruno's. If you follow my history of posts on this and other sites, you will see I often report on my experiences with various suppliers of firearms equipment. Among those companies and individuals with whom I have only excellent experiences I would list Don Stith, Russ Haydon, Steve Earle, J&P Products, Shadetree Engineering and Accuracy, SEB, Kelbly, Classic Sporting Arms, Fiocchi, Optics Planet and Champion Shooter Supply. I have read of issues with Bud's Guns but my experience in buying two rifles and other products from Bud's has been trouble free.

PS: I tried to buy from either Bruno or Killough. Both were out of stock. Then Killough had what I want in stock before Bruno, so that is why I bought from Killough, rather than Bruno. No other reason.
This is my first experience with Dan Killough. I always assume any business is honest and reliable unless experience proves otherwise. Now Dan has promised to send me a scope without the oil leak issue. I will take him at his word.

I did not mean to demean any other supplier. I have no experience with Bruno's. If you follow my history of posts on this and other sites, you will see I often report on my experiences with various suppliers of firearms equipment. Among those companies and individuals with whom I have only excellent experiences I would list Don Stith, Russ Haydon, Steve Earle, J&P Products, Shadetree Engineering and Accuracy, SEB, Kelbly, Classic Sporting Arms, Fiocchi, Optics Planet and Champion Shooter Supply. I have read of issues with Bud's Guns but my experience in buying two rifles and other products from Bud's has been trouble free.

PS: I tried to buy from either Bruno or Killough. Both were out of stock. Then Killough had what I want in stock before Bruno, so that is why I bought from Killough, rather than Bruno. No other reason.

I'm not saying anything bad about Dan, whether he's honest, or he'll stand by what he sells, ect, that's not the point. Your not getting the point I am trying to make. None of these scopes that were sent to people had this issue when they first received them. I sure each and every person when they got their scope no matter where they bought it looked thru the scope to see how clear it looked and then when mounting it to the rifle. Dan can look through each and every scope to see if there bad, but It seems that when they were used a bit that's when the issue arose. So looking thru the scope to make sure that it looks good before he ships it isn't going to solve the problem.
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I'm not saying anything bad about Dan, whether he's honest, or he'll stand by what he sells, ect, that's not the point. Your not getting the point I am trying to make. None of these scopes that were sent to people had this issue when they first received them. I sure each and every person when they got their scope no matter where they bought it looked thru the scope to see how clear it looked and then when mounting it to the rifle. Dan can look through each and every scope to see if there bad, but It seems that when they were used a bit that's when the issue arose. So looking thru the scope to make sure that it looks good before he ships it isn't going to solve the problem.

I did not misunderstand you.

If Dan Killough says he has tested the scope he is selling me and assures me it will not leak lubricant on the lens, so I am taking him at his word. If it proves to be not true, I will be very disappointed. After all, I wrote and called him on the phone about my order. In both my phone call and my e-mail, I made it clear what possible defect concerns me. Dan clearly implied he is aware of the issue. He also clearly assured me the scope he is sending me will be free of defects. Until proven otherwise, I take him at his word.

I should give myself away and admit to me a man's (or a woman's) word is his or her most valuable possession. It certainly is mine. Each of the businesses I listed in my previous reply has never failed to deliver as promised. That is my bottom line. I expect people to live up to what they promise.

Dan wrote back:
"Yes, I am aware of the problem, and we have checked these to ensure they are good."

That's it. It is true or not. I see no disclaimer.

As I said, I will report on the results of real life testing of the scope on my BAT 222 as soon as I get it to the range and back. It shipped on Thursday and should arrive in time for my regular Wednesday visit to Tacoma Rifle and Revolver.

PS: Dan Killough wrote back to thank me for telling him about the reports of lube leakage I read on this site and for posting his reply.