we need a humor forum.....until then

actually in most states it is against the law to "impede the flow of traffic" some states require on to "drive on the right and pass on the left"
getting the law enforced can be an issue..( the impede the flow of traffic..has no speed limit written in)
I seem to remember in CA it's 6 cars behind you and you have to pull over. Lately in MI the MSP has been enforcing the impede traffic thing. Just what I read in newspaper. Who knows what they enforce nowadays. I hardly see any police. Freeways or cities. I live in suburbs.
actually in most states it is against the law to "impede the flow of traffic" some states require on to "drive on the right and pass on the left"
getting the law enforced can be an issue..( the impede the flow of traffic..has no speed limit written in)

Iowa has that law. Looks like there's never been a ticket written for it.

Seems like a lot of the offenders have Minnesota plates in my travels.
I seem to remember in CA it's 6 cars behind you and you have to pull over. Lately in MI the MSP has been enforcing the impede traffic thing. Just what I read in newspaper. Who knows what they enforce nowadays. I hardly see any police. Freeways or cities. I live in suburbs.
born raised and original lic in ca. 5 cars and you have to pull over, but both of the other two laws apply also. and you can leagally go FIVE miles over the speed limit to "safely "pass a car....in ca signs say 45mph,,,that is a reccommendation, not a limit, if it says 45mph limit, then it is. if you get a speeding ticket in ca you go to court and ask the cop to PROVE what you were doing was UNSAFE, they have to have engineering data to cover time of day and traffic conditions on the road you were on. 25mph in a school zone has weight at 8 am, not so much at 3am. been there done that.
90% of the drivers I see on the road each day may be able to read but have no comprehension of what they have read or the ability to apply same even if they have comprehension and that includes big rig drivers as well. My truck at an average weight of 8000 pounds is going to take a minimum of 700 ft to stop under ideal conditions, course if I try to stay 700ft away from the rear end of another unit it would likely take me 4 days to get to my shop. Likely have to replace the brakes once a month also.