we need a humor forum.....until then



You manage to post many excellent images to this forum but many of us are locked out so please share the secret juice!

Regards from down-under * doggie *

You manage to post many excellent images to this forum but many of us are locked out so please share the secret juice!

Regards from down-under * doggie *

First off I have no secret juice. As I indicated in another thread, I just keep trying and eventually I get in. I have a cousin from The Great White North who is a prolific emailer who sends me lots of nice images. I can't upload pics either so I post them from my Imgur account. The site is slow tho so be patient. If you don't get the reject message right away it means that you will get through or at least I've found that to be true.GLWYP
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Three guys roll up at a motel up in the mountains late in the day.
The receptionist explains that they only have one room left which has only a queen size bed in it.
They take it, and carefully turn in for the night.
Next morning the guy on the left hand side says, man I had the weirdest dream last night - I dreamed I was getting a hand job.
The bloke on the right says, you are joking ...I had the same dream!!!

The guy in the middle says, well, I didn't...I dreamed I was cross country skiing!
Three guys roll up at a motel up in the mountains late in the day.
The receptionist explains that they only have one room left which has only a queen size bed in it.
They take it, and carefully turn in for the night.
Next morning the guy on the left hand side says, man I had the weirdest dream last night - I dreamed I was getting a hand job.
The bloke on the right says, you are joking ...I had the same dream!!!

The guy in the middle says, well, I didn't...I dreamed I was cross country skiing!

Well Played BJ!!!

Thank You ;)