We all shoot but do we all hunt?

Who hunt & who just shoots

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Love to hunt, love to shoot, love to fish. At 70 I shot my elk this year with a bow. Only had to pack it out of the mountains a mile. Most down hill. I shot my whitetail deer in Wyoming. One I have been after for three years. He had a very unique left browtine. It was split. We would see him on the trail cam. I hunted him with a bow early but never saw him. Took that with my .308Bellm Contender pistol from a tree stand. My hunting partner didn't get his this year. Getting fussy he said. At 84 he still crosses the river with me and climbs into the treestand in sub zero weather. Hope I'm that lucky at 84.
Dad still hunts or fishes every week. He's 83. He hauls out his own deer. Although he's crafty enough to make sure he can get the quad bike to them before he pulls the trigger.

He brought and trained a new pup 2 years ago when his last spaniel died, She was 11 and worked until she was 10 years old. I think he has plans on seeing this one out too.
The game bird shooting season is just about at a close here . It all finishes on the 1st Feb. All though the deer hunting is still in full swing with many hunters/stalkers trying to get their doe cull figures completed before that season ends and the bucks come on stream.

2011 was a good year for me. I got to shoot red grouse for the first time in 15 years, had some wonderfull partridge shooting and the pheasant shooting has been pretty darn good to. I have 4 more days out before the end of the season so there's plenty still to come.

How has your hunting been this year 2011-12?
Wish I had the time this season, fishing is easy out the back in the boat in the gulf stream in two hours but hunting , the dear here are the size of a shepherd ,but you go in the swamps and there are hogs galore. Some places are without limit because they are destroying farmland and natural areas last year they added anacondas to the free stamps they would add to your license for the asking.

Care for some snake meat? Wish I could have tanned the hide make some nice boots.
I'm doing some coyote hunting this weekend... sure wish there was more snow on the ground!

The last hunting I did was a squirrel hunting expedition with cousins while visiting family for Christmas. Lots of fun.
Well the 2011-12 game shooting season is over and I managed to finsh it on a real high note. 4 fantastic days one where we shot just short of 100 duck and one where we shot just shy of 200 cock pheasants.

Just have the pigeon shooting and the deer hunting to keep me out doors now.
Someone can correct me if I am wrong, duck hunters don't eat ducks, they just shoot them.


I beg to differ...

This is a little bluewinged teal wrapped in bacon and pan fried with italian seasoning.


Canada goose breasts scored and marinated in olive oil and fresh rosemary with sea salt then grilled.


Maybe the birds just taste good up here but I don't understand what I keep hearing about waterfowl not tasting good.

I'd like to know where you went hunting, Hambone, to shoot that many birds. I thought there were lots of pheasants in South Dakota but I must be mistaken...
oooohhhh bacon...... bacon can make even plants taste like food......'at's some good lookin' foul right thar!!!
How about you guys who want to brag about what you shoot and cook get together and start another forum?? You are using resources that were intended for other purposes.
How about you guys who want to brag about what you shoot and cook get together and start another forum?? You are using resources that were intended for other purposes.

Ohhh sorry mister Flat Land forum p'leeceman sir, I'll scurry off posthaste and remove my 'ffensive posties.........


resources, other purposes? what other purpose? i have not bought beef since 1990 when i split a cow with a neighbor. i live off of wild game. got elk, bou, deer in the freezer just for the purpose of eating it.

that comment made me vote on this topic. ray
You need to post a recipe! How in the world can anyone eat 100 wild ducks?


Sorry I don't cook them . I just shoot 'em, dress 'em and eat 'em. I leave the cooking to others who are far better qualified.
I'd like to know where you went hunting, Hambone, to shoot that many birds. I thought there were lots of pheasants in South Dakota but I must be mistaken...

I'm a long ways from Sth Dakota, Katokoch. About 3.5k miles east.

Great way to eat teal. I'll have to get the cook to give it a try next time I dig a couple out of the freezer.
resources, other purposes? what other purpose? i have not bought beef since 1990 when i split a cow with a neighbor. i live off of wild game. got elk, bou, deer in the freezer just for the purpose of eating it.

that comment made me vote on this topic. ray

Well done Ray. On all counts.