WA State Championship 3 Gun Yds Bob Miller Memorial 9am


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WA State Championship 3 Gun Yds Bob Miller Memorial 9am sight in, match starts at 9:30

Tacoma Rifle and Revolver club, yards on Saturday, meters on Sunday. $25 per day including lunch. Come on out and enjoy the cool breezes :)
Edgerat ,Don't worry about that 1/2 inch of vertical You have a straight stock.Enjoy the match and have fun.
Thanks Mel!!!! Make sure your brother gives you a few sips of that bottle! I am very excited about this match, I just got back from the range and Big Orange is hummin' and I got to test the sporter I am borrowing and it shot great for me as well.

When you say 1/2" of vertical are you referring to overall height of the shooter?
Yo Edgerat, Sure wish I could make it out to shoot with ya'll again this year, but it just wasn't in the cards. I sure enjoyed shooting with ya'll in Montana! Bye the way, I talked to the crew from Stevensville last night and by now they are well on their way in your direction. I hope ya'll have a great shoot and the breezes you mentioned stay friendly. I wouldn't worry so much about Warren, Ken and Dan as I would Shirley, Gina, and Jaylene. Them gals have been shooting lights out lately and are ready to take home some of that Wa. wood! Say howdy to all and stay in touch. Thumper
Thump, I heard you may be coming, sad to hear you cannot! I am going to try and make your shoot this coming Spring, if it all works out. :)
Hope you can make it out, it's always a good time, especially since it's the first State match of the year. Then I can tell you the real story behind the "Hooters" gun that you are now the proud owner of. You got yourself a shooter there, for sure. I watched it perform here at this year's Crawfish Shoot, glad to see it found a good home. "Gordon don't make no junk" and you can take that to the bank on any day. With Gordon and Mel working close with Paul and Dan from Rock Creek, they have become quite a "Team" who define Craftsmanship. "Success is when skills meet opportunity". Thumper
Edgerat,Good luck tomorrow,One sip and i am hooked, gooood as it gets!
Bill,All I got was one small sip And it was quite gooooood.
Knock them dead with that worn out lump of a gun. Your first match just relax and have fun
Well, I had a pretty good time for my first match. I would like to thank the two Larrys, Balestra and Taylor and Brunetti for cooking and everybody else that made my first match a memorable one! I shot 248, 242, 245,247 with my own gun, I didn't do very hot with the borrowed sporter, I am hoping to rectify that soon!