Voodoo Rifle Accuracy


New member
Anybody here know anything about them? I’m considering one not for Benchrest, but for some of the new tactical long range rimfire matches that are growing so quickly lately. I know when it comes down to rimfire accuracy, you guys are the experts so I thought I’d ask here if anyone knew anything about these guns and what they are truly capable of?

To my way of thinking, if Im patient, I could find a proven Benchrest rifle and fit it to a tactical style stock for around the price of one of these and know I have a rifle that can really shoot.

I haven’t really been able to find any real information on what the Voodoo’s are capable of, other than from most folks saying they shoot “great” whatever that means. Lots of time they are saying they shoot “great” then you find out they are using bottom shelf or bulk Ammo. Which makes me very suspicious about the accuracy claims. Some of the targets I’ve seen posted really weren’t that impressive. But again, this the internet so I’m trying to do my due diligence to the best of my ability before deciding on anything. It would be nice to buy a rifle that’s ready to go from day one.

Basically what I’m getting at is that they look like very nice, well made rifles, and the net parrots propagate the accuracy claims, but I’m not quite sure how well they actually perform. If they are capable of repeatable .25” - .30” groups under good conditions with top shelf ammo I’m in. If not I’ll just try to put one together myself.

Again, I apologize as I know this is a Benchrest site and this isn’t really a Benchrest related question but you guys are the accuracy pros so I’m hoping someone knows something about them and can help with my questions.
Seen one shot it.

For your purpose should do well. Like the way clip works.
Only shot it three times, small group at 50 yds (bullets touching) good conditions.
Time not available at time to shoot enough. Bolt worked good, looks like a 40 X clone, well made.
Check out Snipers Hide

The Snipers Hide website has an extensive Vudoo section in the Rimfire forum. Like all .22's getting a good barrel is 90 percent of the pie then finding the ammo that matches it. While I wouldn't use one as the basis for a BR gun they seem an ideal platform for the action style matches, plenty of stock and trigger choices and the large magazine format.

There's also the new Zermatt action that's suppose to be coming out that is very similar.

Thank you guys. Much appreciated. I can definitely see one of these in my safe. They are supposed to have stellar customer service support and the crew has a reputation for being very nice guys which goes a very long way with me. I’m gonna give them a call directly...
As stated you can find Mike Bush on forums, I have had conversations with him and he is certainly a sharp guy that seems to try and test everything as well as coming up with some pretty innovative solutions regarding rifle accuracy. They turn out a quality product and regarding your intended purpose, IMHO, You'd be hard pressed to do better.
They are doing some benchrest development work as well and should prove interesting if they can enter a tough market with some new products....stay tuned.
It’s ain’t no hype, I own one and it hangs with my Panda 6ppc in terms of accuracy with moderately quality ammo. I’m gonna invest in bot lapua and eley lit testing in the next few months but my Vudoo will shoot .2-.3 at 50 all day long with SK ammo it will shoot the flat nosed match .1 at 50 I haven’t been too focused on 100 yards yet but have shot about 20 or so groups and everything I have shot is 1 inch or better with a few in the .7 range keep in mind it’s still new to me and I have only shot SK, some CCI, and Fiochi and a few boxes of gold medal match feeding and mags are nothing short of perfection. All my shooting is off a bipod as well so no one piece rest or anything which I’m sure will do better.

I bought a complete rifle with optics and out of the box it was perfect.

I will attempt to post a couple of Vudoo targets after i find them they will be 5 shots each at50 yds
sorry i cant figure out how to do it yet
I have had conversations with him and he is certainly a sharp guy that seems to try and test everything as well as coming up with some pretty innovative solutions regarding rifle accuracy. They turn out a quality product and regarding your intended purpose, IMHO, You'd be hard pressed to do better.

Do better???
While all above is very true, let's not forget, so far they have zero experience turning out competitive BR equipment and the demands are far higher than the world they presently live in. I hope they succeed but only time and results will tell.
Do better???
While all above is very true, let's not forget, so far they have zero experience turning out competitive BR equipment and the demands are far higher than the world they presently live in. I hope they succeed but only time and results will tell.

Based on what I've observed, I've had to work pretty hard to understand the "demands" I've witnessed at various BR matches. I don't see guys taking a seat, laying out their gear, waiting for the clock to start and then, upon start of the clock, shoot for score. Instead, what I see upon start of the clock is the entire line shooting some number of rounds in the direction of the target to "warm up" the rifles and at some point, become satisfied enough with what they see to shoot for score. Even with this approach to shooting for score, I don't see much consistency in gear or the standings as the names at the top of the list on one card will be some distance down in the standings on the next. And this is with one-piece, multi-axis adjustable shooting rests....so, based on what I've seen, the "demands" have been more of a celebrated point of discussion than actual practice during performance.

In addition, I've studied BR gear for quite some time and see nothing in the design of the gear that is meant to satisfy specific "demands" in BR shooting. I hear a lot of talk about why things are done the way they are, but I've asked very specific questions and typically don't receive answers that speak to anything factual, but instead, ambiguous answers that serve more of a "because that's how it's always been" mentality.

Please don't mistake what I'm saying here as being brusque or condescending in any way, I'm just speaking to what I've observed and experienced across numerous BR matches as part of my research and I've chosen to limit/cease my activity/participation on BR forums due to the demeanor/drama amongst the existing BR community; at matches and online. My decision to participate in BR has nothing to do with satisfying or gaining favor with the current participants, but instead, to serve the community that's interested in doing BR in a way that advances the discipline in a constructive way.

Based on what I've observed, I've had to work pretty hard to understand the "demands" I've witnessed at various BR matches. I don't see guys taking a seat, laying out their gear, waiting for the clock to start and then, upon start of the clock, shoot for score. Instead, what I see upon start of the clock is the entire line shooting some number of rounds in the direction of the target to "warm up" the rifles and at some point, become satisfied enough with what they see to shoot for score. Even with this approach to shooting for score, I don't see much consistency in gear or the standings as the names at the top of the list on one card will be some distance down in the standings on the next. And this is with one-piece, multi-axis adjustable shooting rests....so, based on what I've seen, the "demands" have been more of a celebrated point of discussion than actual practice during performance.

In addition, I've studied BR gear for quite some time and see nothing in the design of the gear that is meant to satisfy specific "demands" in BR shooting. I hear a lot of talk about why things are done the way they are, but I've asked very specific questions and typically don't receive answers that speak to anything factual, but instead, ambiguous answers that serve more of a "because that's how it's always been" mentality.

Please don't mistake what I'm saying here as being brusque or condescending in any way, I'm just speaking to what I've observed and experienced across numerous BR matches as part of my research and I've chosen to limit/cease my activity/participation on BR forums due to the demeanor/drama amongst the existing BR community; at matches and online. My decision to participate in BR has nothing to do with satisfying or gaining favor with the current participants, but instead, to serve the community that's interested in doing BR in a way that advances the discipline in a constructive way.


Understand Mike. Your observations are your observations.
Let me clarify. While there are certainly multiple and varied approaches to attaining great equipment, by " demands" I mean your ability to have a platform that can attain winning scores on some kind of repeatable basis while being driven by a shooter capable of same at different ranges.this really is not subjective, per se. you test, when you get to a repeatable point where you can lay down 2300-2400 ARA scores and/or 250's with good X counts on anIR 50 card you're there.As a businessman, obviously you make your own decisions based on your evaluation of potential market but FWIW, given the various disciplines are not exactly on fire relative to growth, your market, I suspect, will primarily come from existing shooters, Never once have I ever heard about a volume of potential shooters held back by the lack of capable equipment. Personally, I wish you success.....cannot have too much good equipment but in this game, even the best makers have batting averages lower than most assume, time will surely tell.
I cannot blame you on the forum participation decision given the nature of a lot of forum activity and way too many "keyboard" shooters leading the way. Somewhat surprised to hear about anything in person at matches which are usually an entirely different world and mostly cordial.
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Understand Mike. Your observations are your observations.
Let me clarify. While there are certainly multiple and varied approaches to attaining great equipment, by " demands" I mean your ability to have a platform that can attain winning scores on some kind of repeatable basis while being driven by a shooter capable of same at different ranges. As a businessman, obviously you make your own decisions based on your evaluation of potential market but FWIW, given the various disciplines are not exactly on fire relative to growth, your market, I suspect, will primarily come from existing shooters, Never once have I ever heard about a volume of potential shooters held back by the lack of capable equipment. Personally, I wish you success.....cannot have too much good equipment but in this game, even the best makers have batting averages lower than most assume, time will surely tell.
I cannot blame you on the forum participation decision given the nature of a lot of forum activity and way too many "keyboard" shooters leading the way. Somewhat surprised to hear about anything in person at matches which are usually an entirely different world and mostly cordial.

"by " demands" I mean your ability to have a platform that can attain winning scores on some kind of repeatable basis while being driven by a shooter capable of same at different ranges."

I agree 100% and we're meeting these demands exactly as outlined in your clarification within a few disciplines now, to do so in BR is not extravagantly different.

"As a businessman, obviously you make your own decisions based on your evaluation of potential market but FWIW, given the various disciplines are not exactly on fire relative to growth, your market, I suspect, will primarily come from existing shooters,"

I've not seen the existing BR shooters participating in a way that provides longevity to the discipline. Instead, what I've watched is the opposite, so how is the BR community going to continue without interest amongst current shooters to ensure such? I've listened to groups (cliques) of shooters at matches speak poorly of the group (clique) standing nearby and when I went and observed the rival clique, they were speaking poorly of a completely different clique. Who wants to be a part of that? Now, if I couple this statement, "Never once have I ever heard about a volume of potential shooters held back by the lack of capable equipment," with what I've researched, I can say factually that the level of available equipment is severely limited amongst current manufacturers. Actions aren't produced regularly, barrels take months to acquire, gunsmiths take more than a year if you can get them to actually take on any work, so I see lots of would-be shooters being discouraged with "the way it's always been." My (our) approach is to take care of genuine shooters and those that pay it forward, which is what we've been doing....not serve drama or be part of something that makes no sense.

Please don't take my words here as combative as I've enjoyed our brief discussions elsewhere. You've been one of the more welcoming of the BR sort and certainly have shown interest in going against the grain when it makes sense. While it's true I make decisions based on what's right for business, I primarily make decisions based on what's right when it comes to how I (we) treat people and serve a group that shares our own interests.

Thanks Tim,
Mike, I have enjoyed them as well.
I have a lot of miles under my belt at this but always figured you're DOA when you stop trying to learn anything from anybody especially about new equipment.
It is a damned shame, frankly, to hear some of this and I can say, IMHO, it is not representative of the population at large, hopefully you get a chance to get out there at some different venues .
Ido understand what you guys do in your present world, we'll call it a gentleman's bet but I 'd bet over time you will come to realize that this is a far tougher nut to crack.
In any event, always like to get your input, don't give up on forums, please, guys like you really add to the greater body of information, you just have to put up with some guys that live there and not really anyplace else.
Be well,

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Mike, I have enjoyed them as well.
I have a lot of miles under my belt at this but always figured you're DOA when you stop trying to learn anything from anybody especially about new equipment.
It is a damned shame, frankly, to hear some of this and I can say, IMHO, it is not representative of the population at large, hopefully you get a chance to get out there at some different venues .
Ido understand what you guys do in your present world, we'll call it a gentleman's bet but I 'd bet over time you will come to realize that this is a far tougher nut to crack.
In any event, always like to get your input, don't give up on forums, please, guys like you really add to the greater body of information, you just have to put up with some guys that live there and not really anyplace else.
Be well,


Thanks Tim, your perspective is valued more than you know. I learned a long time ago, when a well dries up, you just have to dig another, that's how Vudoo came to be, as well as other things that many chose to bet against. I have no doubt how hard the nut can be, but learning how to properly deal with it is where the cool things come from.

Thanks again,
Thanks Tim, your perspective is valued more than you know. I learned a long time ago, when a well dries up, you just have to dig another, that's how Vudoo came to be, as well as other things that many chose to bet against. I have no doubt how hard the nut can be, but learning how to properly deal with it is where the cool things come from.

Thanks again,

Biggest impediment to learning new things is thinking there is nothing new to learn. Keep shaking the tree Mike. . .
voodoo actions

There is quite a stir over on snipers hide about these and being rimfire curious I try to keep up with new things. I've tried to find pics of the actions online but I'm only finding advertising photos. Nothing that shows anything about the internals or how things go together and work. That sounds overly simplified ,I know how they work I'm curious how yours works. I'm a follower of rimfire benchrest and always curious about new products. I'd like to see you put a benchrest barrel on there with a tuner and lets see what it will do .
There is quite a stir over on snipers hide about these and being rimfire curious I try to keep up with new things. I've tried to find pics of the actions online but I'm only finding advertising photos. Nothing that shows anything about the internals or how things go together and work. That sounds overly simplified ,I know how they work I'm curious how yours works. I'm a follower of rimfire benchrest and always curious about new products. I'd like to see you put a benchrest barrel on there with a tuner and lets see what it will do .

I appreciate your interest and can answer any questions you may have. I enjoy Sniper's Hide because the readership there exhibits the same genuine curiosity you're displaying here, so ask whatever you'd like and I'll walk you through what the Vudoo is.

Thanks Scasa,

What I'm most curious is are the receivers threaded for the barrel and the locking lugs, cocking cams, sear arrangement ,primary extraction and so on . I make some rimfire actions and I like to see what others are doing. I'm pretty much set on what I like to build with the exception of having a front locking lug .22 maybe someday I'll figure it out. If you have some pictures I'd sure like to see them. I also wonder on why you chose a cut rifled barrel. I guess that's a question.

Thanks Les
Sounds pretty cool, how about posting a couple images of your actions. Love to see'em.
There are plenty of images around showing their actions, bolt, lugs etc.