VihtaVuori Rifle Tuning Sessions...

Guys and Gals,
With the support of VihtaVuori Rifle Powders, I will be hosting rifle tuning sessions at many of the upcoming Eastern Region NBRSA and select IBS Group matches throughout this year. I will conduct these tuning sessions on the Friday afternoons of match weekends. There will not be any cost to shooters attending these sessions.

VihtaVuori will support my efforts by providing some great give-a-way prizes to those shooters who make arrangements to attend!

I have several goals in hosting these rifle tuning sessions this year.
- Would like to demonstrate the many benefits and agging capabilities in choosing to use VihtaVuori N133 Powder, versus the many choices of quality powders that are offered to BR Group shooters today
- Would also like respectfully try and help those new or experienced shooters how to maiximize their tuning process in order to perhaps win their first Agg, 2-Gun or even their first or next Hall of Fame points!
- Help any Group shooters who have recently chosen to take a "brief haitus" from BR Group shooting, due to many challenges everyone faces at some point, in trying to get "to the next level" with an increasing amount of competition...

Ultimately, I would really love to help boost match attendance through helping more shooters find greater satisfaction and enjoyment thru achieving greater success.

I will plan to review some of the basics that can really help your rifle "cut-conditions" that have worked very well for me and many of the top shooters in our game who consistently use VihtaVuori N133 Powder to win!

I will cover the following key focus areas, regarding getting your rifle properly tuned specifically with N133 during the time we spend together.
- Case preperation
- Case neck clearance
- Neck tension
- Bullet seating depth choices
- Powder weight choices
- Tuning for various wind conditions
- Group evaluation for making necesary tuning changes
- barrel cleaning
- Match strategy
- Etc....

Please note my intentions are purely sincere. I will never replace the knowledge one can gain from attending just 1 session with Mr. Boyer or any of the true legends in our sport who have much more to offer than me.
I only wish to do everything I possibly can to help my favorite hobby/passion grow and thrive this year and beyond!

As such, would challenge everyone reading this post to contact a BR shooter you may know, who may have recently put their rifles away, to give our sport another chance and come shoot a local group match!

I will be attending the following match scheule this year (unless my wife or my mother in-law reads this post... shhhh!);)

- 4/17 - 4/18: WWCCA Sping Tune-up
- 5/1 - 5/2: The Hog Roast (I will be available Thurs and Fri. before the match)
- 5/26-5/29: The Super Shoot (I will also be at Kelbly's several days before the match)
- 6/5-6/6: The Keystone Challenge Mainville, PA
- 6/12 - 6/13: Shelbly County (near Dayton, OH)
- 6/19 - 620: WWCCA Wolverine Match (tentative)
- 6/25 -6/26: East-West Match at St. Louis
- 7/2, 7/3 and 7/4: Holton Michigun State 3-Gun Championship
- 7/17-7/18: New York State Championship at Camillus Sportsmen Club (tenative)
- 7/24-7/25: Kane PA State Championship (This is a must attend!)
- 8/16-8/24: IBS Group Nats at Weikert, PA (also a great time!)
- 9/20-9/25: NBRSA Nats in Kansas City
- October matches TBD

If you wish to reserve some time with me or have any questions at all, please feel free to contact me via Cell: 216-280-3741 or e-mail:

Looking forward to seeing everyone again soon!
Best Regards,
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Great opportunity to learn !

An afternoon of Rifle tuning instruction with Jack Neary is a real eye opening experience.It's not just a "how to" on shooting little groups in good conditions. It teaches a broader concept of how your rifle should behave in all conditions.
Jack has been a tremendous help to myself and others that know him.His willingness to extend this help openly to all BR shooters fridays before a match is gracious and commendable.
I highly recommend it.
I would second everything Joel has said.
Jack is a great guy. I got the chance to sit next to Jack at my first Super Shoot. :)
Great week.
Tim B.
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Thanks for stepping forward and offerring your knowledge. No doubt, you certainly know how to make the much maligned 133 shoot on a consistant basis.

The only problem I have is the only location that you will be that is remotely close to us down here in Texas is the Nationals at KC. But, you are doing what you can, and that is MUCH appreciated.


It is really gracious for you to give your personal time and effort for the love of our sport. I am sure that many of us can learn from you, how to walk funny with short choppy steps, pick our nose secretly at the bench, lift up from our bench seat ever so slightly to pass gas so the shooter next to you will never know and how to make fun of other shooters after drinking several variations of booze before the awards.

I plan on attending your schedule of all the shoots and I am now preparing my Toy Box of special attire to wear for each and every learning session you give. I think this will give you some authenticity and realism to your fellow shooters. You can help me pick out what to wear the night before in our hotel room that will make you stand out that day of learning. Remember you have to wait for the hugging till the end of the day and several drinks, and no eating off anyone’s plate of food at the restaurant at dinner that evening, it makes you look very unprofessional.

April Fool from a Fool
Great offer Mr. Neary. I'm sure you'll have a full pow-wow at each match and rightfully so.

What I'm reading between the lines is the boys from Finland are getting a bit worried by the joint efforts of the Aussies and Americans? This is good. Perhaps it will drive the price of powder down or possibly just keep it reasonable. Competition is a good thing.;)
Only from what I have read here

And from a layman's point of view, it would seem to me that a company in the business of making a product like Gun Powder, knowing their product could be better, could find a way to improve it to the point that there was not the need to send an expert around to teach floks how to use what is available. I think it is a super jesture on the part of the company to offer the service and to send a spokesman who obviously knows what he is doing but it should be possable to make the product better or at least less troublesome that it currently is. :) Imagine, a powder that would never go out of tune. :)
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The thing is, there are a lot of shooters who see no problems at all with VV-133.

A good example is the PHENOMINOL aggs shot at this years Nationals, most by shooters using 133. That, and while many of us gripe and complain, a lot of matches are won every week end with the stuff.

It is a lot like NASCAR. At Martinsville last weekend, quite a few cars were just destroying the front right tire. The hew and cry was, "why can't Good Year make a decent tire." Good Year's response would probably be, "let's ask Denny Hamlin about that".:rolleyes:.......jackie
Just to Keep Things Focused...

And from a layman's point of view, it would seem to me that a company in the business of making a product like Gun Powder, knowing their product could be better, could find a way to improve it to the point that there was not the need to send an expert around to teach floks how to use what is available. I think it is a super jesture on the part of the company to offer the service and to send a spokesman who obviously knows what he is doing but it should be possable to make the product better or at least less troublesome that it currently is. :) Imagine, a powder that would never go out of tune. :)

Please know these tuning sessions was purley my idea alone. I was not asked in any way by VihtaVuori to spend my time to simply try and help whoever would like to learn perhaps what could be a better way to tune their BR rifles with N133 powder to get to the next level.
VihtVuori was kind enough to offer some give-a-ways items to support these tuning sessions when I discussed this idea with them.
Again, my motivation is purley honest and sincere, as I really hate to see any BR shooter get frustrated and struggle when their rifle is simply out of tune and they do not understand what corrections needs to be made.
I have been very fortunate and humbled to have had some success in this game, in earning all of my HOF points using N133 powder.
I have learned how to tune my rifles using N133, by simply giving my bullet/barrel combo. what it likes... Lots of neck tension and a seating depth at one or 2 places back from jam-length...
I see many common tuning mistakes by a number of BR shooters, oftern maligning or blaming N133, when in fact they have just don't have their N133 tune set correctly for their rifles.
When I have been fortunate (and lucky) enough to have won in this game, I never touched my load at all, or by half a number on my powder measure, thru the course of the day!
Many, many times there are other VERY important key factors with their brass preparation that will cause their rifles to appear like their load is out-of-tune!
I would ask everyone to please give VihtaVuori a second look. Take that jug of N133 out again at the range and call me if you need a hand.... I'll be glad to help! Cell: 216-280-3741
In closing, the good folks at VihtaVuori should be commended for supporting my efforts to try and help any and all BR shooters better tune their rifles by providing some very nice give-a-ways!
In the past 11 years I have shot I have yet to see any other competitve BR powders offer to support any similar shooters efforts to try and improve your shooting...
Thank You Jack

Please know these tuning sessions was purley my idea alone. I was not asked in any way by VihtaVuori to spend my time to simply try and help whoever would like to learn perhaps what could be a better way to tune their BR rifles with N133 powder to get to the next level.
VihtVuori was kind enough to offer some give-a-ways items to support these tuning sessions when I discussed this idea with them.
Again, my motivation is purley honest and sincere, as I really hate to see any BR shooter get frustrated and struggle when their rifle is simply out of tune and they do not understand what corrections needs to be made.
I have been very fortunate and humbled to have had some success in this game, in earning all of my HOF points using N133 powder.
I have learned how to tune my rifles using N133, by simply giving my bullet/barrel combo. what it likes... Lots of neck tension and a seating depth at one or 2 places back from jam-length...
I see many common tuning mistakes by a number of BR shooters, oftern maligning or blaming N133, when in fact they have just don't have their N133 tune set correctly for their rifles.
When I have been fortunate (and lucky) enough to have won in this game, I never touched my load at all, or by half a number on my powder measure, thru the course of the day!
Many, many times there are other VERY important key factors with their brass preparation that will cause their rifles to appear like their load is out-of-tune!
I would ask everyone to please give VihtaVuori a second look. Take that jug of N133 out again at the range and call me if you need a hand.... I'll be glad to help! Cell: 216-280-3741
In closing, the good folks at VihtaVuori should be commended for supporting my efforts to try and help any and all BR shooters better tune their rifles by providing some very nice give-a-ways!
In the past 11 years I have shot I have yet to see any other competitve BR powders offer to support any similar shooters efforts to try and improve your shooting...

I must admit, for a reader, it does get some frustrating to read about all the problems folks are having with N-133 and how finicky these dern 6 PPC's are , etc, etc ,etc. You appear to be THE voice of reason and I aplaud you for what you have said here and what you are doing. Good on you my friend in benchrest, at least. Sorry I didn't get to talk to you a bit in Ohier the other year.

I hear ya jackie

The thing is, there are a lot of shooters who see no problems at all with VV-133.

A good example is the PHENOMINOL aggs shot at this years Nationals, most by shooters using 133. That, and while many of us gripe and complain, a lot of matches are won every week end with the stuff.

It is a lot like NASCAR. At Martinsville last weekend, quite a few cars were just destroying the front right tire. The hew and cry was, "why can't Good Year make a decent tire." Good Year's response would probably be, "let's ask Denny Hamlin about that".:rolleyes:.......jackie

My purpose for what I wrote was to "Flesh Out' the truth. I think we got er done!
When I have been fortunate (and lucky) enough to have won in this game, I never touched my load at all, or by half a number on my powder measure, thru the course of the day!


You don't mind if I copy this quote, underline it, bold it, and enlarge it and make banners, stickers, and t-shirts with it do you!?:D;):D:p
I have heard rumors that Jack is going to be giving coyote calling lessons the week after the nationals in KC. Not many people know that Jack has killed hundreds if not thousands of these hairy animals. He has been known to change seating depth while a coyote is coming from long distances. If you have seen Jack in competition, you know that he can shoot pretty fast. He has been known to put three bullets in a small group in a coyotes chest before the poor thing hits the ground. Jack is the Carlos Hathcock of coyote hunting. He is so good that his coyote rifle has a red metallic paint job. Kind of like Carlos and his white feather in his hat. I am sure that if the Oklahoma coyotes knew that Jack was anywhere close to this state, they would go into hibernation. Like I said, this is the rumor I heard today. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
vihtaVuori Rifle Tuning

Jack is one of the good guys who gives something back'
Nader is right one of the good guys.
Last year Jack set a range record at Camillus We haven't seen groups like that in a very very long time.
Thank you jack for attending''

I have used 133 since 1994, don't know when it became available. Though it is not the only powder that works well in a PPC it is the best for those working the tune. There are a wide range of nodes with 133 and those that are not seeking to tune will have a good load most anywhere in the 133 load range.

Stephen Perry
Angeles BR
Great idea Jack...

If anybody has figured out when to turn that dial simply by looking at the way the group forms and the shape of the bullet holes, it’s you!

I remember back when I was a lot more enthusiastic about these things…and we would meet at Kelbly’s in the DEAD OF WINTER trying to get a read on the tune and the wind. Those were the days! You’ve come a long way since then. Your hard work has certainly paid off!

Good luck with the mentoring project, and let me know if there is any way I can help.

Greg Walley
Kelbly’s Inc.
Since were speaking of N-133, I just noticed I was about out of enough to load tomorrows match and found another bottle buried behind others on the shelf. When I opened it and gave it a "whif", it smelled really acidic, not like normal "acetone smell" powder does put off. Is this safe to shoot? or should I pitch it? It is an old lot from 1992.