Vic Potts Returns to BR to Win WWCCA Fall Classic Match with a .1919" 2-Gun!

27 Benchrest shooters attended this past weekend’s Fall Classic match at the Western Wayne Conservation Club in Plymouth, MI to watch the Vic Potts shooting show.

After a brief hiatus from BR shooting to address some nagging knee issues, Vic Potts did not miss a beat and came back to BR in a major way in winning the WWCCA Fall Classic match with a .1919” 2-Gun Grand Aggregate. Vic’s .1919” 2-Gun also established a new WWCCA club 2-Gun Grand Aggregate record. Well done, Vic! It's great to have you back with us!

As component of Vic’s super small .1919” 2-Gun, Vic fired a .1688” Heavy Varmint Grand Aggregate. Vic’s .1688” HV Grand ties the current .1688” NBRSA HV Grand world record.
Vic’s HV Grand targets will be submitted this week to the NBRSA world record chairman for world record review consideration.

A special congrats to Dave Holmes, who’s .2191” Light Varmint Grand Aggregate breaks the previous Canadian world record. Well done, Dave!

I am also very pleased to report we had 4 new shooters attended this past weekend’s WWCCA Fall Classic match. Congrats to new shooter’s, Ken Bombalsi, Jim Parks, Mike Johnston and John Kenny.

A special thanks and some well deserved recognition to Steve Robbins, whom has been mentoring and supporting these 4 new shooters with some very good coaching! Each of us should follow Steve’s mentoring example and introduce a new shooter into our great sport! On to the match…

Mel Newransky continued his great shooting in taking advantage of mild conditions on Saturday morning in winning the LV100 with a very small .1450” aggregate.
Here are the top 5 aggs…
1. Mel Newransky: .1450”
2. Vic Potts: .1844”
3. Ken Hottenstein: .1902”
4. Lee Hachigian: .1918”
5. Ted Heindselman: .2026”

Vic Potts continued his morning shooting momentum in winning the Heavy Varmint aggregate in firing a tiny .1434” HV100 aggregate

HV100 Aggregate:
1. Vic Potts: .1434”
2. Tim Bassham: .1768”
3. Peter Smith: .2088”
4. John Kenny (new shooter): .2130”
5. Lacy Tilley: .2134”

Sunday brought the return of very uncharacteristic mild conditions at the WWCCA club. Ted (2-Gun) Heindselman took advantage of the conditions in winning the HV200 aggregate with a fine .1661” aggregate. Well done, Ted!

HV200 Aggregate:
1. Ted Heindselman: .1661”
2. Vic Potts: .1942”
3. Jack Neary: .1987”
4. Peter Smith: .2063”
5. Bill Gammon: .2166”

Vic Potts easily wins the Heavy Varmint Grand Aggregate with his .1688” HV Grand win.

HV Grand Aggregate:
1. Vic Potts: .1688”
2. Ted Heindselman: .1898”
3. Peter Smith: .2076”
4. Tim Bassham: .2077”
5. Jack Neary: .2086”

Lacy Tilley was not to be outdone, as Lacy won the LV200 aggregate with a very good .2014”aggregate. Congrat’s, Lacy!

LV 200 Aggregate:
1. Lacy Tlley: .2014”
2. Jack Neary: .2062”
3. Dave Holmes: .2074”
4. Bob Scarbrough, Jr.: .2291”
5. Peter Smith: .2302”

Vic Potts won the LV Grand Agg. with a .2150” Grand Aggregate.

LV Grand Aggregate:
1. Vic Potts: .2150”
2. Lacy Tilley: .2151”
3. Dave Holmes: .2191”
4. Ted Heindselman: .2196”
5. Jack Neary: .2229”

Here’s the Top 10 in the 2-Gun Grand Aggregate.
1. Vic Potts: .1919” (WWCCA club record)
2. Ted Heindselman: .2047”
3. Jack Neary: .2157”
4. Tim Bassham: .2225”
5. Lacy Tilley: .2227”
6. Lee Hachigian: .2257”
7. Peter Smith: .2284”
8. Dave Holmes: .2316”
9. Gary Eichhorn: .2476”
10. Mel Newransky: .2669”

A special thanks to Match Directors, Dana Raven and Bill Gammon for running a well-run match. Target scorer, Connie Wyant for all your efforts, the hard working target crew and also to Dominic Grunas and Tim Bassham for all your tireless efforts in preparing the WWCCA range for another great Fall Classic match!

Thank you, again, for all you do for the Eastern Region shooters!

Jack Neary

NBRSA Eastern Region, Director
potential New world record(s)

Jack -

Howdy !

Thanx so much for the timely info on Vic's recent exploits ! This is the second time one/some of his targets have been submitted for new world record consideration, within the past few years.

Vic is a great shot w/ all types of guns, and qual'd " Expert " w/ everything the US Army put into his hands. Heck, he'll even beat you w/ your own gun, given a chance !

Future " Hall of Fame'r ", fer sher !

Congratulations Vic, and best of luck in your continued endeavors !

With regards,
Kevin J. Werling .357Mag
There definately

Was some nice shooting happening by the looks of it.

And congrats to my buddy Dave Holmes on his potential Bench Rest Shooters Canada Canadian International Records.

For those of you who are not familiar with the BRSC there are 2 potential types of records. BRSC records which can be contested at a BRSC registered shoot with a paid up BRSCmembership. The other is a Canadian International record which is a record that is shot at a registered IBS, NBRSA, or World shoot. To qualify for the International record you must hold a valid BRSC membership and the IBS or NBRSA memberships if you want to submit a record that may have been shot at a IBS or NBRSA shoot. These records are available to be contested by any shooter regardless of country of origin as long as they hold the valid memberships.

So if anyone wants to beat the Canadian records, I know we are far off and get cold, come on down to southern Ontario, Manitoba or Alberta to give your hand at it.

That was quite the show. I really enjoyed seeing most of your shooting....
It's a tough crowd to shoot with and a tough range ......a lot of fun.....
Tim B.
Was some nice shooting happening by the looks of it.

And congrats to my buddy Dave Holmes on his potential Bench Rest Shooters Canada Canadian International Records.

For those of you who are not familiar with the BRSC there are 2 potential types of records. BRSC records which can be contested at a BRSC registered shoot with a paid up BRSCmembership. The other is a Canadian International record which is a record that is shot at a registered IBS, NBRSA, or World shoot. To qualify for the International record you must hold a valid BRSC membership and the IBS or NBRSA memberships if you want to submit a record that may have been shot at a IBS or NBRSA shoot. These records are available to be contested by any shooter regardless of country of origin as long as they hold the valid memberships.

So if anyone wants to beat the Canadian records, I know we are far off and get cold, come on down to southern Ontario, Manitoba or Alberta to give your hand at it.

That is really a good thing there. Eh!
Dave. Congrats......
Great Shooting Vic and all the others ....

... I believe the old two-gun record was .1931.

Vic crushed that record by .0012 !