VFS Results IBS Score Nationals

I wuz there... The Holton range has always reminded me of Vince Lombardi. It treats everybody the exactly same... like dirt. There was one time when the flags in front of me were blowing in three directions at once, like North, East and West. 'ow in 'ell do you shoot in that crap? This at 100 yds. I drove home grateful that I managed to keep all my shots on paper.

I have the deepest respect for those who managed to shoot a decent X count yesterday.

The Holton team, especially young Matt Guthrie, did a great job of organizing and running a match. I understand that the IBS Group Nationals will be there next year.

Glorya and I had not been to Holton for quite some time. It felt good to return and see some old friends and to meet a lot of the IBS score shooters. We have never traveled to score shoots, we have a lot of them at home.

Al Nyhus and Randy Robinette are good guys to load with.

Congrats to our guys, Larry Feusse and Dudley Pierce, both longtime Harrison shooters who are doing very, very well.

Dick Wright
Me too, Henry! Congrats to all who have shot well. Still waiting for the final results. I'm already looking forward to next year's nats. When will we know where they will be held?--Mike Ezell
I heard it was awfully tough conditions. Congrats to all the shooters. Thank you Mr. Grosbier for posting the results so quickly.
Reliable soureces say:
200 yards:
1. Paul Wiele
2. Lee Euber
3. Chad Schmitt
Lee Euber won the grand aggregate
Chad Schmitt won the big prize capturing the 2 gun. Chad also took home the new SEB rest as winner ofthe 2 gun

Many thanks to the Holton Gun Club for their collective efforts. Best match I have been too. great faciltiy and crew.
Also, thanks to Francis Bicigneul for collecting all of the door prizes
Congrats Chad! I hope your happy with that Hunter stock. It looks great and you can obviously shoot the gun very well. I miss that stock:(. Glad to see you do well by it though:).
The quality of your bullets can't be denied either. The most imprtant thing is you must have shot great over the course of the match and earned a HUGE victory. You should be very happy, and I'm happy for you. Congrats also to all the winners and everyone that shot well. I wish I could have been there to shake your hands and congatulate you all in person. Sounds like a tough match. It amazes me sometimes how someone can put it all together, and keep it that way, even in tough conditions for that long and with multiple guns. ---Mike Ezell
Supah !

As some folks might say in Maine. This here Holton gig was done supremo #1. Matt and company carried this one off as if they had done 50 previous Nationals. The facilities are simply superb and the people at this Nats were the most personable and friendly of any I have attended in the past dozen years. Simply lovely!

Ms J and myself made it to Ann Arbor then careemed off 23 into the Hampton and walked next door to Applebees for a delish supper of a new Steak dish smothered in some exotic cheese which was devine. Had a couple of TALL G&T's and then back here for some Macaroons washed down by the Supremo coffee from the lobby; life is good :).

Will make the big push to New York tomorra to pick up my freshned RF Sporter and then on to Ms J's .

Many thanks to the great folks of the Holton and all those I had the pleasuer to meet and visit with this past week.


When we started shooting group in 1990 Holton was holding four matches a year with an average of 70 to 90 shooters per match. They have had as many as 150 shooters at a points match a few years ago. What I'm saying is that this wasn't their first rodeo.

I haven't shot there for a few years but it was kinda like coming home. We saw a lot of old freinds and that (Expletive deleted) range was just as terrible and unforgiving as I remember it. I guess that's how you find out who the best shooters are.

It was good to meet people face to face that one has met on the internet.

Holton will do a very good job at the group nationals next year. I'll have to talk to my shrink and see if he thinks it's safe to go and if I can afford the treatments thereafter.

Dick Wright