Does anyone know of a supplier of extra high scope rings, 1 inch or 30mm, I would like to get my head up a little higher for standing shooting in my sport.
thanks, cat
You could likely make, or have made, a set of bases for less than such rings. Then just use your existing rings.
BTW, with the scope center at around 5 inches above the bore, a 6PPC has exactly the same zero at 100 as 200 yards. Or, I have a 1K heavy gun where the scope is 5.5 inches above the bore, and when I zero it at 100 yards (rare, but happens), I have to come
down 2 clicks (1/8-minute click) for 200.
Point being, if (1) you shoot 100 and 200 yards in your sport, and (2) if you want a higher scope, you could arrange it so there would be no sight change for these two distances. Use the program on the JBM site, and vary the "height of scope" numbers.
Link to the JBM site: A lot of numbers, but do it once & you get a lot of useful data. And, it is winter...