USARB Transition

Transition in leadership of USARB. Effective February 1, members of the current Board of Directors are resigning their positions, and have elected Mark Marini to replace them as director. After eight years of service, members Joe Friedrich, Robert Zimmerman, Craig Young, and Ron Silveira have concluded that a fresh perspective and influx of enthusiasm would be good for the future of the organization, and that Mark best provides those qualities.

Acting for USARB Directors
So, let me get this right? 4 good guys retired their positions, and 1 good guy is going to tackle their old jobs? Is there a desired method of contact for Mark, email, etc.?
You can continue going to website's "Contact" page and select link to "Send... to Board of Directors".
And if message is addressed for Mark Marini, it will be forwarded.

Ron S.
This Forum is Benchrest, All Benchrest Shooters, And Only Benchrest shooting.

is Mark Marini a member here??
not sure i have seen a posting from him ?

I have never seen a post from Mark here, however, I can look up the past history of posts from Mark.
Maybe in the future, he will post here if someone tells him about Benchrest Central and where benchrest information
and scores are posted. Steve will know, however, I am not sure Steve is a board member.
Belated Introduction

Good Morning,

I meant to post here several days ago but came down with Covid.
Below is the same post from AGN I managed to get out before getting sick.
That thread has a few worthy comments worth reading.

I'd like to introduce myself (Mark Marini) as the new director for the USARB.
I've been around these parts for quite some time now. Although not as active
here as I was on the old yellow. None the less I'm a very active benchrest shooter.
I shoot and work on airguns most every day. I volunteered for this position after
seeing things slow down during covid. Its coming back some but I'd love to see some
new faces. I hope this thread provides some positive feedback for me to work with.

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly, FIRE AWAY! I want to hear it.

Some things I'm considering:

1. Eliminating the Unlimited Class starting next season.

2. POSSIBLY adding a Sporter LV and HV class. Rules TBD but the idea would be more of a entry
level class where the Thomas's and the like (sorry Mike) don't seem like a impossibility to compete with.
Possible bipod and sand bags only. Let me know what you think.

3. I'm very interested in getting new shooters including responsible youngsters shooting.
To that end. I've given myself the task of collecting old used equipment. Guns, Scopes, Rests, Ammo etc
donated. Repair and tune the guns then loan the equipment to new worthy shooters to use until they can purchase
their own or return to me for the next person in line. This is being done in Paul Bendix name as most of the equipment
has come from him and his desire for others to benefit from it. I'm sure most of you know Paul. A finer person I've never met.

4. I'm very interested in getting a national event going. Who's interested? Where?

5. My last thought at the moment is to start a non profit to support our shooters competing at the Worlds.
It's embarrassing most every dime has to come out of the competitors pocket.

USARB won't diminish to nothing If we all shoot a little more. Share a little more. And find some new blood for us all to help
see what a great sport and people we can be.

Thank You for listening,
World championships....

Please don't add a per target fee for all matches to go to the world shooters. Nothing against the shooters that compete in the worlds. But, those of us that wish to donate should do so at an "at will" option. Bringing a forced donation by all shooters to fund shooters that can and do have the monies to pay for their own trips and guns, is right next to socialism.

Have a few big matches where some money is paid back to the shooters, but the greater portion funds the world shooters. Do this as "Qualifier" matches... If you wish to compete in the worlds you have to get to a few of these matches, and do well. This way, the guys that think they're good enough will all bring their best game and best rifles to shoot at the qualifiers. Money made at those matches would fund and form a team that scores best and meets any qualifications you may set forward.
Here's something else to consider... we as shooters are USARB shooters because of the rifles we use, the match guidelines we wish to follow, and the ranges we compete at. The ranges are chartered annually to be known USARB host ranges. You're getting feedback on Airgun Nation as well as here. Are the shooters chiming in on these sites USARB shooters, or "wishful thinkers" ? How about starting a membership with a monthly or quarterly news letter Via Email or site sign in... This way those that wish to chime in are "members", and the USARB could set up monies to run itself. Membership has its privileges.
Glad to see you up and about Mark Marini
and posting here where the USARB shooters have been posting for years
this is the place to talk about USARB
and airgun Nation is where you can be picking up new comers with different thoughts
you have some interesting ideas and are getting some pretty good comments


World championships....

Please don't add a per target fee for all matches to go to the world shooters. Nothing against the shooters that compete in the worlds. But, those of us that wish to donate should do so at an "at will" option. Bringing a forced donation by all shooters to fund shooters that can and do have the monies to pay for their own trips and guns, is right next to socialism.

Have a few big matches where some money is paid back to the shooters, but the greater portion funds the world shooters. Do this as "Qualifier" matches... If you wish to compete in the worlds you have to get to a few of these matches, and do well. This way, the guys that think they're good enough will all bring their best game and best rifles to shoot at the qualifiers. Money made at those matches would fund and form a team that scores best and meets any qualifications you may set forward.

Hi Paul,

I've been laying back trying to figure where you're going? You've posted here and on AGN, regarding USARB rules, management etc. As well as some barrel techniques
used to improve your poor shooting Thomas. Would love to see some before and after targets.

So my question is: What you looking for? If a OPTIONAL donation to help support USARB shooter going to the Worlds is a problem. By all means don't support them.
Your local club has with about 12 shooters that may use 200 targets a year. With the mentioned donation of .25c a card that $50 times 10 clubs that $500.
And my guess is the number of cards sold is less than that. As well as 10 clubs is probably a reach.
"is right next to socialism" Socialism my ass! I have 3 donations of $500 just waiting for me to set up the account. Your $50 would have minimal effect. Great to live in a free country where we all can decide to help or not.
Otherwise I've a lot of support from OUR SHOOTING members about idea.

I haven't seen one card posted on scoreline with your name on it.
Or your name affiliated with any club listed on our site.
A few inquiries confirmed my suspicions. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Your local club looks to have about 12 active shooters last year in the summer months.
By the looks of the equipment listed and scores posted, The current rules would appear
to fit their needs fine. I wonder if any of them agree with your points of view?

I'm just trying to get shooters more actively shooting. Build interest without excluding anyone. My suggested rule changes are minimal and may or may not
make any real difference. But are in response to REAL MEMBER requests. Not pie in the sky ideas like have 3 regional matches with prize money to pay for our club,
awards to winning shooters and support our world team. The last match I personally know of left the match director with out of pocket expenses when it was all over.
As you mentioned you have run some very good matches in the past. Maybe you can school us all on how its done in a profitable way while satisfying all members?

You know when I volunteered for this job I thought it would be a lot of work. But working hard for something good, really isn't work. right?
It hasn't been work for the most part. But dealing with this subject matter been challenging work and not helpful to anyone.

Sometimes you don't ask the question to the right people.


And that is why people from Boston are commonly referred to as Massholes! You should really have checked with me before you posted this. You see for the last 3 years before last year when I stepped back from shooting in order to work long hours, I not only helped a local club by running their whole benchrest program, but I allowed my father shoot my air rifle while I was running matches for 3 years straight. In those same years, my wife shot those matches and my son shot those matches... I assisted many shooters with their BR endeavors and helped a club towards a very successful program. The last BIG Match was the Great Lakes Invitational which raised a profit of over $1400 for the club... Once the money was turned over to the treasurer, I was thanked by the club in no way shape or form.. when I overheard a conversation of how much our program raised for the club it was off by quite a large amount of money.. In questioning the President of the club about where the money went... He fell silent and as I figured, the "good old boys network" walked away with the clubs earnings. I turned my back on that club and was very interested in building our own club signatory to USARB... Until now....

And Now that you've asked you know the rest of the story.
It’s been awhile since I posted here, and decided I would not carry this conversation on AGN. Mark I didn’t clarify myself about weight and ftlb restrictions, these were in response to your possible future sportsman class only.

Bottom line, I will accommodate any rules I need to keep shooting this discipline, it’s very enjoyable for me and have been blessed to shoot close to home with a group of great shooters and friends.

I have no problem donating some monies per scorecard towards keeping the organization going and helping defray costs in the U.S..


And that is why people from Boston are commonly referred to as Massholes! You should really have checked with me before you posted this. You see for the last 3 years before last year when I stepped back from shooting in order to work long hours, I not only helped a local club by running their whole benchrest program, but I allowed my father shoot my air rifle while I was running matches for 3 years straight. In those same years, my wife shot those matches and my son shot those matches... I assisted many shooters with their BR endeavors and helped a club towards a very successful program. The last BIG Match was the Great Lakes Invitational which raised a profit of over $1400 for the club... Once the money was turned over to the treasurer, I was thanked by the club in no way shape or form.. when I overheard a conversation of how much our program raised for the club it was off by quite a large amount of money.. In questioning the President of the club about where the money went... He fell silent and as I figured, the "good old boys network" walked away with the clubs earnings. I turned my back on that club and was very interested in building our own club signatory to USARB... Until now....

And Now that you've asked you know the rest of the story.


This will be my last reply to you on any forum. Its just a waste of my time and energy.
I have all my facts correct. I checked with the previous board and heard all about you.
So if I hear you correctly. You ran matches, raised money for your local club and then they
club looked to distance themselves from you. What more needs to be said? I sure don't want
any of your help. It's all been hot air anyway. Form your own club. Form your own league. I wish you all the luck in the world.

And finally to be clear.
The clubs near you, South Michigan Gun Club and South Michigan Pneumatics (if still in existence)
Are welcome to submit scores for scoreline as I don't assume you speak for them.
Hell for that matter your dad, wife and son are welcome too.

It’s been awhile since I posted here, and decided I would not carry this conversation on AGN. Mark I didn’t clarify myself about weight and ftlb restrictions, these were in response to your possible future sportsman class only.

Bottom line, I will accommodate any rules I need to keep shooting this discipline, it’s very enjoyable for me and have been blessed to shoot close to home with a group of great shooters and friends.

I have no problem donating some monies per scorecard towards keeping the organization going and helping defray costs in the U.S..


Hi Joe,

Thanks, for your support.

Would you mind sending me a private message here or on AGN?
I'll reply with a temporary email I have set up while we wait for the USARB email to get redirected.
I know your a good shooter and would value your thoughts on some rule changes.

Thank You,

This will be my last reply to you on any forum. Its just a waste of my time and energy.
I have all my facts correct. I checked with the previous board and heard all about you.
So if I hear you correctly. You ran matches, raised money for your local club and then they
club looked to distance themselves from you. What more needs to be said? I sure don't want
any of your help. It's all been hot air anyway. Form your own club. Form your own league. I wish you all the luck in the world.

And finally to be clear.
The clubs near you, South Michigan Gun Club and South Michigan Pneumatics (if still in existence)
Are welcome to submit scores for scoreline as I don't assume you speak for them.
Hell for that matter your dad, wife and son are welcome too.


It's really odd that you can read that and come up with that scenario... I walked away when I saw that club take monies raised by the shooters for their organization and only report some of it to the club and its president. I'm not going to have my name on that.

Don't interpret what you want it to be. I wrote what it is and we walked away head high to shoot matches elsewhere and possibly our own club.