Unsportsmen like behaviour

As near as I remember they gave him a 5" penalty,but no disqualification. Amounted to the same I guess. I don't remember him shooting in anymore matches.
Had finished my Score target at 200 and was sitting there with my bolt out when a hole appeared in the 8 ring. Only guy left shooting was to my immediate right. He never said anything, I called a crossfire and it was verified by the shooter to my left who also saw it happen.

End result.....I owned it.
I have never run into a situation like this in a Registered Match, and I have been doing this for some time now.

But, years ago, they used to have Club Matches at one of the large Ranges. It was amazing som of the Aggs that were shot., Teens galore.

But many of the guys who participated in these Matches would never shoot a Registered Match.

Probably that "Pesky Moving Backer" thing.
Had finished my Score target at 200 and was sitting there with my bolt out when a hole appeared in the 8 ring. Only guy left shooting was to my immediate right. He never said anything, I called a crossfire and it was verified by the shooter to my left who also saw it happen.

End result.....I owned it.

So you got an 8 instead of a 10??? With a witness.....???
Only remember 1 incident of actual dishonesty. I crossfired a .160 group at Tomball several years ago. Nobody said anything. I found out later when my target was posted with a 5" penalty. The fellow on my left said nothing and they scored it for him. He knew it but said nothing.
Did I say something, Yes.

So you both got a 5" penalty?
You said something. Okay. The other guy still got a 5" penalty??? Confused.
What are you confused about? Butch got a penalty for shooting the wrong target and the other fellow got a penalty for not shooting anything.
George Kelbly told me that he did a test to see if the crossfire location could be determined accurately. The result of the test was that you could only determine the shot was a crossfire and you could not determine exactly where it came from.

I suppose that's good enough.....
2008 Super Shoot. 8 people cross fired. 4th match. All in a row.
The last guy(who had 2 groups) notified Ian and went to the target garage. Told me, he talked to George Jr.
George said he could determine who cross fired. By lining up the backers to targets.....That's what I remember....
But, that was for a group of a group.....Not a single shot. Maybe, the last guy will pipe in....
I have no respect for cheaters nor thieves. Both are low life individuals who serve no place in our sport. They are loses in every aspect. Can't begin to understand how proud they must be if they win and how proud their children must be of them.

Well said Mike

Dan Honert
Thieves and Cheaters

I have no respect for cheaters nor thieves. Both are low life individuals who serve no place in our sport. They are loses in every aspect. Can't begin to understand how proud they must be if they win and how proud their children must be of them.

Remember the above quote when you get the urge to ,cheat,and steal from your favorite Sport.

Remember the above quote when you get the urge to ,cheat,and steal....

That quote causes some humbling reflection on my part. I don't want to recall the number of times I've taken something that wasn't mine, or "fudged the facts" to get what I wanted.

"Regrets, I've had a few...."
That quote causes some humbling reflection on my part. I don't want to recall the number of times I've taken something that wasn't mine, or "fudged the facts" to get what I wanted.

"Regrets, I've had a few...."

The courage to confess, is good for the soul.

Remember the above quote when you get the urge to ,cheat,and steal from your favorite Sport.


I'm far from perfect, but I have NEVER felt that urge that you speak of and very seriously doubt that I ever will!! Maybe others feel it but I don't. I have zero idea what the hell you're talking about. Every shot makes somebody happy, and I'm even guilty of wishing for someone to screw up....but I have never fired on someone else's target to gain advantage and not at all that I'm aware of, period.

Cross fires are virtually impossible to occur without knowing you were guilty. You either man up and own it as a mistake or go home and never, ever come back. That's my position and I simply don't see any gray area here. You either do it and realize it right after...or you do it and realize it happened when you push the gun back or when someone says they are being cross fired on.

I can understand anyone mistakenly lining up on the wrong target, even though you should always check your competitor number. What I don't understand is how you can continue to do it while the guy next to you is waving and screaming that someone is shooting his target, without checking your target, right then. At that point, I can't see how you wouldn't know what happened and own it. This is when you either own it as your mistake or sell out and quit playing this sport, hopefully.

I'm open to hearing what everyone else has to say on this as I may be overlooking something....but it seems black and white.
I'm far from perfect, but I have NEVER felt that urge that you speak of and very seriously doubt that I ever will!! Maybe others feel it but I don't. I have zero idea what the hell you're talking about. .

Mike,it appears you might have missed my point. I am in total agreement with your point/Quote. My comment was not directed at you. Many of us have been victims of thievery and cheating or knows someone who has. Your quote is a valid reminder, that should be given some thought by all competitors. Hope I make myself clear.

Mike,it appears you might have missed my point. I am in total agreement with your point/Quote. My comment was not directed at you. Many of us have been victims of thievery and cheating or knows someone who has. Your quote is a valid reminder, that should be given some thought by all competitors. Hope I make myself clear.


Thanks Glenn. All is well
I sat next to a person at the Super Shoot. Sorta famous in certain parts of the country.
On the last target(of the week), he started screaming "SOMEONE IS CROSS FIRING ON MY TARGET!"
I was almost finished with my group. When I finished, my group. I swung my firearm to look at his target.
He was late to the line. And only had a 2 shots on his sighter. Since, he only fired 2 shots...I guessed they were his.....
Is that some Psycho warfare? cheating? or did he start celebrating early???? Eh!
If you are shooting off of bench 25 and you are shooting on target frame number 25 it is the responsibility of the target crew to make sure the correct target is there, just in case you can't see your competitor numbers. I believe that is in the rule book, but I could be wrong. And do not tell me that you can always see you competitor number because I will use the OLD HOLTON, before Nancy and Bob got it, as an example.
The NBRSA Rules say a shooter is responsible for his Relay, his Bench, and Correct Target. That is Section 4.3.

I think it used to say "target frame". Apparently, under the current rules, a shooter is responsible to insure that the correct target is in his frame.

Heck, last year, after going about 15 years without doing it, I crossfired in two big Matches. It cost me dearly.

I chalked it up to old age:D
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The NBRSA Rules say a shooter is responsible for his Relay, his Bench, and Correct Target. That is Section 4.3.

I think it used to say "target frame". Apparently, under the current rules, a shooter is responsible to insure that the correct target is in his frame.

Heck, last year, after going about 15 years without doing it, I crossfired in two big Matches. It cost me dearly.

I chalked it up to old age:D

Heck, I am not as old as you, (snigger), and if the new rules say that, so be it. But in the OLD way, there was a saying. there were two kinds of shooters, those that have cross fired and those that will.