Under 3 weeks to go WRABF World Championship

Bill Collaros

Shoot to Thrill
WRABF World Championship

18 Days till practice and we give The World a WRABF World Championship to remember !


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Coming home from Maine a couple of days early.

Looking forward to meeting the CA shooters for the flight to Brisbane! Anyone from Team USA get the paper work for OZ import, export? They said it would be sent out a week or 10 days before the flight?
Need to pack a BIG STICK for the spiders! See you all in LA on July 19.

Need to pack a BIG STICK for the spiders! See you all in LA on July 19.

Paul, I took the liberty to put out the good oil about PB's shooting. All spiders will be at least 5 ft underground for two weeks.
Taipans should be dozing, no crocs that far south ........ I have no control over the real dangers if you venture north to The Barrier Reef, my didgeridoo falls a bit short there: :eek:

Safe travel with your team ... Regards, Harry.
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Thanks Harry.

Tough winter to practice! For the Worlds down under.
Picture from the shooting shack snow and -20 degree F. Mild wind.

Team USA should be all set for your Winter shoot.
Team USA should be all set for your Winter shoot.

Paul, Brisbane winter July/August will have daily temp average Min 10 C Max 20 C degrees with 9:00 am about 14 C.
Here's a reference for Brisbane: http://www.bom.gov.au/climate/averages/tables/cw_040214.shtml

Down south in the mountains, where I sometimes hunt, it could well look like your window's view while we are in Brisbane.
Stay warm, Harry.
practice and tuninig

we are all practicing and fine tuning for Brisbane, see you all soon



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Tough winter to practice! For the Worlds down under.
Picture from the shooting shack snow and -20 degree F. Mild wind.

Team USA should be all set for your Winter shoot.

That picture only tells part of the story.

Not only was it bone chilling cold with 3 or 4 feet of snow on the ground all winter, but the day before each match I had to spend hours moving, or better said: removing snow. And it wasn't just from the paths between the firing line and target stands that needed clearing, it was also the piles of snow immediately in front of the benches that had slid off the roof and piled up as high as the eves that needed shoveling before we could even see the targets, let alone think about pulling the triggers.

Hey Paul, you didn't mention your snow shoes for setting out the windflags?

Yup, Indoor shooting may be fun, but I sure do miss those days in the Great Outdoors.

Harry, please watch out for all my friends who are about to come down for a little visit as they may find themselves out of their eliment. Oh, and good luck to you and the rest of the Ozzy team.


Are you really surprised? You shouldn't be!

Wish I were coming, but as much as it pains me to say this: I'm glad I'm not.

We look forward to welcoming everyone as they start to arrive over the next few days


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DAY 1 AIR LV Results pre protest WRABF WORLD CHAMPS


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Thanks for the post Bill. Looks like everyone's off to a good start.
