Uh oh?

The brass probably didn't "weaken" (don't know this for sure) but rather something else is in play. I pulled some bullets once that were a little more than difficult and they had extreme corrosion where they contacted the case neck.
The brass probably didn't "weaken" (don't know this for sure) but rather something else is in play. I pulled some bullets once that were a little more than difficult and they had extreme corrosion where they contacted the case neck.

Some sort of acidic lube that remained in the neck maybe? Poorly cleaned and rinsed cases? I know with military ammo that has a sealer applied they advise to seat the bullet a tad deeper to break the seal before pulling.
Did you ask Federal if they would replace the 13+ boxes of the stuff? Normally they'd or should be glad to get defective stuff out of circulation.

I did ask but Federal declined to replace the remaining ammunition. It does raise the question of what kind of shelf life you should expect from factory ammo, especially "Match".
The OP issue is sticky since if the brass used from the old box had the same [defect] as that used after 2 reloads then the brass used after 2 reloads should have done the same thing after the first firing, no?