UBR target mis-sized, favors smaller caliber.

does one shoot in an 8 twist 6MM?

Jeff isn't a regular on here, or at least I don't think he is. Maybe he won't mind if I answer your question.

As you know, one can shoot most any 6mm bullet in an 8 twist. Some have tried the 105's but they don't often do as well as the lighter bullets at short range...with rare exceptions of course.

Savage did make 6BR's with a 12 twist and it was popular in UBR. I've read that they stopped doing the 12 and all are 8's now. I don't know if that's true or not, but I read it on the internet so it must be. Lol!

That said, the 80's are pretty popular and will shoot in both 8 and 12 twist. A few have had some success with 68gr etc bullets where they can reach the lands. Surprisingly, I've seen that most Savages in 6BR are not overly long in the throat. Most that I've seen have just enough to hold a 68fb ok. The long neck of the 6BR case makes it very forgiving in terms of freebore and a variety of bullets.

As with anything else, you just have to see what shoots best in your barrel. If it were me, I'd start with 80's of different makes and with different loads and go from there. Bergers, Barts and Larry Moore's Hillbilly bullets all seem to be popular. I've shot some EPS 80's in my 6 Grendel and they shoot well, too. My limited testing with it says that this barrel seems to prefer the Hillbilly 80.
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I spent all last season messing with the high BC Bullet 1-8 twist 6BR.

It might be the go to combo in F Class and 600/1000 yard, but it won't Agg good enough to cut it in VFS.

Yes, I won some yardages. But not because I shot that well, everybody else dropped too many points.

If you put 25 shots on the target, I guarantee 3 of them will take a mind of their own and kill your score.

Been there, done that.
I have several 6BR's, All 8 twist, My Savage shoots 64 bergers, 68 bergers, and 107 smk really well, but the 68 win. Also my Modified Remington has a 1x8 twist Krieger, and it likes 64 bergers better then anything. I don't think Savage makes the 1x12 twist in the LRPV 6BR anymore, But, The Savage LRPV is a great FACTORY rifle to start out with in FACTORY class in the UBR.
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I agree completely Randy. Also, I'll have to say that it pleases me to see that this discussion has stayed civil and hasn't deteriorated into name calling and hard feelings as these things sometimes do.


Rick, yes, we can be justifiably proud of this peer group: the level of conversation stayed above my incompetent math and initial outrageous/erroneous post. I'd like to take credit for having planned it that way . . . but, that would be a lie. This level of civility is almost non-existent.

I do believe that some good will come of it. RG
Rick, yes, we can be justifiably proud of this peer group: the level of conversation stayed above my incompetent math and initial outrageous/erroneous post. I'd like to take credit for having planned it that way . . . but, that would be a lie. This level of civility is almost non-existent.

I do believe that some good will come of it. RG

Agreed. But I do have a question that is puzzling me. When you wrote about reducing target size and said it would save 1/2 the paper I'm guessing you meant printing group & score targets on side by side of one 200 yard size targets, right?
I first thought you meant using front and back and wondered if you have discovered a way to make the paper heal itself..... I thought "that will never work"

I have read a lot over the years

to wit that there is nothing to be gained by trying to shoot heavy bullets = long bullets at short range BR so I wonder why folks keep trying to make it work? I came to the conclusion, long ago, that accuracy trumped (no pun intended) speed and that it is impossible to beat wind flag information with speed so why not just use whatever twist rate the 6 PPC crowd uses and bullet weights and shoot em?

to wit that there is nothing to be gained by trying to shoot heavy bullets = long bullets at short range BR so I wonder why folks keep trying to make it work? I came to the conclusion, long ago, that accuracy trumped (no pun intended) speed and that it is impossible to beat wind flag information with speed so why not just use whatever twist rate the 6 PPC crowd uses and bullet weights and shoot em?


I thought your question was in regard to factory class. I agree with you, except to say, let the experimenting begin. Perhaps there is a case capacity/bullet weight/burn rate combination that optimizes the whole system, and that a better bc and/or velocity becomes a positive side effect. IDK.
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Agreed. But I do have a question that is puzzling me. When you wrote about reducing target size and said it would save 1/2 the paper I'm guessing you meant printing group & score targets on side by side of one 200 yard size targets, right?
I first thought you meant using front and back and wondered if you have discovered a way to make the paper heal itself..... I thought "that will never work"


Rick, your second sentence is correct. I could have been more clear - the club could/would be able to cover more options with less inventory/expense: it could be group/score; 100/200,, etc. - many possibilities! RG
Rick, your second sentence is correct. I could have been more clear - the club could/would be able to cover more options with less inventory/expense: it could be group/score; 100/200,, etc. - many possibilities! RG

I don't know what they charge. Randy...but you're not saving a target...you're saving a piece of target paper. If you invest in printing on both sides, there may or may not be any savings at all, when it's all said and done. I like the idea though! UBR only shoots score, so I can't see much gain there.

Forgive me, but we've already covered the target cost issue pretty well, IMO.
UBR is a net savings over IBS and NBRSA. It only costs more on the initial order. If that's too much for a club to afford, targets can be bought individually from Rick or another willing match director. That way, you're not buying a full package of anything. If you have an accurate head count, you can buy just the number of targets to hold a single match.

Once again...target cost has been calculated to be a non-issue. How much does a moving backer system cost, anyway?
another way to caliber neutral scoring

Keep it simple, use the same targets, but score them twice!

Once best edge scoring as we do now, and then a second time using worst edge scoring.
Best edge scoring give the advantage to the larger caliber, worst edge scoring gives the advantage to smaller calibers.
Added together, the total score would be caliber neutral.

A shot that breaks the 10 ring would be a 10 by best edge scoring, but a 9 by worst edge scoring, so the total score would be 19.
With worst edge scoring, only a wipe out is counted as an X.
The total possible for 5 targets would be 500-50X is it was 25 wipe outs.

Let the criticism commence!
