TX Shootout - SP 200, Sporter Grand and 2 Gun results

Buffalo Shoot announcement

also, Mike Conry announced that the Buffalo shoot will take place as scheduled Aug 31, Sept. 1, 2013.
I would like to thank Mike Conry and Chas Huckaby for a well run match. The target crew did a fine job and the food provided at lunch was equal to the Kelbly crew.

Now for you computer guys that do not use your real name and are always bad mouthing ranges, I have about had enough. We do not have enough ranges and turn out, because you scare off new shooters by telling how awful something is. Midland can not control mother nature. The 2 hr dust storm just about covered the whole State of Texas.(just a front moving in from the north) Other than the 2 hr delay, it was as nice of conditions as you could ask for.
Now for you computer guys that do not use your real name and are always bad mouthing ranges, I have about had enough. We do not have enough ranges and turn out, because you scare off new shooters by telling how awful something is. Midland can not control mother nature. The 2 hr dust storm just about covered the whole State of Texas.(just a front moving in from the north) Other than the 2 hr delay, it was as nice of conditions as you could ask for.

Sssshhhhh..... Larry! More people means less of Brenda's pie and brownies for us to eat.

And, just because you are 70 ya don't have to be such a "Grouchy 'ol Fart"! LOL jk

A big THANK YOU to Mike and Charles and everyone else who helped out.That's one of the best target crews and a fantastic lunches around.Our little cold front blowing in couldn't have been timed any better,we got an hour for lunch and Bagget got a nap,he needed it.Honestly that was the best conditions i've ever shot in .Thanks again and keep up the good work.