Turbo V-3 Upgrade --- Hot Off the Press


Well-known member
There has been a improvement to the V-3 Turbo action.

Please see the link below. www.facebook.com/turboactions/

Product Upgrade Notice*
Our Turbo V3 receiver is by far our most popular model. We continually evaluate our products through testing and customer feedback. We are pleased to announce an upgrade to the V3 platform. The upgrade reduces the force of the bolt lift by 30%, reduces the lock time and facilitates the ability to better control the amount of firing pin penetration in a case. The changes will be the standard on all V3 receivers manufactured as of 03/01/2023. We are offering this as an upgrade to existing V3 receivers should a customer wish to upgrade their receiver.

Can't wait to test the new product.

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Is this upgrade something we can do ourselves, or will the action have to go back to DiOrio?

The upgrade will replace the most complex part of the bolt. That being the ring that is the locking lugs, cocking ramp(s) and bolt handle.

If you have a V -3 bolt that is has not been modified in any way, it may just plug and play. But if the thickness of the new piece and your existing piece isn't exactly the same then the new piece will have to be modified to maintain headspace.

If they are the same, anyone that can disassemble a Turbo bolt will be able to install the parts.

If you send just your bolt to Anthony, he will do the mod for you. Price is $600.00. plus shipping.

Turbo V 3 bolt.jpeg

Tony, since you are providing a lot of PR for Anthony and Turbo actions, given his fairly widespread and well documented customer service issues, if you send your bolt in for an upgrade, how many years before you can expect to get it back?
Tony, since you are providing a lot of PR for Anthony and Turbo actions, given his fairly widespread and well documented customer service issues, if you send your bolt in for an upgrade, how many years before you can expect to get it back?

Didn't realize my post was that much PR. Who knows maybe I'll get a check in the mail.

I have no idea what Anthony's backlog may be. It has been years since I was in his shop.

But if I was worried about down time awaiting delivery. I would measure my locking lug ring and ask Anthony to send me one the same thickness.

You know kind of like you do when you want someone else to bore out a tuner for your barrel.

I would use a well calibrated mic, and not a caliper.

For those that don't feel comfortable making the measurements or installing the parts they should have it done by a competent person.

Turbos have been around for such a long time there are many people capable of doing this. Not necessarily just gunsmiths.

Let's hope my check gets bigger now!

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The upgrade will replace the most complex part of the bolt. That being the ring that is the locking lugs, cocking ramp(s) and bolt handle.

If you have a V -3 bolt that is has not been modified in any way, it may just plug and play. But if the thickness of the new piece and your existing piece isn't exactly the same then the new piece will have to be modified to maintain headspace.

If they are the same, anyone that can disassemble a Turbo bolt will be able to install the parts.

If you send just your bolt to Anthony, he will do the mod for you. Price is $600.00. plus shipping.

View attachment 25807

Tony, thanks for the information. I have the V3 with the crescent firing pin. The action and trigger hanger have been modified to allow for changes in the depth of firing pin indention on the case head. Would this modification do anything else other than the 30% reduction in bolt lift? Bolt lift isn`t a problem for me now. And, from what I read, lock time isn`t that important on a benchrest rifle. Thanks, Les
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Tony, thanks for the information. I have the V3 with the crescent firing pin. The action and trigger hanger have been modified to allow for changes in the depth of firing pin indention on the case head. Would this modification do anything else other than the 30% reduction in bolt lift? Bolt lift isn`t a problem for me now. And, from what I read, lock time isn`t that important on a benchrest rifle. Thanks, Les


Getting the strike right for a V-3 with the crescent firing pin has been a problem for many.

If you use a stronger firing pin spring, bolt opening becomes harder.

Then there is a limit to how much firing pin fall you can add because of the angled trigger sear.

You have a fairly small window to work within.

Currently many V-3 s can't be cocked without using a tool.

Remember the old days of the Flash Turbos, and 10Xs, with chisel pins? No one even thought of needing a bolt cocking tool.

If this new mod will allow us the same easy bolt operation and drive the crescent pin it will be a benefit. How much? Who knows?

If you have already modified your Turbo and it is working for you, this mod falls into the don't fix something that is not broke category.

Mine are working now but I can't wait to see if there is an improvement that can be made.

I just can't help messing with stuff.

Tony, my V3 seems to be working well now but I suffer from the same affliction as you. I'm always looking for a better mouse trap. After you get your bolt reworked please let us know how you like the changes it made. Thanks, Les
Have any of the new V-3's been released into the wild yet? Just curious on peoples thoughts of the new design.

Have any of the new V-3's been released into the wild yet? Just curious on peoples thoughts of the new design.



I don't think any are out there yet. I just received my new parts last week before I left for the IR 50/50 Indoor Nationals.

I haven't had time to do anything with them yet but hope to in the next few days.

My plan is to share my experience on this thread for those that are interested.

Stay tuned.


I don't think any are out there yet. I just received my new parts last week before I left for the IR 50/50 Indoor Nationals.

I haven't had time to do anything with them yet but hope to in the next few days.

My plan is to share my experience on this thread for those that are interested.

Stay tuned.


Looking forward to your findings.

I haven't made much progress with the parts. The IR 50/50 Nationals and rain has kept me from testing.

Maybe I'll be able to do some shooting this weekend.

What I've learned so far:

1. The best way to take advantage of this mod will be to buy a new action ($1200.00 vs $600.00). New action will come with the new parts.

I'm sure Anthony would not be making this change if he didn't believe it to be a significant improvement.

I'm not from Missouri but I'll have to prove it to myself.

2. I first installed the new parts in a Turbo V 3 using a Flavio Fare 2.1 trigger. Did not work. Turned the trigger hangar around still didn't work.

Then I called Anthony. He told me he used a Bix and Andy trigger to design the new parts. I installed a Bix and Andy trigger and it worked.

That tells me the tolerances are really close. But that said, I'm sure the parts will have to be adjusted to accommodate all triggers.

This just goes to show you all Remmington 700 patterned triggers are not created equal.

This is as much as I've done. Stay tuned shooting is next.


Tony, needed the FF to be more to the front or to the rear?
Doesn't the hangar allow it?

One thing I do know... do not fix what's not broken.
Tony, needed the FF to be more to the front or to the rear?
Doesn't the hangar allow it?

One thing I do know... do not fix what's not broken.

I did not modify the hangar to try to make it fit. For once in my life, I quit when it didn't work.

I did turn it around to see if it would work with the hangar backwards from how its marked. Still didn't work.

When I installed the Bix and Andy trigger, I installed it in the hangar backwards and it worked. I don't think I'm going to have enough firing pin fall this way, but I haven't shot it yet to see. The rain has finally gone away so I should be able to shoot today.

If I get fail to fires (FTFs) I'll turn the hangar right way around and try it that way.

The good thing about this is Anthony is working on it to make his action(s) better, so I'm sure this will get worked out.

Who knows maybe we will end up with a little better mouse trap.

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Do you have any thoughts on why one Remington pattern trigger works and one does not ? Any chance you reset sear engagement on the Flavio to see if that did anything?
Do you have any thoughts on why one Remington pattern trigger works and one does not ? Any chance you reset sear engagement on the Flavio to see if that did anything?


The difference is all in exactly where the trigger transfer bar meets the trigger sear. The transfer bar in a Bix and Andy (old nonadjustable style) hits the angle in a different spot than the new Flavio Fare 2.1. In this case the difference is just enough that you can't close the bolt. I could have shimmed/trimmed the FF to make it work. Anthony is aware of this and I'm sure this will be addressed. The differenece is not in the trigger hangars because I mounted both triggers using the same hangar.

The good news is I shot the rifle yesterday and did not have any FTFs or case head penetrations. Ignition was good but I have not done a test to see if the strike is uniform.

Here are some pics to show the new parts vs the old parts. New parts on left. You will have to look closely to see the differences.


The claim is these new parts will:

1. Reduced bolt lift
2. Reduced firing pin travel required
3. Deeper firing pin penetration in case head
4. Improved firing pin spring life

If anyone cares to look at these parts close enough, one can see where this may be possible.

At this point I have yet to prove it, but I can see where it may very well be possible.

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The difference is all in exactly where the trigger transfer bar meets the trigger sear. The transfer bar in a Bix and Andy (old nonadjustable style) hits the angle in a different spot than the new Flavio Fare 2.1. In this case the difference is just enough that you can't close the bolt. I could have shimmed/trimmed the FF to make it work. Anthony is aware of this and I'm sure this will be addressed. The differenece is not in the trigger hangars because I mounted both triggers using the same hangar.

The good news is I shot the rifle yesterday and did not have any FTFs or case head penetrations. Ignition was good but I have not done a test to see if the strike is uniform.

Here are some pics to show the new parts vs the old parts. New parts on left. You will have to look closely to see the differences.

View attachment 25853
View attachment 25854
View attachment 25855

The claim is these new parts will:

1. Reduced bolt lift
2. Reduced firing pin travel required
3. Deeper firing pin penetration in case head
4. Improved firing pin spring life

If anyone cares to look at these parts close enough, one can see where this may be possible.

At this point I have yet to prove it, but I can see where it may very well be possible.


Tony, the spring looks like it's slightly longer than the old spring, and also seems to have fewer coils, based on the spacing I see in the pic. It might also have a thicker wire than the old spring. Can you confirm any details about the two springs?


Tony, the spring looks like it's slightly longer than the old spring, and also seems to have fewer coils, based on the spacing I see in the pic. It might also have a thicker wire than the old spring. Can you confirm any details about the two springs?



The spring wire is a little thicker and the spring is a little longer than the old Turbo spring. I have not left the new spring installed in the bolt so I don't know if it will take a "set" as all previous springs have done. It will be interesting to see what the overall length is after it has been used for a while.

The cocking ramps are not as steep as the old ones and there is a ramp on both sides of the lug ring.

Dual ramps have been a subject of discussion for a long time. As with all things rimfire some like them some hate them.

I don't really care as long as the bolt is easy to operate. When I say easy, I mean when I'm shooting, I don't want bolt operation to become a thought, I want it to happen without distracting me in any way. If I have to think about it, it isn't right.

For those out there wondering how this makes the action/rifle more accurate? In short, it doesn't.

But I submit to you, a rifle that handles well, operates easy, will allow you to focus all of your attention on the shooting process and ultimately will provide a better result.
