
I shot next to Keith Richards once and he never touched his guitar tuner......just sayin.
You can carry this to extremes. What about adjusting your scope knobs or butt plate or whatever. Please don't be disruptive and make lots of movements and noise. And yes, you have to zone out and concentrate on your own shooting.
You can carry this to extremes. What about adjusting your scope knobs or butt plate or whatever. Please don't be disruptive and make lots of movements and noise. And yes, you have to zone out and concentrate on your own shooting.


Is there a point in there somewhere and I missed it?

"And yes, you have to zone out and concentrate on your own shooting"

No, you can't "zone out" situational awareness is very much required. Especially when shooting indoors with the benches close together.

What happens beside you, and behind you, very much affects your shots down range.

Just following up...Has a rule change regarding adjusting tuners at the bench been presented yet. How about picking up a different lot of ammo, at the bench? Or wiping the sweat from my brow? Still amazed that this is worthy of "sticky" status. JMHO. I lost the last match due to someone grabbing another box of ammo...at the bench, of all places!
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Just following up...Has a rule change regarding adjusting tuners at the bench been presented yet. How about picking up a different lot of ammo, at the bench? Or wiping the sweat from my brow? Still amazed that this is worthy of "sticky" status. JMHO. I lost the last match due to someone grabbing another box of ammo...at the bench, of all places!

Nothing has been done that I'm aware of Mike. In fact I doubt, its even been discussed. I don't think its even noticed for those of us with long appendages. Its the fellas with short ones that have the concern!:p

Nothing has been done that I'm aware of Mike. In fact I doubt, its even been discussed. I don't think its even noticed for those of us with long appendages. Its the fellas with short ones that have the concern!:p


Well, I was curious since this seems to be of importance to at least one prominent shooter. I don't know how firing guns at a match, disrupting others' concentration will be addressed either. Somethings got to be done about it, though. ;)

I've seen a similar thread made a sticky somewhere...Oh, it was that guy who owns his own channel. That explains it. What ever happened to the poster on here called "waterboy"? Haven't seen him post in a while. Hope he's well. I have no ax to grind with anyone but this "sticky" seems frivolous and beneath anyone that I consider a top shooter in our sport.

Such a rule change might be considered "advancing rimfire br" by some but I very much disagree and certainly hope the game never comes to this.
Well, I was curious since this seems to be of importance to at least one prominent shooter. I don't know how firing guns at a match, disrupting others' concentration will be addressed either. Somethings got to be done about it, though. ;)

I've seen a similar thread made a sticky somewhere...Oh, it was that guy who owns his own channel. That explains it. What ever happened to the poster on here called "waterboy"? Haven't seen him post in a while. Hope he's well. I have no ax to grind with anyone but this "sticky" seems frivolous and beneath anyone that I consider a top shooter in our sport.

Such a rule change might be considered "advancing rimfire br" by some but I very much disagree and certainly hope the game never comes to this.

Mike, rather than endlessly whining, in particular about a venue you do not even shoot, perhaps you should simply come to terms with the term " disruptive ".
First realize one hell of a lot of shooters never touch their tuner.....ever. ( please, no need to provide your rimfire tune lecture).
Frankly, a simple lean forward to move it probably would not get called, nor would anything else that would not make most wonder if you are having a seizure.
Some guys, however, seem to want to hop up and down incessantly And want to carry on a full bore conversation or leave and come back to the bench.....more than once.
In a real world setting I have never seen any beef about a tuner issue frankly And it simply boils down to basic courtesy.

Lastly, FWIW while I am no fan of the other channel, as a gunsmith, when you can build a gun that can run with his
(All of which sport tuners that never move, maybe he knows something you don't) you can cast dispersions. You can't, so don't....please.
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So says a person who hasn’t shot an indoor Rimfire match in years.
And how many outdoor Rimfire matches in the last five years?
Let me answer... not enough for him to have a viable opinion.
Show up and shoot!
So says a person who hasn’t shot an indoor Rimfire match in years.
And how many outdoor Rimfire matches in the last five years?
Let me answer... not enough for him to have a viable opinion.
Show up and shoot!

Indoors? Never.
Nor will I ever there sport. One cancer surgery per lifetime is my limit. And what have you won......ever, Mr. bottom 1/2 of the pack.
Key board tough guy

So the key board tough guy, Tim, Mr know it all, sends me the following private message...

“If you had any idea how bad these guys make fun of you and your overall lack of skills You'd perhaps learn to STF up.“

Get the ammo you brag about out of hibernation and show us your skills. You ain’t done feces in years.
All you do is demean people and make an ass of yourself.
Nothing but a keyboard warrior that hides.
And I am not hard to find.
I have probably won more tournaments in the last two years than you have shot.
You probably need to learn to STFUP because if you think people make fun of me... I am a I piker compared to your status in the Rimfire world. Haha haha!
I am tired of your crap just as are a plethora of others.
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So the key board tough guy, Tim, Mr know it all, sends me the following private message...

“If you had any idea how bad these guys make fun of you and your overall lack of skills You'd perhaps learn to STF up.“

Get the ammo you brag about out of hibernation and show us your skills. You ain’t done feces in years.
All you do is demean people and make an ass of yourself.
Nothing but a keyboard warrior that hides.
And I am not hard to find.
I have probably won more tournaments in the last two years than you have shot.
You probably need to learn to STFUP because if you think people make fun of me... I am a I piker compared to your status in the Rimfire world. Haha haha!
I am tired of your crap just as are a plethora of others.

Wow, I stand corrected, had no idea I was sparring with a champion.
In checking I see your knocking out 1 HOF point a year.
Hang in there buddy you're gonna be right up there by the time you're about 140 yrs old.
Must be some tournaments you've been winning. What, against cows?
Mike, rather than endlessly whining, in particular about a venue you do not even shoot, perhaps you should simply come to terms with the term " disruptive ".
First realize one hell of a lot of shooters never touch their tuner.....ever. ( please, no need to provide your rimfire tune lecture).
Frankly, a simple lean forward to move it probably would not get called, nor would anything else that would not make most wonder if you are having a seizure.
Some guys, however, seem to want to hop up and down incessantly And want to carry on a full bore conversation or leave and come back to the bench.....more than once.
In a real world setting I have never seen any beef about a tuner issue frankly And it simply boils down to basic courtesy.

Lastly, FWIW while I am no fan of the other channel, as a gunsmith, when you can build a gun that can run with his
(All of which sport tuners that never move, maybe he knows something you don't) you can cast dispersions. You can't, so don't....please.

This wasn't directed toward you but even a dead worm will catch some fish. Thanks for your input, but to summarize your post..."blah, blah, blah, no new rules proposals..blah,blah. Oh, you didn't even mention anything regarding my question..So, it was just more blah, blah.

But thanks for your thoughtful reply. You are so full of it. But, to address you directly, I have an interest in whether or not moving a tuner at the bench is going to be voted on. If it is voted against, it'd be the absolute dumbest thing I've ever seen in br, of any kind. Nothing else you said matters and everything you said is irrelevant. When a top shooter brings up such a point for discussion and leaves it on here as a sticky post, I assume that there might be some consideration of it by the powers that be...even if I do disagree with it completely. I assume that's why it was left as a sticky post..to gauge interest from others. It would certainly stop me from re-entering the rfbr game, without a doubt.

Now, you can make your opinion based on knowing that if you so choose, if it ever gets brought up...but please don't put your personal feelings ahead of the sport. I don't care if you like me or not but I hope you wouldn't let that influence your position on something like this. If you don't want to move your tuner...don't. But I hope that option is there for anyone that chooses to.
This wasn't directed toward you but even a dead worm will catch some fish. Thanks for your input, but to summarize your post..."blah, blah, blah, no new rules proposals..blah,blah. Oh, you didn't even mention anything regarding my question..So, it was just more blah, blah.

But thanks for your thoughtful reply. You are so full of it. But, to address you directly, I have an interest in whether or not moving a tuner at the bench is going to be voted on. If it is voted against, it'd be the absolute dumbest thing I've ever seen in br, of any kind. Nothing else you said matters and everything you said is irrelevant. When a top shooter brings up such a point for discussion and leaves it on here as a sticky post, I assume that there might be some consideration of it by the powers that be...even if I do disagree with it completely. I assume that's why it was left as a sticky post..to gauge interest from others. It would certainly stop me from re-entering the rfbr game, without a doubt.

Now, you can make your opinion based on knowing that if you so choose, if it ever gets brought up...but please don't put your personal feelings ahead of the sport. I don't care if you like me or not but I hope you wouldn't let that influence your position on something like this. If you don't want to move your tuner...don't. But I hope that option is there for anyone that chooses to.


You can rest assured that there is no pending vote to rule against moving tuners at the bench in IR 50/50.

With that said, it appears you really do not understand why this topic came up and why it remains a sticky. I'm sure there are many others in that same boat.

I will try to explain this but doubt anyone will be enlightened.

To understand, one would have to shoot at indoor matches where the benches are really close together. Any extreme movement on either side of you will impact your shot.

It is not a matter of concentration.

It is a matter of air movement and pressure inside the building.

If you have never studied this, or experienced it, you would not believe it possible. But I assure you it is real and can be demonstrated.

Nearly all indoor shooters have experienced this but most don't know why. You are shooting along knocking out Xs then all of a sudden your bullet strike

moves off the dot and maybe off the 10 ring. You shoot a sighter and it hits exactly like the last one, off the dot. What happened? Why has you point of impact changed?

Then maybe a shot or two later it moves right back to where it was. Big mystery! What happened?

Didn't happen last night when you were in the building alone practicing. But right here in the match when it counts BAM!

Most likely, someone, somewhere moved, then moved back.

The best shooters at Piney Hill are the ones that pays nearly as much attention to what is happening behind, and around them, as they pay to their targets in front of them.

I'm not saying anyone moving anywhere will have this result. It will not. But if you study it, you can find the right locations where it will have this impact.

If one can turn the tuner without standing up it doesn't seem to be as bad as when one stands up and leans forward.

The other point of my post was "will you really help yourself by moving the tuner after the clock has started"?

I believe you are better off leaving the tuner where it is, and making sure you don't make a shooter mistake.

Trying to dial in a winning tuner setting, while the clock is running, and get the rifle re zeroed, and not making shooter mistakes is just too much to get done.

Still using your flags and still love them!

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This wasn't directed toward you but even a dead worm will catch some fish. Thanks for your input, but to summarize your post..."blah, blah, blah, no new rules proposals..blah,blah. Oh, you didn't even mention anything regarding my question..So, it was just more blah, blah.

But thanks for your thoughtful reply. You are so full of it. But, to address you directly, I have an interest in whether or not moving a tuner at the bench is going to be voted on. If it is voted against, it'd be the absolute dumbest thing I've ever seen in br, of any kind. Nothing else you said matters and everything you said is irrelevant. When a top shooter brings up such a point for discussion and leaves it on here as a sticky post, I assume that there might be some consideration of it by the powers that be...even if I do disagree with it completely. I assume that's why it was left as a sticky post..to gauge interest from others. It would certainly stop me from re-entering the rfbr game, without a doubt.

Now, you can make your opinion based on knowing that if you so choose, if it ever gets brought up...but please don't put your personal feelings ahead of the sport. I don't care if you like me or not but I hope you wouldn't let that influence your position on something like this. If you don't want to move your tuner...don't. But I hope that option is there for anyone that chooses to.

Oh, sorry about the question.
Other than you, honestly, I don't think i ever heard a push from anybody to vote on it.
Nor, for that matter was I ever at a match where it was an issue.
Mike, frankly if a guy leans over and makes a few clicks, rarely, if ever, are you gonna get called, but in all things I suspect Tony has run into guys that take it to excess, I mean, come'on a little common sense here goes a long

You can rest assured that there is no pending vote to rule against moving tuners at the bench in IR 50/50.

With that said, it appears you really do not understand why this topic came up and why it remains a sticky. I'm sure there are many others in that same boat.

I will try to explain this but doubt anyone will be enlightened.

To understand, one would have to shoot at indoor matches where the benches are really close together. Any extreme movement on either side of you will impact your shot.

It is not a matter of concentration.

It is a matter of air movement and pressure inside the building.

If you have never studied this, or experienced it, you would not believe it possible. But I assure you it is real and can be demonstrated.

Nearly all indoor shooters have experienced this but most don't know why. You are shooting along knocking out Xs then all of a sudden your bullet strike

moves off the dot and maybe off the 10 ring. You shoot a sighter and it hits exactly like the last one, off the dot. What happened? Why has you point of impact changed?

Then maybe a shot or two later it moves right back to where it was. Big mystery! What happened?

Didn't happen last night when you were in the building alone practicing. But right here in the match when it counts BAM!

Most likely, someone, somewhere moved, then moved back.

The best shooters at Piney Hill are the ones that pays nearly as much attention to what is happening behind, and around them, as they pay to their targets in front of them.

I'm not saying anyone moving anywhere will have this result. It will not. But if you study it, you can find the right locations where it will have this impact.

If one can turn the tuner without standing up it doesn't seem to be as bad as when one stands up and leans forward.

The other point of my post was "will you really help yourself by moving the tuner after the clock has started"?

I believe you are better off leaving the tuner where it is, and making sure you don't make a shooter mistake.

Trying to dial in a winning tuner setting, while the clock is running, and get the rifle re zeroed, and not making shooter mistakes is just too much to get done.

Still using your flags and still love them!


Thanks for the clarification, Tony. I do have a shooting room, where I and the gun are inside and firing out a window. I'll have to test what I see on paper when someone opens and closes the door, for example. I've often considered indoor gremlins to be mirage related more that anything else but perhaps not. Mirage can be a bear, especially in cooler temps with warm air rushing out the window. I suspect a totally indoor setup would be bad as well.
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