Trigger Hanger Help


New member
Reinstalling the trigger hanger and I cannot get the forward (closest to chamber) screw to catch. The hanger is 0 to 30 with 0 forward.

Bat 3L

Any tips?
its a Scoville stock and the forward screw is a little tricky to get lined up right. I even removed the hanger and trigger and just tried getting the screw to catch (using both screws on the forward hole) and it will not catch.
any chance the screws could be stripped? I can get 1 screw to tighten in the rear hole but not the other screw. neither will tighten on the forward hole.

without the hanger in place will either screw thread into the front hole ??
any chance the screws could be stripped? I can get 1 screw to tighten in the rear hole but not the other screw. neither will tighten on the forward hole.


The action is either Stainless Steel or Chrome Moly, the threads are pretty tough. It is generally the screw that strips.

Are they 6-32 socket head cap screws. Get a couple of new ons and try them .
The action is either Stainless Steel or Chrome Moly, the threads are pretty tough. It is generally the screw that strips.

Are they 6-32 socket head cap screws. Get a couple of new ons and try them .

Action is Stainless Steel and they do appear to be 6-32 socket head cap screws. One of them looks stripped, maybe both.

Where can I find a replacement? Local Ace Hardware did not have that type or size.

iif you have never been told or learned,
when starting a screw, turn it backwards(left) till
you feel the threads "drop", then tighten right hand.
lots less chance of a cross thread.

righty tighty, lefty loosey
... when starting a screw, turn it backwards(left) till you feel the threads "drop" ...

I was about to type the same thing! Most threads have a single leade, so you may have to turn the screw backwards up to a full turn before you find it.
Could be the pins that hold the hanger to the trigger not being flush with the outside of the hanger. I have had this problem a number of times and if they are not flush the trigger will not seat properly. Just a thought