Tough Kimber mainspring

Don’t just stand there and take this bashing, Alinwa. Show him your NRA teaching certificate and your range certificate. That’ll show them.


from a guy "who wishes this would all just go away...."

saving again

(sorry it took so long to reply, I was just going down the list in order...)

and glenn and jerry's...... 'HI' ..... glad you could be here to show your support for the benighted francis! it's so hard for him!
Man, I miss Gun Games...

I'm back in town and my order is in!

Thank you Al and Glenn for giving me reason to buy another gun!! Well, two actually as I buy all my guns in sets, one for me/one for her.

View attachment 25343

I found the "triangular grips" ref'd above...

As I've stated repeatedly over 20+yrs, I'm not much of a handgun guy. I have a _"few"_ LOL, and back when 'Gun Games' came out My Beloverly and I hosed our way through a few 5 gallon buckets of ammo, mainly shooting 45's and .357's.

I still have a complette set of 'Gun Games' and my 13yr-old likes JJ Racaza and is saving his money for a RazorCat, but so far we're still dabblers....

Since the Gun Games days I've gotten somewhat into Colt SAA's and hunting handguns......recently even some 9MM's..... but I'd never found reason to own a 38Spl

Now I do!!

Thanks for your info guys.

Other than buying G&A to read "Cooper's Corner", Gun Games was about the only worthwhile gun rag on the racks (back when magazine racks were a standard fixture). I'm ignoring Accurate Rifle et. al. as they were subscription only, and never seen on the rack...

Use all the deflection jibberish you want, we know you for what you are……or aren’t.

I'm not "deflecting" ye' silly git...... in fact I'm calling you out. I'm flat out sick of your constant harrassment and innuendo. So just out and say it! Clear the air.....What ""am I" or "am i not"??? Point out exactly where I've "deflected"..... or is this another of your little hoops you're used to having your minions hop thru where you make an assertion and the child you're dealing with has to answer on your terms? Sorry, I'm not your whipping boy. And you're certainly not my Chief.

I'm an adult, I deal with lib-speak every day in the course of my day job. I HEAR what you're feeling. But I don't respond well to "feelings", I deal in facts.

And who is this "we" of whom you speak? You got a turd in yer pocket or are you referring to your cheering section?

BTW, since I AM talking to The Head Grammar Nazi, it's 'gibberish.'
I'm back in town and my order is in!

Thank you Al and Glenn for giving me reason to buy another gun!! Well, two actually as I buy all my guns in sets, one for me/one for her.

W231 powder and Berry's 125 gr. copper plated flat points make my little 'J' frames happy. Mild recoil, accurate and easy on the bore for cleaning.

Good shootin' -Al
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You speak of your NRA certified range and your certified NRA instructor credentials. I don’t believe either of these is reality. These are dreams. You’re living in a dream. I stated some time ago that you are banned from posting on Accurate Shooter for posting erroneous load data. You said you were banned for calling Paul McMenaman (spelling) some stupid name. Tell the guys the truth. You lie when the truth would be even more unbelievable. I don’t know what you want me to say and that’s fine with me because you’ll find fault in what I say. I’ll have to look up what you mean by my minions unless it’s your childish attempt to minimize me, or more importantly, the opinions of others if they dare feel the way I do. You find fault with my grammar and spelling while you use childish jibberish, gibberish.
If I
I can
Yews eny
Eye wish.
I promise not to hide as you have when the theatre of public opinion is against me.
"Sanctioned" Francis....."NRA SANCTIONED" range.

I pay lots of money to keep it from being "NRA Certified"

Several of the other instructors repeatedly work on me to take the money but I insist on (and pay for) my private status.

We are different you and I.... :) .... I come from the position of freedom. I believe in and support "government by the people, for the people". You, a lifelong registered Democrat come from the position of "people for the government, and buy the government".

We will never agree. You voted for Joe Biden, I flaunt " Let's Go Brandon" stickers. Even the term "sanction" has an opposite meaning for you than for me!! You agree with "sanctions" against Putin, I gained approval for my property to be used as a training facility, a "sanctioned" but completely private facility.

While you're looking up "minions" look up "sanctioned" also, to find that it has two completely opposite definitions depending on who you are. This is specifically why I use the word.

Just remember that after swearing off many times, you invited yourself to this, my thread in which I'm looking for help.....AND GETTING IT BTW.....even from people who find my views to be silly, childish and "flat-ass wrong".

You're not a helpful human. And that is your right....and it probably works well in your world to "tell people how it is" and to tell people what to do, just as long as you're operating in a group of people who think like you

I am not those people.

There are exactly TWO SIDES in this world, always has been. And I am on the side of self-sufficiency and gun rights. I WANT MY GRANDBABBIES TO HAVE AS COOL A WORLD AS I'VE HAD :)

And I'll continue to fight for it even as guys like you sneak around pretending to be "conservative".... Maybe even believing it...???

I don't have to argue with you nor "prove myself" to you. My words are public record ... My scuffle with Paul over on accurate shooter is still there for all to see. You and your revisionist history can take a flying leap. What HAPPENED happened. What you SAW is something completely different. The same sort of thing has happened in this thread. I wrote words to tim, Justin read them as directed at him. No big deal, a simple misunderstanding.

Doesn't mean that Justin thinks any differently..... I'm pretty sure he still thinks I'm silly, dangerous and WRONG and that's his right.... But it is important to note that my words to tim weren't directed at him.

These words though ARE directed at you Francis Paul Becigneul and are publicly recorded just like your voting affiliation......

And no, that isn't "political".... It's just a shortcut. I don't have to "accuse you" of supporting Alexandria-Ocasio-On-Her-Knees-Cortez.... Your public record is clear and written down, permanently preserved in public records.

As are my words here on BRC (and even over on LOL!)
W231 powder and Berry's 125 gr. copper plated flat points make my little 'J' frames happy. Mild recoil, accurate and easy on the bore for cleaning.

Good shootin' -Al

Sweet. I've got a lot of Berry's bullets. A lot of Berry's PRODUCTS actually, I'm a conspicuous consumer of Berry's LOL

I just yesterday bought all the Civil Defense rounds they, the company had.... Only 4 boxes..... But I have lots of the Berry's 380 bullets and hope to work up a similar practice load
You speak of your NRA certified range and your certified NRA instructor credentials. I don’t believe either of these is reality. These are dreams. You’re living in a dream. I stated some time ago that you are banned from posting on Accurate Shooter for posting erroneous load data. You said you were banned for calling Paul McMenaman (spelling) some stupid name. Tell the guys the truth. You lie when the truth would be even more unbelievable. I don’t know what you want me to say and that’s fine with me because you’ll find fault in what I say. I’ll have to look up what you mean by my minions unless it’s your childish attempt to minimize me, or more importantly, the opinions of others if they dare feel the way I do. You find fault with my grammar and spelling while you use childish jibberish, gibberish.
If I
I can
Yews eny
Eye wish.
I promise not to hide as you have when the theatre of public opinion is against me.
Saving the wurds..... For the record, I'm sick of revisionism
Get your information straight. You have my political stance and my way of life wrong by 180 degrees. So, as stated, wrong again. You haven’t been “right” in a long time.
Incidently, you aren’t recognized on the NRA page for having done anything.
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Wow… been a while since I checked in @ “ Gunsite Acadamy, masonry division”
7 pages and going strong.
Hang in there Francis, you’re wearing him down.
Get your information straight. You have my political stance and my way of life wrong by 180 degrees. So, as stated, wrong again. You haven’t been “right” in a long time.
Incidently, you aren’t recognized on the NRA page for having done anything.

So in other words, this isn't you.....

So what you're saying is, you'll vote for Trump if he runs again?

It's a 'yes' or 'no' question, ya' ain't gotta' "prove" nor "support" nuttin! Just go on record, take a stand.

I asked that question recently of some FBI agents who called themselves "conservatives". I told their ringleader "you get all your buddies in the group to put in writing that they'll vote Republican, and more specifically for Donald J Trump or Michael R Pence"..... and you never SAW a buncha' fellers backpedal so quickly!

I will take a stand, I will put it in writing, and I will righteously QUAFF the crow, with a fork and spoon when you show me as changing stance on anything.
Unequivocal many mistakes. Never voted Dem, never lived in Harrison Township. Not even close to $70,000.00 per year. And right or wrong you will never change. You will ever get off your soapbox. You will never better yourself. You will never win a rifle match. You may never enter another one after your dismal performance in the last one. You will never be a better man than I am. You will blab more than anyone. You are the empty barrel.
BTW, for all of you'se who own property upon which you may shoot..... ie "A Range"..... this is a big deal!

I've fought this fight on many fronts as I've owned shooting and riding and riparian properties in fairly urban areas for 35yrs. I've got a pond and I have to fight to keep it off of the helicopter dipping sites list. I own property that they want to pay me to "trade" areas of my crick with developing sites down in town....I've been subpoena'd to appear in court over some of these riparian and run-off issues and told them to "sue me, I'm not wasting my time in your specious suit". I also curate a private cemetery with hundreds of burial sites and have to fend off the state and the IRS every year. And in the end I chose to to tear out my riding track. But I continue to operate the shooting area, carefully and under heavily controlled conditions. I am careful to never use the words "public welcome" or "public invited'. I could with just a minimal amount of paperwork hold an IBS or NBRSA shoot, or an NRA venue. I looked into holding some open NBRSA shoots during Da' Co'vit when all the shoots were closed but soon found out that normal people WANT TO put a sack over their face! I firmly closed that door and walked away. Our local trap club shot their shottyguns in the rain with masks on by letting folks forego their safety glasses....

Nope, not this cat.... SAFETY over-rides everybody's silly notions of what's "right" this day.

When you start using private properties for public venues the wicket gets fairly sticky, quickly even during normal political times..... I keep my ducks squarely in rows but N E V E R!! let state or local code enforcement set any rules for me. To do what I do one must know and more importantly understand the laws.

At one point the WA Police Dept told me that as a "school" my facility would need to be a "Gun Free Zone", I of course told them to stuff it. They wanted me to initiate handgun checks on folks coming to gun safety courses and for a while they actually got firearms and broadheads banned from our classrooms! The state of WA spent millions of taxpayer dollars making "inert firearms" for our classes and of course me, being a die-hard "Crash and Burn" guy I asked for several sets.... (I only got one set of 5 non-functional firearms and a 300.00 carrying case but I felt warm and fuzzy doing my part to drain the state coffers)

But the real problem with raising a ruckus here in our Hunter Ed and Firearms Safety courses is that we aren't actually burning state taxpayer funds..... We're burning thru Pittman-Robertson monies. Which is why our state police tried to get involved in the first place! It's a huge pot of gold that every state in the Union is trying to (and sometimes succeeding) to pilfer.

They tried to get it to where we would police for pocket knives....

A couple of my favorite WA laws are listed here.... and ...... I won't 'explain' them for the stupid people because , ummm, "that would be stupid".... and would also be shooting myself in the foot while feeding the trolls. Doesn't change the simple fact that these ARE our current laws :) and that #8 under 060 is just a beaut! Lots of local folks here spend a lot of their time "participating in, or travelling to or from legitimate outdoor activities".

Anyways, my range is PRIVATE and invitation only.

But with a couple phone calls and a few forms I _could_ hold an NBRSA Match.
Unequivocal many mistakes. Never voted Dem, never lived in Harrison Township. Not even close to $70,000.00 per year. And right or wrong you will never change. You will ever get off your soapbox. You will never better yourself. You will never win a rifle match. You may never enter another one after your dismal performance in the last one. You will never be a better man than I am. You will blab more than anyone. You are the empty barrel.

Well, you sure know a lot more about me than I know about you ;)

I stand corrected.

So you WOULD vote for Trump? Say it out loud, right here...

"I, Al Matson Esquire will vote for The Orange Man if he runs again"

And right or wrong you will never change. You will ever get off your soapbox.

Francis, some of the comments on this tread remind me of a PM I received a while back from a very respected member of the forum and the BR world in general, regarding one of my back-and-forths with alinwa; the PM said: "its an arguement [sic] with Al you can't win. he always has to have the last word even when its wrong." Since that PM, I've reduced my interactions with alinwa and life has been more enjoyable; you might want to consider that yourself. :)
What does that even mean.... to "have the last word"....???......If you stop talking you "lose?"

You've obviously never learned proper debating technique.

"Arguments" and discussions amongst adults are "settled", not "won." And with facts, not feelings.