TOP actions of the SS

I have a difficult time figuring out why Jim Kelbly is being criticized for being proud of the products he make and sells. If he didn't believe they were the best, why would he be selling them? And if he does believe they are the best, why shouldn't he say so? Is he somehow prohibited from saying what he believes in a public forum just because they are his products? When I see someone being extremely critical toward someone else on one of these forums , I always wonder if they would be as caustic face to face. I know I've certainly made that mistake, but I try very hard to remember that there is a real person on the other side of this screen. If I wouldn't say it to his face, I try to avoid saying it in print, but that's just me.

Rick good point.

Now that I think about it. I have a Grizzly. And it has won more wood than the other famous brand.
A famous shooter said maybe you should go back to your old set up...........
Yes I started

This thread. It was not meant to criticize. It was to state MY OPINION about top actions of the SS and possibly see others opinions. I just pointed out what the results showed. Nothing more.

On a side note, it is okay to boast about ones product on the Forums but it is not okay to discuss issues if there is an issue with a business or individual. That cannot be discussed. That is not okay.

Yes an earlier post got under my skin. I was made to feel that if I DO NOT use a particular brand I am handicapped in comparison to those who use them or afford them.

Unfortunately there are those of us who were not blessed with a degree/education or wealth in our families to assist us as young adults starting out in life. Then there are those who have it all. Some were handed it while others busted there butts to get what they have.

Anyway, this is not about that.

What I do know is the people I talk with and the information that we share amongst ourselves. GOD forbid we question or voice our opinion about power houses of this game. There are many of us at your mercies when it comes to ALL the components we use and the gun builders we use hoping they will build or sell us a TOP KNOTCH COMPETITIVE rifle.

So to those I annoyed, I apologize.

I will be at the East/West trying my best to beat the top shooters in the US. Whether I surpass many or fail I know I will enjoy every moment.

Just remember, TEAM BLAME CANADA
ok, lemmesee, where did i ever see uncleb on a match report,, let alone a top 20 equipment list??

People, to have any credibility at all with serious benchresters, use your real name or some reference to who you are, you don't have to possess 150 hof points, or even a single hof point, but at least go to benchrest shoots and participate!!!!

well said and it goes for more than a few on here
lemmings ??
not..well not at the top.

but lemmings are those that buy the same equipment as the top 10/top 20......but have no clue.

they do not understand why , if they have the same stuff, they do not have the same results..they THINK it is an equipment race....

but it is not , it is a skill contest...and some just do not have the skill, but can afford the equipment."

Oh come on StoolinCO.
Francis I find it odd that mike considers all but in the top 20 " lemmings", Has no clue that there were a number of h.o.f. shooters and many with points that did not make the top 20, for what ever reason missed condition, lost load or barrel wasn't up to par this year, cross fire. This doesn't mean they are incapable just wasn't there time. Maybe he can go to a real registered match to see how it really is. By the way it is a equipment race, or so a h.o.f. shooter says...
Just my 0.02

some forms of shooting are becoming very closed doors to some of the newer shooters. clicks of people, special rules, systems, points, dues, etc. all have contributed to a lot of people not trying some of these "BIG" matches and getting involved. I am not pointing out any group just making a blank statement. I do believe there are a lot of shooters capable of winning or at least competing at these matches that stick to smaller local stuff for either reasons above or just because that's what time or the $$$ allows.
Just my 0.02

some forms of shooting are becoming very closed doors to some of the newer shooters. clicks of people, special rules, systems, points, dues, etc. all have contributed to a lot of people not trying some of these "BIG" matches and getting involved. I am not pointing out any group just making a blank statement. I do believe there are a lot of shooters capable of winning or at least competing at these matches that stick to smaller local stuff for either reasons above or just because that's what time or the $$$ allows.

I would agree with this with one addition that if at smaller matches the shooters winning the big matches were also there. Otherwise its just speculation. But then again shooters winning big matches do not generally bring there best stuff to small matches..
Just my 0.02

some forms of shooting are becoming very closed doors to some of the newer shooters. clicks of people, special rules, systems, points, dues, etc. all have contributed to a lot of people not trying some of these "BIG" matches and getting involved. I am not pointing out any group just making a blank statement. I do believe there are a lot of shooters capable of winning or at least competing at these matches that stick to smaller local stuff for either reasons above or just because that's what time or the $$$ allows.

Um, Yea Right.
I went to the Nationals last year and I am going this year. Last year IBS. This year NBRSA.
And yes I pay to be a member of both. I guess that's the special dues thingie. $50 to shoot with the best shooters in the country is pretty cheap.
100 y unlimited warm up match. I was 10th place with a bag gun. At the end of 5 matches I still beat some rail guns. Yea it was fun........And I never heard a contrary word or nothing. A little praise from a Gunsmith/famous shooter......
Benchrest, as we know it, 100/200, was started to be a development bed for improving rifle accuracy. Read the stated purpose of each.

Modern day benchrest has turned into a monkey-see-monkey-do. Sad but true.

I guess I don't understand why some shooters are called lemmings because they look at what is succeeding and see that they don't have to re-invent the wheel to get started. Is there some idea that you have to "pay your dues" by starting with crap and working the sows ear into a silk purse? I started out by buying a used Grizzly II actiioned rifle at The Whittington center and a couple of used Bat actiioned rifles over the next couple of years at the Whittington center as well. Does that make me a lemming? I have a large fount of ignorance concerning benchrest shooting that I'm trying to shrink. I've bought and read the books by Precision shooting, Tony Boyer and Mike Ratigan. I've downloaded Neary's videos as well. I realize that what you glean from books means nothing until you press the trigger. Trigger time is where the rubber meets the road. There's an old saying that "practice doesn't make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect". In order to have perfect practice you have to have a plan.If you don't you're just burning powder and wasting expensive bullets. That's where I'm stuck at the moment. I don't have a good enough plan that verifies how something went as planned or helped me identify why something went awry. Anyway, I'm working on it. Don't know that I'll ever win a match but I'm enjoying the journey. And that's my two cents worth.
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Just my 0.02

some forms of shooting are becoming very closed doors to some of the newer shooters. clicks of people, special rules, systems, points, dues, etc. all have contributed to a lot of people not trying some of these "BIG" matches and getting involved. I am not pointing out any group just making a blank statement. I do believe there are a lot of shooters capable of winning or at least competing at these matches that stick to smaller local stuff for either reasons above or just because that's what time or the $$$ allows.

I COULD`NT DIAGREE MORE.......FROM EXPERIENCE...... I shoot/compete/practice at 22 Rf...hunter benchrest ( 50 yds.),high power silhouette 200-500m,RF silhouette 40-100M,"F" class 600-1200 yds.,Big bore African simulated targets 25-100 yds.
Any match I have ever entered ( SS.. once 97.?...,2007 "F" class nats....2011 "F" class nats....)...from the get go.....couldn't have been treated better....questions answered honestly...advice...coaching..... even offers of gun and or ammo scope..... mirage reading ...etc..etc,....
The exposure to new equipment and meeting new people is invaluable...... what you can learn from a day/weekend/week at a match corresponds to years of trial and error on your own.....
bill larson
For you shooters in the US

you do get numbers at your matches. I know things are territorial but the numbers are definately greater than here in Canada. With those numbers comes rifles for sale, and most importatly the major component, MENTORSHIP.

What I do not understand is how can one set aside a great barrel or rifle to shoot a lesser at smaller shoots or even practice sessions. How do you know if that thrown shot is the rifle or you? you supposedly are shooting with a inferior barrel or rifle just to save that one for the BIG match.

I do know now that I wish the Kreiger I just screwed off of my rifle I was JUST screwing it on today. Not having the mentor it took me until about 1400 rounds before I realized what I good barrel it was. That barrel could shoot a LOT of 3's at 200. The 2 matches I won last year were won at 200. The first not as handily but the second a lot bigger margin. This was even shooting the NO NO left to right when the right to left was the predominant condition. Something I have luck with left to right just as my point of aim is naturally at 12:00 on the mothball.




If you you get a barrel that looks really good in evaluations put it away! Pull it out when a big match comes for another look but don't burn it up.

You have to realize you are shooting against people that buy barrels by the pallets. Yes they're fine shooters, maybe no better than many others, but they evaluate more barrels in a month than you may in five years. If you get a a good barrel don't use it in the Tri County Classic. You may not look good in the little matches, but if you want to see how you really stack up, pick your places to use your rare good stuff.
Back to the original observation

An interesting observation.
However, perhaps a more pertinent and telling question might be.... how many of those BAT's in the Top 20 were shot "au natural" as opposed to "doctored" by the many competent gunsmiths around the country?
Here's a little, true story.
Don Mulder bought a rifle from Alex Dutko some years back (all my stories are old stories) and Don was killing us at the local matches. At a match at Harrison, small and unregistered match, he asked me if I thought he should save that barrel for the big shoots. It took me no time at all to ask him which he enjoyed more, kicking our asses or finishing 20th at Super Shoot. He left the barrel on and dominated for a while at Harrison. But, big but, he had the time of his life doing it. Sooooo, it boils down to what you want out of Benchrest. Well, that's my take on that subject.
I should clarify, the closed nature I was speaking of wasn't too "NEWBIE shooters" I think across the board all shooters are usually very helpful in starting someone out. It changes when people show up that are experience but maybe at a different range or format.
I have a difficult time figuring out why Jim Kelbly is being criticized for being proud of the products he make and sells.

Look toward the top of the page. See that banner ad? That's paid advertising. That's why and that's the only reason.
Look toward the top of the page. See that banner ad? That's paid advertising. That's why and that's the only reason.

If that's the reason that Jim is being criticized for his post, then I don't understand that. As the Kelbly's are paid advertisers on and have been ever since it was created.
The end of the day Jim is entitled to his opinion! end of story! why does he express it? think about it if you bought 7K worth of stuff off of him and the next day you read where he said that his competitors stuff is just as good you would be mad!
If that's the reason that Jim is being criticized for his post, then I don't understand that. As the Kelbly's are paid advertisers on and have been ever since it was created.

X 2 I'm thinking that paying for an ad doesn't prohibit Jim from having an opinion
