TOP actions of the SS


Club Coordinator
Never realized there was a top 20 list until now.

Appears BAT Machine must be doing something right. Looks like they almost had a clean sweep.

It looks like some of the SMALL groups were shot with BAT actions............;);)

I own a few............:p:p

Never realized there was a top 20 list until now.

Appears BAT Machine must be doing something right. Looks like they almost had a clean sweep.

It looks like some of the SMALL groups were shot with BAT actions............;);)

I own a few............:p:p


I see what you're getting at with this post Calvin. Clever, very clever.....;):cool:
Benchrest, as we know it, 100/200, was started to be a development bed for improving rifle accuracy. Read the stated purpose of each.

Modern day benchrest has turned into a monkey-see-monkey-do. Sad but true.

Edit-the big shoots, Super Shoot and both nationals, have always had top-20 recognitions. Even top 20 patches are given out for these events.
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If they had a bottom 20 equipment list, I'd bet it would pretty well mirror the equipment used in the top 20. It's easy to try to buy your way into the top 20, however it doesn't work. You can be shooting identical equipment to the winner, but if you haven't put in the time to get there more than likely you won't.
Skill has a little bit to do with it..but..

It remains an equipment race. Not the brand of equipment but the specific equipment. Folks build a rifle exactly like the rifle that won the nationals and it may not be good for groundhog hunting. Folks build a rifle exactly like the rifle that won the nationals and win everything in sight. That's the way it is! That's the way it is! That's the way it is!

I've been preaching that for years and years and nobody seems to listen. Sure, there's other things that play a part and the guys that build the lousy rifle think that's what they are doing wrong. You can't learn to shoot with a rifle that won't shoot. You can't hold, you've got to wait on a particular condition, and I suppose etc... That there's not enough money in the world, or rifles, for everybody to have one is what makes benchrest shooting fun....but don't think it's anything else because it isn't.

It remains an equipment race. Not the brand of equipment but the specific equipment. Folks build a rifle exactly like the rifle that won the nationals and it may not be good for groundhog hunting. Folks build a rifle exactly like the rifle that won the nationals and win everything in sight. That's the way it is! That's the way it is! That's the way it is!

I've been preaching that for years and years and nobody seems to listen. Sure, there's other things that play a part and the guys that build the lousy rifle think that's what they are doing wrong. You can't learn to shoot with a rifle that won't shoot. You can't hold, you've got to wait on a particular condition, and I suppose etc... That there's not enough money in the world, or rifles, for everybody to have one is what makes benchrest shooting fun....but don't think it's anything else because it isn't.

I'm a believer now Wilbur. You saw all the gadgets I use to buy. Just wish I would have put that money into barrels. Oh well. I've seen it with my own eyes. Some of the best shooters around us will shoot lights out, when that barrel finally goes...... They are back to the middle of the pack with me. Barrels, barrels, barrels. Not saying practice doesnt help with form, reading flags, ect.... But if you have that "hummer" it sure can make you think you know what you are doing...... I'm told :)
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A while back a fellow gave me a take off barrel that still had some life left in it, I tried it on my rifle, and have to say that it is the best barrel that I have ever shot. It makes me look like a better shooter. I can see why top shooters have been buying good barrels in quantity, and testing each one. I have also asked someone who has quite a few of the same action if they vary in accuracy, and he told me that they do. For years I have let fellows who looked like they might learn something useful try my rifle, after I had finished tuning and shooting for the day, just so that they could see how good they really are, and how important equipment is, not that mine is necessarily top for benchrest, but it stands head and shoulders above what is typically found at the range in the hands of the general shooting population. Most every time, with a little coaching and dry fire practice, they have shot the smallest group of their lives, at which point I have pointed out that they had probably underestimated their potential for years. If they had the budget, this has cost some of them quite a bit of change, and changed their shooting lives forever. In short, I believe you.
I'm a believer now Wilbur. You saw all the gadgets I use to buy. Just wish I would have put that money into barrels. Oh well. I've seen it with my own eyes. Some of the best shooters around us will shoot lights out, when that barrel finally goes...... They are back to the middle of the pack with me. Barrels, barrels, barrels. Not saying practice doesnt help with form, reading flags, ect.... But if you have that "hummer" it sure can make you think you know what you are doing...... I'm told :)

A lot of truth here.
I know

We here barrels, bullets, powder all the time. More so barrels than the other 2.

I am curious as to whether they are:

2 Lug
Short bolt or Long bolt
3 Lug

I have just shot SB's. Basically just a SV with the extra 1" of bedding area. One is Hot Rodded the other is not. I know the Hot Rodded is capable. Not as slick as the other but it has my confidence.

Lots of wondering about the different actions today.
it remains an equipment race. Not the brand of equipment but the specific equipment. Folks build a rifle exactly like the rifle that won the nationals and it may not be good for groundhog hunting. Folks build a rifle exactly like the rifle that won the nationals and win everything in sight. That's the way it is! That's the way it is! That's the way it is!

I've been preaching that for years and years and nobody seems to listen. Sure, there's other things that play a part and the guys that build the lousy rifle think that's what they are doing wrong. You can't learn to shoot with a rifle that won't shoot. You can't hold, you've got to wait on a particular condition, and i suppose etc... That there's not enough money in the world, or rifles, for everybody to have one is what makes benchrest shooting fun....but don't think it's anything else because it isn't.

bingo !!!!!
So if you are looking at small groups in BR shooting you should be using a Stolle Panda as a Stolle Panda shot the .007 world record group last year. Tunnels have proven that a Stolle aluminum action shoots smaller than a stainless action, or so a famous owner of a tunnel told me. Maybe you guys that are using Stainless ought to try a aluminum action. More people have shot their way into the Hall of Fame with a Stolle aluminum action including the Boyers than any other action maker has. Oh and we are just two lug and when you buy one you do not have to pay a gunsmith several hundered dollars to get firing pin to work correctly!

The game of benchrest is a game that the people involved in the long run will have to try all equipment out there. It is just that simple. I have never been bothered by a customer going out and trying the competitor. That is the game and I understand that. So please do not feel you are digging into me when bringing up a competitors product. As I always said we need competition to prove how good Kelbly products are!

When it comes to Kelbly's and Kelbly products , yes I am very arrogant. I believe in our company and our products what is wrong with that. I bring up some of the subjects I do to get a debate going on some of the products we sell. Without debate of subjects and items, many people will not learn of other products that are out there. Did you not read in my post where I said that I realize in BR shooting that the people will try all products out there and I understand and accept this. How is that BS or arrogant, I understand this game, I have only been involved in BR shooting for 52 of the 52 years I have been on this earth.

I really thought that debate is what these forums are for. One of the reason I brought up the scope at Super Shoot was to get insight to why more shooters are not using March, when March has proven it is a superior scope to other brands being used in short range BR shooting. This arrogance comes from the shooters that own March and have told me of the quality that March is. And this is from Hall of Fame shooters yet to boot, so their opinion is taken very seriously.

As far as the comment of the Stolle actions, someone else started the thread and I just commented that if we are going off small groups, there has not been one smaller than the .007 group shot last year, with a Panda, ever in competition. Again stating a fact is not arrogance is it?

I must say that it goes further than 200 yds. I used my 1000 yd. light gun with a March 10-60 against the heavy guns at Harry Jones last year and it came out on top for the agg. Do i think it's a better product…….. it's all i use now……….. James O'Hara
Mr. Kelbly

asks why more shooters are not using March scopes. First, you can get a Leupold Competition for about a grand. The March costs more than double that. However, that's incidental. Unless you're already shooting double zeros the marginal improvement due to the scope will be negligible. But if you're in the ratified atmosphere of the HOF shooters and those close to it, then the difference can be significant. When I was shooting bullseye pistol, we used to say that tweaking your gear isn't going to turn eights into tens. But if you're holding the ten ring then tweaking will turn tens into Xs.
Assuming that correlation proves causation is an example of the "questionable cause" fallacy. The equipment lists, at best, are a hint of something to investigate.

...and one of my best rifles is built on a Kelbly/Stolle action...a stainless one...:cool:
This has the same problem as many of your post's.... arrogance and being short sighted on who buys your B.S. and your product.

OK, lemmesee, where did I ever see UncleB on a match report,, let alone a top 20 equipment list??

People, to have any credibility at all with serious benchresters, use your real name or some reference to who you are, You don't have to possess 150 HOF points, or even a single HOF point, but at least go to benchrest shoots and participate!!!!