To everyone that posted on Stephen's bullet making thread

Boyd Allen

Active member
I don't know if it will come back, but if it does not, would you click on your name on another post and search for what you contributed. If it is not too much trouble, copy and past them into an email, and send them to me. boyd(remove everything between my names) If the numbers are on them, it will help in putting them into logical order. After a while, if I get a good number of them, I will assemble them into a document and make it available on this site, or to anyone that emails and asks for a copy. There was some very good information on the thread. I complimented Stephen for starting it, and his contribution to keeping it going. Lately he has put a lot of effort into discussions of Benchrest history and the like. I think that this is a good thing, because it is mostly an oral history, and will be lost when those that lived it are no longer around to tell it.
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Thanks to John Kielly I have the first 69 posts. I don't remember how many the thread had in total. If anyone else has some please send them. I have put the ones that john sent in a word document. I will put it on a free hosting site and post a link.
I copied the first 25 pages of the thread and was waiting for page 26 to get filled so I could copy that one also. I know that on page 26 the posts were in the 370 range. I am covered up this week trying to be the Match Director for our 1st registered VFS Shoot this coming Sunday in San Angelo, Texas. I will be glad to get you what I have when I have some spare moments, which is probably "french " for after this Sunday(I will try to do better than that, time permitting).

Dan Batko

"Where are we going and why am I in this basket?"
I don't know about anybody else but I think that the bullet making posts had too much info to just let it slip into the ozone, or is that just me?
Dan Batko

"Where are we going and why am I in this basket?"
You "seem" to be PC savvy. You may try to restore your PC to a earlier date. Start, All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, and then System Restore, ( to an earlier date only, your choice of the date), just follow the directions. I am able to do this w/Windows XP!............. Jan

The thread was removed by the Admin of BR Central, restoring your computer won't restore the thread..... If you check Stephen Perry's Member info you will see that all of his threads were removed, I assume his account was revoked due to something he said or did.....
I assume his account was revoked due to something he said or did.....
His posts might be gone, but he's still around. He has logged on several times since we noticed the bullet thread had gone. Looks very much like he's in purdah again.
It's a real shame the whole post had to go because of who started it!
Wow, hopefully it can be recoverd somehow. There was a lot of great info in there

Wolf G or anyone else that may have copied/printed out the thread, I sure would like a copy if you get a chance, scanned, e-mailed or whatever.

Of course if it gets restored that will work ;) (Then Ill make my own copy)
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Deleted post

The thread was removed by the Admin of BR Central, restoring your computer won't restore the thread..... If you check Stephen Perry's Member info you will see that all of his threads were removed, I assume his account was revoked due to something he said or did.....

.....someone SHOULD know who DELETED the post. Sure seems to be a popular subject. It appears that one of our fine Moderators did the deed, right or wrong, deserved or not!
.....someone SHOULD know who DELETED the post.
Not the post - every post by Stephen Perry, every thread started by Stephen Perry, if you can believe the search for posts & search for threads function against his profile. Meanwhile, the summary shows that he made 600 something posts since his return from exile.
.....someone SHOULD know who DELETED the post. Sure seems to be a popular subject. It appears that one of our fine Moderators did the deed, right or wrong, deserved or not!

Stephen deleted the thread. I'm trying to restore it. Seems that the software doesn't allow such but I'm fairly persistent.
You are a LIAR Wilbur.
I did not delete the bullet making Thread. I would never erase anything as historical as a bullet making Thread. Why did I start the Thread if I was going to erase it later. The Thread was to inform and encourage new bullet makers which I think the Thread did and was continuing to do until last Sunday.

If I deleted the Thread why do I have the entire Thread still on my computer site. Wake up Wilbur smell the train going by. I want no part of BRC from now on. To me BRC is slanted towards the IBS and your Eastern friends. Check with one of your Moderators as who deleted the bullet making Thread it had to come from one of them.

Wilbur you are bad Web Site manager for allowing your hatchet men get away some of the rude comments they made to me, especially about meds. Wilbur how are you doing on your heart meds.

Deleting all Threads and Posts by the BRC website is standard procedure when a Poster is banished. When my name goes everything goes with it. Not my doing Wilbur's doing, take it up with him.

Stephen Perry
Angeles BR
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If anyone can do it it's you Wilbur. Thank you.
I posted a note to the people concerned on the first inquiry.
If some one would like i'll start a new thread. I also promise not to delete it .
Gerry sounds good to me.
What was the last Post that Stephen wanted to discuss????
I was at the Super Shoot. And missed it.