Tim Bassham Wins at WWCCA 200 yrd Score Match

Lee Hachigian

Active member
Tim Bassham won the 200 yard NBRSA registered Score Match at WWCCA this morning. There were 18 competitors, only three stayed clean (all 6 ppc). The conditions were tricky, temps around 35 degrees.

Great Shooting Tim!

Tim Bassham, 250-8x
Ron Robovitsky, 250-7x
Walt Clinansmith, 250-5x
Kevin Clinansmith, 249-7x
Rich Quigley, 249-7x

Picture of the Winner - Tim Bassham

Joe Krupa with his 30BR

Ron Robovitsky finished 2nd


A little cool and snowy

Nice Shooting Tim!

Good shooting Tim, congratulations. Lee, wish I could have been there, I miss shooting with you guy's every month in the winter. It was 63 degrees here today, I had shorts on and was washing windows, but I still would have liked to have been there shooting. Eighteen shooters, that is a real nice croud, what where you guy's giving away?:D

Dan Honert

p.s. As I remember bench #18 is refered to as being in the honey hole at WWCCA, how much ribbing did Tim take?
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Thanks Scott and Dan.
My first win.
Missed ya Dan. Even Bill Gammon showed up.
That picture was from last month (I choked. 1/16" from second to forth. Rich Quigley won).
I was on 4.
I think 3 or 4 is the honey hole......:)
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Thanks Jackie.
Um, I don't think everyone was having fun.
A lot of good shooters dropped a point or 2. And were very upset. No rhyme or reason....
I think, some forgot about snow mirage. :eek:
It's a little different. No condition. The point of aim moves around. Keep looking at it will drive you nuts. Today was not bad. Friday was really bad.
And today. I think people were lolled into a false sense of security.
"Flags not moving too, much".........
I might have been the last to know I had won.
My first. Nice.
Since NBRSA Registered the Score Shooting, the participation at WWCCA's score matches have nearly doubled. Not sure if there is a relationship...

It might be just the cold winter and the down economy motivating people to come out for a little fun and competition!

Tim is wrong... the conditions were tricky!! He just shot better than the rest of us.

One more thing.... I shot XBR 8202 at 30.9 grs. From what I could tell, it wasn't hot enough for the conditions (35-40 degrees). If I didn't pre-load, I would have taken it a tad hotter each match.

Lee :D

Disclaimer: The loads specified above shouldn't be duplicated, and are only disclosed as a reference.
Jack, Ted, and Lee. Thanks.
Everyone has been really great. And all the help is appreciated. Thank you.
Sometimes I shut up and listen to you guys.

Ted. Yes a Farley. Greg Reed let me borrow his. While he was shooting his Rail Gun.
Wow. What a difference. So I had to get one.
See everyone in April.
Jack are you going to be Jeff's chauffeur, this year ?
Honey hole?

Tim, I don't think you need a honey hole bench the way that you're shooting. There weren't many x's out there today, the conditions being what they were, but you're steering your rifle very well. Congratulations. Keep it up!! Rich Quigley
Rich and Chuck. Thanks.
Chuck??? I don't think, I have heard that one.
See you guys the 21st. I have that weekend off. :)
Hopefully it's warmer. 50 would be nice.....:eek: