Thoughts on H&R Model 12

Here's a little tidbit for you Dave. Now Harry was an absolute marvel behind a doubt. Having a couple great guns well ahead of the pack as well as unique opportunity to get the cream of ammo probably never hurt. That said Harry had zero input into gun building, top to bottom, he knew what end the slug came out........that's about it.
I know Harry fairly well.

Tim, I agree that Harry was totally on top of the "ammo game". You could mention any LOT of ammo & Harry had tested it.
Tim, I agree that Harry was totally on top of the "ammo game". You could mention any LOT of ammo & Harry had tested it.

Well after Harry had parted ways wth the WLM, he used to come to Haggerstown almost every day to simply set up a spotting scope and watch testing sessions largely with Chester shooting something or other and often Chet would have Harry shoot a card for his thoughts. Anyway, one day somebody showed up for shooting and had a few boxes of Midas that Harry recognized and, on the spot, offered and paid him a huge premium over sticker price to bring back a case or so that he still had home.
One of the all time great lots and when he got it, he gave Chet a box to try............Holy S..t, I believe was the response.
I suspect, you may have heard about that one.
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Well after Harry had parted ways wth the WLM, he used to come to Haggerstown almost every day to simply set up a spotting scope and watch testing sessions largely with Chester shooting something or other and often Chet would have Harry shoot a card for his thoughts. Anyway, one day somebody showed up for shooting and had a few boxes of Midas that Harry recognized and, on the spot, offered and paid him a huge premium over sticker price to bring back a case or so that he still had home.
One of the all time great lots and when he got it, he gave Chet a box to try............Holy S..t, I believe was the response.
I suspect, you may have heard about that one.

Tim, I had not heard about that, however I know a lot of testing was done at Haggerstown, & they had a sweet little indoor range there. I did shoot at the IR50-50 Nationals there, over the gully. Harry did explain, quietly & privately, about the "parting of the ways", with the GREAT ONE. That was during a conversation in the clubhouse @ Durham, NC. Harry was there with his Wife & Granddaughter. I know that hurt Harry a lot !!!!!
If one thinks about this just a little

there are STILL matches being won by Anschutz, Suhl's and 40Xes with some frequency. Why? Because they are capable of holding great triggers. A bolt action is a pretty simple machine. It doesn't take much reasoning to see that. Sure, custom actions are nice but they aren't a whole lot different than any other bolt action.

That got me thinking. Wonder how many HOF points Gary Mitchell won with a factory stock Suhl 150, which sold for $150.00 whem Davidson's first imported them?
I have shot with Gary and Ole Blue was a Suhl 150, but it was not "stock factory". If memory serves, Gary got that rifle from Jim Williams after Tim McWhorter had restocked and tested it. I don't remember all of the details, but I know that it would indeed shoot. Good shooting...James Mock
I have shot with Gary and Ole Blue was a Suhl 150, but it was not "stock factory". If memory serves, Gary got that rifle from Jim Williams after Tim McWhorter had restocked and tested it. I don't remember all of the details, but I know that it would indeed shoot. Good shooting...James Mock

I could be wrong, but I thought he got that rifle from K.C. Young. k.C. had shot several 250's with the rifle (back when 250's were scarce. When he ran out of that lot of ammo his shooting fell off & he sold it to Gary. I could easily be wrong, heck that's a long time ago, late 90's I'd guess. My memory can't be the best, heck, my first wife said "I couldn't remember how to get home" !! :)
Gary had a stable full of Suhls, and I've seen him shoot and win with other ones also with a factory barrel.
I could be wrong, but I thought he got that rifle from K.C. Young. k.C. had shot several 250's with the rifle (back when 250's were scarce. When he ran out of that lot of ammo his shooting fell off & he sold it to Gary. I could easily be wrong, heck that's a long time ago, late 90's I'd guess. My memory can't be the best, heck, my first wife said "I couldn't remember how to get home" !! :)


Your version is exactly how both K.C. and Gary had told me it all happened.

I used to arrive at the Nationals when they were in Richmond late on Wednesday so I could use Thursday as my practice day, then help K.C. out by calling the lines during the Friday practice sessions as he was always too busy between his shop and chit-chatting with the rest of the shooters as they were arriving. On my first trip down in 1998 Gary was arriving at the same time. That's when both he and K.C. told me that story.

As for your first wife: Did she ever give you a reason making it so you wanted to remember how to get home?

Still haven't pullet the trigger on this and have been considering an "Offer". So to get back on topic,

How many think I should buy it and how many think I should pass? Probably will not have my custom build for 6-8 months.

Thanks, Bob

Your version is exactly how both K.C. and Gary had told me it all happened.

I used to arrive at the Nationals when they were in Richmond late on Wednesday so I could use Thursday as my practice day, then help K.C. out by calling the lines during the Friday practice sessions as he was always too busy between his shop and chit-chatting with the rest of the shooters as they were arriving. On my first trip down in 1998 Gary was arriving at the same time. That's when both he and K.C. told me that story.

As for your first wife: Did she ever give you a reason making it so you wanted to remember how to get home?


Dave, hard to remember :)
there are STILL matches being won by Anschutz, Suhl's and 40Xes with some frequency. Why? Because they are capable of holding great triggers. A bolt action is a pretty simple machine. It doesn't take much reasoning to see that. Sure, custom actions are nice but they aren't a whole lot different than any other bolt action.

So let me see if I have this. A few days ago it was all about barrels? Now we have barrels and triggers( which last I heard are fastened to actions).
I'm guessing in a week you might yet have a grasp on this.
Still haven't pullet the trigger on this and have been considering an "Offer". So to get back on topic,

How many think I should buy it and how many think I should pass? Probably will not have my custom build for 6-8 months.

Thanks, Bob

Bob, I'm still of the opinion that you should buy it given what you're intentions & expectations are for it. You may be pleasantly surprised.
I feel like it would be a great fun match, club gun. It gets you in the game. Also feel like you'd be able to sell it & get back most if not all of your investment.
Not sure if its possible but is there a chance to shoot & inspect the rifle beforehand? That would make your mind up for you.

Thanks Keith,

I am not sure that the owner would send it for inspection AND shooting. I am going to make him an offer and if I can get it for a little less, I will buy it and use it until my new build is done.

I want to play at my home club and learn some more about set up of a .22 RF for 200 Yards.

Just my opinion, if your aspirations are just locally mainly club shoots you should be fine. If you want to compete at the state or national level you would be better off with a new or used custom.
Well, I guess

All you folks with Suhls, 40 xes, Coopers and Anschutz rifles should simply give up shooting. you can't possibly enjoy shooting with anything else but a Custom. It's a shame.

All you folks with Suhls, 40 xes, Coopers and Anschutz rifles should simply give up shooting. you can't possibly enjoy shooting with anything else but a Custom. It's a shame.


Let's try and stay on point here Petey, the conversation was initially about H&R actions before you're usual obfuscation.
And I did point out that I have already ordered a Stiller 2500X action and the barrel, trigger and tuner that Gordon Eck asked me to get so he can build the barreled action for me. He said that he is not doing stock work anymore, but I have a stock guy that has built me three custom bench rest rifles and he will do the finish. With having to order parts and have two people do the work in succession, the build is going to take a while, so I am looking for a modestly priced club gun and this seemed like something that could work, but I asked as I have no experience in Rim Fire Benchrest.
