This Larry Costa thing


cook and bottle washer
Been brewing for some time...and it ain't going away. Larry is very deliberate, determined and almost as smart as I am. You can count on him being right there for a long, long time.
Well..he was

"up and coming" - but not anymore. Pretty good guy too if you look over some stuff.
If ya wanna win, ya gotta want it, and work for it, and Larry is certainly doin' plenty of both, and he is definitely reaping the benefits. Great job Larry, keep up the good shootin'.

Matthew S Keller
Now Wilbur we both know that there ain't anyone as smart as you. What most folks don't know is that you ran a considerable amount of our nuclear reactors...Wow, talk about scary !! Burn Coal !!

Thanks my friend.

Now Wilbur we both know that there ain't anyone as smart as you. What most folks don't know is that you ran a considerable amount of our nuclear reactors...Wow, talk about scary !! Burn Coal !!
Larry...sure you weren't burning some of Wilbur's fuel in your gun last week? Or maybe Hottenstein has developed the fabled "group seeking bullet"!

Great shooting friend.

Great Guy

I'm not sure if a non shooter has posting privilages on the centerfire page, but seriously, having gotten to know Larry at the Shamrock, I have developed a great deal of respect for him. I, as a former match director, know what he goes through at Manatee. Congrats, for a great shooter and a great all round guy, Rusty in Dublin
Now Wilbur we both know that there ain't anyone as smart as you. What most folks don't know is that you ran a considerable amount of our nuclear reactors...Wow, talk about scary !! Burn Coal !!

Thanks my friend.


It is a somewhat scary thought but nothin' to it! You just fill it up with water and let 'er rip. Worst thing you can do is try to "operate" it ........and I can prove that.
Look A Likes

Wilbur does sort of have that "Jack Lemmon" look. I can just see him tapping on that water level meter, then saying "Oh Shi-t".
I wonder if all of those people in China sleep better knowing Wilbur has retired.........jackie