This is STILL...


Mike Ezell
the place for REAL discussion related to accuracy. The other place is apparently driven by subscriptions and donations. I hope this site can grow, at least to where it once was. This place was always truth driven, even if it didn't please everyone. I love that. I'll try to move some threads over here, for better or worse, that drive conversation asap. Noone is looking for arguments but discussion is GOOD!
I hope this site can grow, at least to where it once was....I'll try to move some threads over here, for better or worse, that drive conversation asap. Noone is looking for arguments but discussion is GOOD!
Mike, I share your hope about the site growing, but I'm not optimistic about it getting back "to where it once was."

I've reached out to a few guys who haven't posted here in a long time, letting them know that I'd enjoy seeing them post again. One previously-posted comment that prompted me to reach out was: "This forum is better than most, but the amount of BS is still too high for me to live with." One response was: "Too many trolls and too much hostility to wade through to get to the good stuff."

I enjoy reading many of the posts here, and hope to see a revival in the forum. I applaud your interest in trying to help with a revival. :)
Mike, I share your hope about the site growing, but I'm not optimistic about it getting back "to where it once was."

I've reached out to a few guys who haven't posted here in a long time, letting them know that I'd enjoy seeing them post again. One previously-posted comment that prompted me to reach out was: "This forum is better than most, but the amount of BS is still too high for me to live with." One response was: "Too many trolls and too much hostility to wade through to get to the good stuff."

I enjoy reading many of the posts here, and hope to see a revival in the forum. I applaud your interest in trying to help with a revival. :)
That's what's going on over there. A lot to be said for a small group of dedicated shooters that are deeply knowledgeable. Big sites have a lot of simplistic and incorrect info to basic questions that get repeated, dumbing down the whole place. This was the place where that didn't fly.
I've reached out to a few guys who haven't posted here in a long time, letting them know that I'd enjoy seeing them post again.
That prompted me to reach out again to the one guy who did not respond to my previous contact. I plan to reach out to several other guys who have not posted here in a while. It would be GREAT to see some of the previous posters here again. :)
That prompted me to reach out again to the one guy who did not respond to my previous contact. I plan to reach out to several other guys who have not posted here in a while. It would be GREAT to see some of the previous posters here again. :)
Was this site the one of many on Facebook. "No gun Sales" or "Benchrest only" ???
Not much info there. Just a lot of pictures. I am sure to get banned again.
I was banned before being a member....???