The Worlds 20 ft lbs.

Congrats USA

Just Spoke with Tim, USA finished 1st, and, 3rd, and Gold and Bronze Team in 20ft lb. class today. Todd Banks 1st, Tim McMurray 3rd. Well done and Awesome shooting gentlemen.

I couldn't hear Tim that good and sure hope this is correct, I believe Tim stated Todd took the overall Big trophy.

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Congrats to all the US shooters! Great shooting Todd, Dan, and Tim! Hope you all have had a great time there and can't wait to hear from a few off you personally at the next Holbrook shoot!!
Congratulations all, especially Todd Banks winning the HV World Championship and the overall AGG trophy. He did it with borrowed rifles. He even offered to loan me his front rest on different relays.
Will Piatt
Dan Brown's World Record 250 in LV is the only 250!
Great shooting everyone!
Congratulations to all USA winners and grinners.

A special congratulations to Todd, WAY TO GO! :)

Al & Penny